biometry / bipartite

repository for the bipartite R-package for network analysis
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Error with H2_integer = F option of H2fun() #7

Closed mxdub closed 4 years ago

mxdub commented 4 years ago


When using the H2_integer = F option of H2fun() function, the function return an error indicating H2_max is not defined (at line 102). If I understand well, I would suppose copying line 49 just after the line 32. It should make the job by defining H2_max.

Alternatively, the condition on line 102 may be kept only for cases where H2_integer = T since when it's not the case H2_max.improved = H2_max (assuming this later is defined...) H2_max <- ifelse(H2_integer && H2_max >= H2_max.improved, H2_max, H2_max.improved)

Best whishes,


mxdub commented 4 years ago

Ok, I actually succeeded to create a pull request (using the second solution).

cdormann commented 4 years ago

I hope I merged your pull-request with the main branch. Many thanks!

mxdub commented 4 years ago

Actually, it looks you don't ^^