biometrics / openbr

Open Source Biometrics, Face Recognition
2.85k stars 773 forks source link

Problem in the tests ? #561

Open hzaniatost opened 5 years ago

hzaniatost commented 5 years ago

Dear all,

I've been following your great installation tutorial at

I'm using Debian 9.6 Linux, that I downloaded yesterday from the official repo. It uses g++ v6.3.0

For most of the time, things went smooth, except for a tiny little problem with contributed code in OpenCV 2.4.11, that was easy to fix.

OpenBR compiled fine, except for some wanings. Then I proceeded to the tests outlined in item 8. of the tutorial mentioned before. Then, two big surprises:

Is that correct, or maybe there is a step that was not followed correctly ?

All the best, Hilton

mirkobrankovic commented 4 years ago

I have encountered same problem :/

Running tests...
Test project /home/infobip/git/openbr/build
    Start 1: br_initialize
1/7 Test #1: br_initialize ......................   Passed    6.05 sec
    Start 2: age_estimation_test
2/7 Test #2: age_estimation_test ................***Exception: Child aborted  1.05 sec
    Start 3: face_recognition_test
3/7 Test #3: face_recognition_test ..............***Exception: Child aborted  0.29 sec
    Start 4: face_recognition_evaluation_test
4/7 Test #4: face_recognition_evaluation_test ...***Exception: Child aborted  0.29 sec
    Start 5: face_recognition_search_test
5/7 Test #5: face_recognition_search_test .......***Exception: Child aborted  0.29 sec
    Start 6: face_recognition_train_test
6/7 Test #6: face_recognition_train_test ........***Exception: Child aborted  0.11 sec
    Start 7: gender_estimation_test
7/7 Test #7: gender_estimation_test .............***Exception: Child aborted  0.11 sec