bionode / bionode-watermill

💧Bionode-Watermill: A (Not Yet Streaming) Workflow Engine
MIT License
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Basic CLI #31

Open thejmazz opened 8 years ago

thejmazz commented 8 years ago
tiagofilipe12 commented 7 years ago

We should add:

Moreover, maybe this CLI should be transversal to other bionode modules, i.e, use the same npm package.

Another thing to take into account when implementing this option, is that examples/pipelines will become broken. And something like the following should be used in those pipelines scripts:

const watermill = require('bionode-watermill')

const { task } = watermill({ ...options })
thejmazz commented 7 years ago

Also in that case, doing

const watermill = require('bionode-watermill')

const { task } = watermill({ /* options */ })
const { join } = watermill({ /* options */ })

would be weird because the task and join would be connected to different stores