biothings / A BioThings API for gene annotations
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Add associated conditions from phenotypes section of Entrez gene #93

Open malachig opened 3 years ago

malachig commented 3 years ago

It would be great to be able to pull associated condition information from Entrez via

For example, for BRAF (

Under phenotypes they list conditions from the genetic testing registry such as: Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 1 Dabrafenib response ... Vemurafenib response

We would really like to pull such information into CIViC along with other critical gene info we already obtain from (e.g.

andrewsu commented 3 years ago

I also think this data would be super useful, so I looked into it a bit. Just recording what I found...

Most of our NCBI data comes from It looks like those phenotypes come from mim2gene_medgen. If I search for @malachig's example gene ID 673, I get the following records:

$ awk '$2==673' mim2gene_medgen
115150  673     phenotype        GeneMap        CN029449        -
163950  673     phenotype        GeneReviews    C4551602        -
164757  673     gene    -       -       -
211980  673     phenotype        GeneMap        C0684249        -
613706  673     phenotype        GeneMap        C3150970        -
613707  673     phenotype        GeneMap        C3150971        -

It looks like it got five out of the seven phenotypes listed on


The two MedGen IDs that aren't found for gene 673 are not found anywhere in the mim2gene_medgen file.

$ grep -c  CN239586 mim2gene_medgen.txt
$ grep  -c CN239577 mim2gene_medgen.txt

Hmm, not sure what the source is for those two missing ones...

kevinxin90 commented 3 years ago

Also checked medgen download, doesn't see such a file.

Unless someone could provide a link to the full file, we probably will just go with mim2gene_medgen.txt.

And FYI, we do have a BioThings API ready which can connect from gene -> disease/phenotype, that's the EBIGene2Phenotype API. For example, you can query by HGNC ID to get associated conditions: