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Step towards successful casting #19

Closed JordanCheney closed 10 years ago

JordanCheney commented 10 years ago

The zext, sext, fpext, trunc, and fptrunc functions all appear to be working in Dream. The fp, i, and u functions still are buggy. Still it is a step in the right direction :)

Also, this pull request should cover all code from the other two outstanding pull requests on casting so they can be closed (I don't know how to close them)

jklontz commented 10 years ago

Is this ready for merge?

JordanCheney commented 10 years ago

I just found a bug with the code where the hash of the source matrix changes to reflect the hash of the output matrix so the code

lenna = read("...")

int_lenna = i(lenna)

changes both int_lenna and lenna to the int type. I am assuming this behavior is undesirable and am working on fixing but merging the code should probably be delayed.

jklontz commented 10 years ago

Don't need this any more :)