biometricITC / cPP-CMFA

Repository for work on the CMFA PP-Module and Supporting Documents
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Greg Ott Q4 #25

Closed woodbe closed 1 year ago

woodbe commented 1 year ago

Do we want to allow automatic and / or continuous template updating? I prefer not to have continuous updating. It would be better to allow a period of time, specified by the admin or user, during which updating can occur. Updates should only happen when the user or admin know they are happening and require an overt action to be allowed.

woodbe commented 1 year ago

I filled out this section with a more "it is time to update something" text, but honestly this is probably an implementation detail. Think about it like dynamic biometric templates where each successful authentication attempt is fed into the template to try and better tie the template to the user. I could see a vendor creating a dynamic system, but I don't know how that would work at this point. Since this is just an overview draft I don't know that we need to be too concerned about that at this point.