biothings / A BioThings API for gene annotations
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issues running master branch of the project #25

Closed mahdizar closed 6 years ago

mahdizar commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone!

Lately I have been trying to run the project in a Ubuntu 16.04 environment and I am facing the following issues:

You can find a more detailed trace of these issues in the file below: Errors of

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks in advance!

sirloon commented 6 years ago

That's a lot of errors :)


sirloon commented 6 years ago

Hi again, I updated mygene repo to include the missing ref_microbe_taxids.pyobj file. It's in data/ directory, have a look at the README for instructions. Let me know if you need more help.

mahdizar commented 6 years ago

Hi sirloon,

Thank you very much for answering my comment.

Massive thanks for updating the repo and sure I will be back to you if I need more help.

Kind Regards

sirloon commented 6 years ago

You're right, better use the master HEAD branch now, I fixed few things you should be good to go. Regarding the schedule, dumpers have their own definition, like this: It's a crontab-like notation. We've set those to build our but you can change these if you want. It's not ideal though (as it's in the code) and this will eventually be taken from a database.


mahdizar commented 6 years ago

Hello sirloon,

Yes, I modified the value of the "SCHEDULE" parameter in the dumper and it works. Thank you very much.

For now, I am trying to schedule an index operation but I have a problem executing repeatedly index_manager.index.

File "/home/mahdi/opt/", line 374, in index raise IndexerException("Index already '%s' exists, (use mode='purge' to auto-delete it or mode='resume' to add more documents)" % index_name) biothings.hub.dataindex.indexer.IndexerException: Index already 'bao_current' exists, (use mode='purge' to auto-delete it or mode='resume' to add more documents)

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks in advance!

sirloon commented 6 years ago

Hi, recently we've been working on providing standalone instances, ie. Docker images you can download and use to setup your own BioThings API (to typically run your own API, on your own hardware, which it seems what you'd like to do). See there for more: These instances keep data up-to-date by directly download the data we release each week for There's no such dumper/uploader/... it's just the final "compiled/merged" data.

Though it's still under development, it may be interesting for what you try to achieve. Let me know if you're interested. You can reach us at to discuss this further.

For now I close the issue.