biosimulators / Biosimulators

Registry of containerized biosimulation tools that support a standard command-line interface
MIT License
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Submit VCell #224

Closed biosimulators-daemon closed 3 years ago

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

id: vcell version: specificationsUrl: specificationsPatch: version: image: url: validateImage: true commitSimulator: true

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

Thank you @biosimulators-daemon for your submission to the BioSimulators simulator validation/submission system!

The BioSimulators validator bot is validating the specifications of your simulator, validating your Docker image and committing your simulator to the BioSimulators registry.

We will discuss any concerns with your submission in this issue.

A complete log of your simulator submission job will be available here. The results of the validation of your tool will also be saved as a JSON file.A link to this file will be available from the "Artifacts" section at the bottom of this page.

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

The specifications of your simulator is valid!

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

Summary of tests

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago


cli.CliDescribesSupportedEnvironmentVariablesInline (4.9 s)

Test that the inline help for a command-line interface describes the environment variables that the simulator supports.


  The inline help for a command-line interface for a simulation tool should describe the environment variables that the simulation tool supports.

  The command-line interface does not describe the following standard environment variables recognized by BioSimulators:

  If the simulation tool implements these variables, they should be described in the inline help for its command-line interface.

  Note, support for these environment variables is optional. Simulation tools are not required to support these variables.


cli.CliDisplaysHelpInline (2.8 s)

Test that a command-line interface provides inline help.


  Command-line interface should support the `-h` option for displaying help inline.

  The command-line interface displayed the following when executed with `-h`:

    Invalid arguments: [-h, , , , , ]
  Command-line interface should support the `--help` option for displaying help inline.

  The command-line interface displayed the following when executed with `--help`:

    Invalid arguments: [--help, , , , , ]


cli.CliDisplaysVersionInformationInline (2.4 s)

Test that a command-line interface provides version information inline.


  Command-line interface should support the `-v` option for displaying version information inline.

  The command-line interface displayed the following when executed with `-v`:

    Invalid arguments: [-v, , , , , ]
  Command-line interface should support the `--version` option for displaying version information inline.

  The command-line interface displayed the following when executed with `--version`:

    Invalid arguments: [--version, , , , , ]


docker_image.HasBioContainersLabels (0.8 s)

Test that a Docker image has BioContainers labels with metadata about the image


  The Docker image should have the following BioContainers labels:


docker_image.HasOciLabels (0.8 s)

Test that a Docker image has Open Container Initiative (OCI) labels with metadata about the image


  The Docker image should have the following Open Container Initiative (OCI) labels:


published_project.SimulatorCanExecutePublishedProject:sbml-core/Caravagna-J-Theor-Biol-2010-tumor-suppressive-oscillations (17.4 s)

Required model formats and simulation algorithms for SED tasks:

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago


log.SimulatorReportsTheStatusOfTheExecutionOfCombineArchives (12.9 s)

Test that simulator logs the execution of COMBINE/OMEX archives

Reason for skip:

  The simulator did not export information about the status of its execution. Simulators are encouraged to stream information about their execution status.

  More information:


  VCell CLI input archive /tmp/in/archive.omex

  Jun 03, 2021 3:01:25 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run

  INFO: Created user preferences directory.


  TempPath Created: /tmp/vcell_temp_1d05abc1-5ad7-48e8-845d-a275f0de23e12460255175602288818

  Python 3.6.9

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Found 1 SED-ML document(s) with 1 model(s), 1 simulation(s), 1 task(s), 1  report(s),  0 plot2D(s), and 0 plot3D(s)

  Successful translation: SED-ML file BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml


  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Task (id='BIOMD0000000912_task') is compatible, solver match found in ontology: 'KISAO:0000019' matched to CVODE

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  LOGGER: msgLevel=MediumPriority, msgType=OverallWarning, Issues encountered during SBML Import:

  - WARNING: The imported model has one or more reactions that have ids/names that are longer than 64 characters. 

  User is STRONGLY recommeded to shorten the names to avoid problems with the length of expressions these names might be used in.

  Succesful model import: SBML file /tmp/temp3656025301138217000.xml




  Finished: SOLVER_FINISHED:completed

  Succesful execution: Model 'archive__BIOMD0000000912' Task 'Caravagna2010'.


  Generating report `report`.

  Python 3.6.9

  HDF conversion successful

  No PDF files found, skipping archiving `` files

  Archiving resultant CSV files to ``.

log.SimulatorReportsTheStatusOfTheExecutionOfSedDocuments (13.0 s)

Test that simulator logs the execution of individual SED document in COMBINE/OMEX archives

Reason for skip:

  The simulator did not export information about the status of its execution. Simulators are encouraged to stream information about their execution status.

  More information:


  VCell CLI input archive /tmp/in/archive.omex

  Jun 03, 2021 3:01:37 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run

  INFO: Created user preferences directory.


