biosimulations / deployment

Kubernetes Configuration for BioSimulations
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Store longer history of logs for deployment #44

Closed jonrkarr closed 2 years ago

jonrkarr commented 2 years ago

The logs available in (e.g., are helpful. However, they don't go back very far. It would be helpful to store these logs further back (e.g., 1 or a few months).

@bilalshaikh42 If these logs are already being stored, how I access them?

bilalshaikh42 commented 2 years ago

@jonrkarr This is now available from Select "Loki" as the datasource. The UI will then present multiple options for filters and selectors to explore the logs, allowing selection by app, namespace, pod, text search etc. The logs can also be grouped to remove repeats and similar lines. (see attached). I am not yet sure how much space these take up, but if we find that they are not stored long enough, it can very easily be expanded by attaching them to a google bucket.

For more advanced searching (eg specific app, simulation id, error code combinations ) you can build complex queries using


jonrkarr commented 2 years ago


jonrkarr commented 2 years ago

I think this could be closed.