biothings / A BioThings API for gene annotations
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no records use the `kegg` key #90

Closed andrewsu closed 3 years ago

andrewsu commented 3 years ago

In the "available fields" table, we list kegg as one top-level key. However, it doesn't look like any gene records actually include information using that key ( returns no results). Perhaps that is an older key that is no longer used (in which case we should remove it from the documentation)? Or perhaps it is a parser that has broken?

Incidentally, I'm not exactly sure what would have been stated under the top-level kegg key. Pathway information is found under pathway.kegg, and it seems like Kegg uses Entrez Gene ID as its primary gene ID (e.g.,

newgene commented 3 years ago

top-level kegg is a copy_to field (a virtual field used for indexing but does not really appear in the gene object). This is for the query convenience, so that we can query ?q=kegg:jak-stat as a shorthand for ?

This field is defined here:

note that this query, ?q=kegg:jak-stat, does not work based on the current mapping, requires a quick fix in this line:

newgene commented 3 years ago

fixed in 81f471be50554dfcd780cae7226132606941331a