  TempPath Created: /tmp/vcell_temp_398aedaf-922c-4b24-881d-c85c03cb5a6b1424363097032498521

  Python 3.6.9

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Found 1 SED-ML document(s) with 1 model(s), 1 simulation(s), 1 task(s), 1  report(s),  0 plot2D(s), and 0 plot3D(s)

  Successful translation: SED-ML file BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml


  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Task (id='BIOMD0000000912_task') is compatible, solver match found in ontology: 'KISAO:0000019' matched to CVODE

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  LOGGER: msgLevel=MediumPriority, msgType=OverallWarning, Issues encountered during SBML Import:

  - WARNING: The imported model has one or more reactions that have ids/names that are longer than 64 characters. 

  User is STRONGLY recommeded to shorten the names to avoid problems with the length of expressions these names might be used in.

  Succesful model import: SBML file /tmp/temp4615875546501577937.xml




  Finished: SOLVER_FINISHED:completed

  Succesful execution: Model 'archive__BIOMD0000000912' Task 'Caravagna2010'.


  Generating report `report`.

  Python 3.6.9

  HDF conversion successful

  No PDF files found, skipping archiving `` files

  Archiving resultant CSV files to ``.

log.SimulatorReportsTheStatusOfTheExecutionOfSedOutputs (12.9 s)

Test that simulator logs the execution of individual SED outputs in COMBINE/OMEX archives

Reason for skip:

  The simulator did not export information about the status of its execution. Simulators are encouraged to stream information about their execution status.

  More information:


  VCell CLI input archive /tmp/in/archive.omex

  Jun 03, 2021 3:01:51 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run

  INFO: Created user preferences directory.


  TempPath Created: /tmp/vcell_temp_ab256294-0131-4c2b-a0f6-43859eee91be7413604024632584888

  Python 3.6.9

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Found 1 SED-ML document(s) with 1 model(s), 1 simulation(s), 1 task(s), 1  report(s),  0 plot2D(s), and 0 plot3D(s)

  Successful translation: SED-ML file BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml


  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Task (id='BIOMD0000000912_task') is compatible, solver match found in ontology: 'KISAO:0000019' matched to CVODE

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  LOGGER: msgLevel=MediumPriority, msgType=OverallWarning, Issues encountered during SBML Import:

  - WARNING: The imported model has one or more reactions that have ids/names that are longer than 64 characters. 

  User is STRONGLY recommeded to shorten the names to avoid problems with the length of expressions these names might be used in.

  Succesful model import: SBML file /tmp/temp1569131467873588086.xml




  Finished: SOLVER_FINISHED:completed

  Succesful execution: Model 'archive__BIOMD0000000912' Task 'Caravagna2010'.


  Generating report `report`.

  Python 3.6.9

  HDF conversion successful

  No PDF files found, skipping archiving `` files

  Archiving resultant CSV files to ``.

log.SimulatorReportsTheStatusOfTheExecutionOfSedTasks (13.0 s)

Test that simulator logs the execution of individual SED tasks in COMBINE/OMEX archives

Reason for skip:

  The simulator did not export information about the status of its execution. Simulators are encouraged to stream information about their execution status.

  More information:


  VCell CLI input archive /tmp/in/archive.omex

  Jun 03, 2021 3:02:04 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run

  INFO: Created user preferences directory.


  TempPath Created: /tmp/vcell_temp_06c1ab66-51a6-4800-a75b-86e744f7f5d5416933645255689275

  Python 3.6.9

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Found 1 SED-ML document(s) with 1 model(s), 1 simulation(s), 1 task(s), 1  report(s),  0 plot2D(s), and 0 plot3D(s)

  Successful translation: SED-ML file BIOMD0000000912_sim.sedml


  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  SED-ML version level not supported, import may fail

  Unsupported version, import may fail

  Task (id='BIOMD0000000912_task') is compatible, solver match found in ontology: 'KISAO:0000019' matched to CVODE

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  SBML Import: no assignment rules.

  LOGGER: msgLevel=MediumPriority, msgType=OverallWarning, Issues encountered during SBML Import:

  - WARNING: The imported model has one or more reactions that have ids/names that are longer than 64 characters. 

  User is STRONGLY recommeded to shorten the names to avoid problems with the length of expressions these names might be used in.

  Succesful model import: SBML file /tmp/temp7324750608683820298.xml




  Finished: SOLVER_FINISHED:completed

  Succesful execution: Model 'archive__BIOMD0000000912' Task 'Caravagna2010'.


  Generating report `report`.

  Python 3.6.9

  HDF conversion successful

  No PDF files found, skipping archiving `` files

  Archiving resultant CSV files to ``.

published_project.SimulatorCanExecutePublishedProject:bngl/Dolan-PLoS-Comput-Biol-2015-NHEJ (0.0 s)

Required model formats and simulation algorithms for SED tasks:

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

The image for your simulator is valid!

biosimulators-daemon commented 3 years ago

Your submission was committed to the BioSimulators registry. Thank you!

Future submissions of subsequent versions of VCell to the BioSimulators registry will be automatically validated. These submissions will not require manual review by the BioSimulators Team.