biomystery / snATAC_pipeline_scanpy_based

A single-cell ATAC pipeline based on scanpy and clustering on most variable genomic bins. Originated from Josh@Kyle's lab.
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add TSS score calculation in preprocess #4

Open biomystery opened 5 years ago

biomystery commented 5 years ago

Briefly, Tn5 corrected insertions were aggregated +/- 2,000 bp relative (TSS strand-corrected) to 
each unique TSS genome wide. Then this profile was normalized to the mean accessibility +/- 1,900-
2,000 bp from the TSS and smoothed every 51bp in R. The calculated TSS enrichment represents the
max of the smoothed profile at the TSS. We then filtered all single cells that had at least 1,000 unique
 fragments and a TSS enrichment of 8 for all data sets.

Satpath et al. bioRxiv 2019

biomystery commented 5 years ago

def make_tss_plot(bam_file, tss, prefix, chromsizes, read_len, bins=400, bp_edge=2000,
                  processes=8, greenleaf_norm=True):
    Take bootstraps, generate tss plots, and get a mean and
    standard deviation on the plot. Produces 2 plots. One is the
    aggregation plot alone, while the other also shows the signal
    at each TSS ordered by strength.
    ''''Generating tss plot...')
    tss_plot_file = '{0}_tss-enrich.png'.format(prefix)
    tss_plot_data_file = '{0}_tss-enrich.txt'.format(prefix)
    tss_plot_large_file = '{0}_large_tss-enrich.png'.format(prefix)

    # Load the TSS file
    tss = pybedtools.BedTool(tss)
    tss_ext = tss.slop(b=bp_edge, g=chromsizes)

    # Load the bam file
    # Need to shift reads and just get ends, just load bed file?
    bam = metaseq.genomic_signal(bam_file, 'bam')
    bam_array = bam.array(tss_ext, bins=bins, shift_width=-read_len/2,  # Shift to center the read on the cut site
                          processes=processes, stranded=True)

    # Actually first build an "ends" file
    # get_ends = '''zcat {0} | awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN {{OFS="\t"}} {{if ($6 == "-") {{$2=$3-1; print}} else {{$3=$2+1; print}} }}' | gzip -c > {1}_ends.bed.gz'''.format(bed_file, prefix)
    # print(get_ends)
    # os.system(get_ends)

    # bed_reads = metaseq.genomic_signal('{0}_ends.bed.gz'.format(prefix), 'bed')
    # bam_array = bed_reads.array(tss_ext, bins=bins,
    #                      processes=processes, stranded=True)

    # Normalization (Greenleaf style): Find the avg height
    # at the end bins and take fold change over that
    if greenleaf_norm:
        # Use enough bins to cover 100 bp on either end
        num_edge_bins = int(100/(2*bp_edge/bins))
        bin_means = bam_array.mean(axis=0)
        avg_noise = (sum(bin_means[:num_edge_bins]) +
        bam_array /= avg_noise
        bam_array /= bam.mapped_read_count() / 1e6

    # Generate a line plot
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    x = np.linspace(-bp_edge, bp_edge, bins)

    ax.plot(x, bam_array.mean(axis=0), color='r', label='Mean')
    ax.axvline(0, linestyle=':', color='k')

    # Note the middle high point (TSS)
    tss_point_val = max(bam_array.mean(axis=0))

    ax.set_xlabel('Distance from TSS (bp)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Average read coverage (per million mapped reads)')


    # Print a more complicated plot with lots of info

    # write the plot data; numpy object
    np.savetxt(tss_plot_data_file, bam_array.mean(axis=0), delimiter=",")

    # Find a safe upper percentile - we can't use X if the Xth percentile is 0
    upper_prct = 99
    if mlab.prctile(bam_array.ravel(), upper_prct) == 0.0:
        upper_prct = 100.0

    plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 8
    fig = metaseq.plotutils.imshow(bam_array,
                                   figsize=(5, 10),
                                   vmin=5, vmax=upper_prct, percentile=True,
                                   line_kwargs=dict(color='k', label='All'),
                                   fill_kwargs=dict(color='k', alpha=0.3),

    # And save the file

    return tss_plot_file, tss_plot_large_file, tss_point_val