bioperl / bioperl-live-redmine

Legacy tickets migrated from the OBF Redmine issue tracker:
0 stars 0 forks source link, inconsistent strands for Trans-spliced gene. #88

Open cjfields opened 8 years ago

cjfields commented 8 years ago

Author Name: liyankai empty (liyankai empty) Original Redmine Issue: 3144, Original Date: 2010-10-07 Original Assignee: Chris Mungall

Dear Sir,

we are using to load genbank file into chado. However, the script keeps giving an error message as shown below, it seems to us that the script can not handle “Trans-spliced gene”, which is gene rps12 in the genbank file ( NC_002762.gbk). Would you please tell us how we can get pass this.

Thank you very much for your prompt response.



NC_002762 Unflattening error: Details: ——————- EXCEPTION: Bio::Root::Exception ——————- MSG: PROBLEM, SEVERITY==1 inconsistent strands. Trans-spliced gene? Range: [67272,67385] [125870,126092] [126633,126664] STACK: Error::throw STACK: Bio::Root::Root::throw /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/Root/ STACK: Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener::problem /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/ STACK: Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener::_check_order_is_consistent /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/ STACK: Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener::infer_mRNA_from_CDS /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/ STACK: Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener::unflatten_seq /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Bio/SeqFeature/Tools/ STACK: main::unflatten_seq /usr/local/bin/ STACK: /usr/local/bin/ —————————————————————————————-

cjfields commented 8 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Jason Stajich Original Date: 2011-03-11T20:27:08Z

Possible that Chris can take a look at the Unflattener code?