biometricITC / Fingerprint-Toolbox

Fingerprint PAD Toolbox
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CSM 4: example for fingerprint deformation #59

Closed woodbe closed 3 years ago

woodbe commented 3 years ago

CSM 4: capturing curved fingerprint data means acquiring friction ridge data while the finger is not in contact with another object that causes the skin to deform - Better to explain this statement using a provided example.

Proposal: Could you give example of another object that causes the skin to deform

woodbe commented 3 years ago

@gregott I'm not exactly sure of another good example, hence the assigning to you.

gregott commented 3 years ago

This is in contrast to the previous section on Flat Attacks. The platen of a fingerprint scanner causes the finger to flatten. This is what I had in mind when writing this statement.

woodbe commented 3 years ago

How about this:

...capturing curved fingerprint data means acquiring friction ridge data while the finger is not in contact with another object that causes the skin to deform (as it would on a fingerprint scanner).

just adding that phrase should provide the example. I do get what you are saying.

gregott commented 3 years ago

Sounds good to me.