biometry / bipartite

repository for the bipartite R-package for network analysis
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Error in install #20

Closed DrMattG closed 12 months ago

DrMattG commented 12 months ago

I get this error when I try and install via devtools::install_github("biometry/bipartite/bipartite").

I have tried devtools::install_github("biometry/bipartite/bipartite", build_vignettes = FALSE) as well but get the same error:

── R CMD build ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ✔ checking for file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpwZ1RRm\remotes1f5c4371896\biometry-bipartite-dfebfd3\bipartite/DESCRIPTION' (612ms) ─ preparing 'bipartite': (2.8s) ✔ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... ─ cleaning src E checking vignette meta-information (341ms) Output(s) listed in 'build/vignette.rds' but not in package: 'inst/doc/Intro2bipartite.pdf' Run R CMD build without --no-build-vignettes to re-create Error: Failed to install 'bipartite' from GitHub: ! System command 'Rcmd.exe' failed

cdormann commented 12 months ago

fixed, should work now (the build-folder in the tar.gz was a left-over from a previous way of including the vignette; I forgot to remove it and have it re-generated during building); github-install now works on my computer, which previously reproduced the error.