biometrics / openbr

Open Source Biometrics, Face Recognition
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QT setProperty ERROR when comparing faces #517

Open MiguelMotaG opened 7 years ago

MiguelMotaG commented 7 years ago

I just completedthe compilation of openbr and tried to compare to faces, and I'm getting the next sissue: Is this a QT version problem?

C:\openbr\build-msvc2013\app\br>br -algorithm FaceRecognition -compare me.jpg mw2.jpg Set algorithm to FaceRecognition Loading C:/openbr/share/openbr/models/algorithms/FaceRecognition Fatal: Failed to set br::Transform* br::IndependentTransform::transform to: SDK Path: C:/openbr File: C:\openbr\openbr\openbr_plugin.cpp Function: void __cdecl br::Object::setProperty(const class QString &,class QVariant) Line: 1103