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Query user's genesets? #27

Closed vincerubinetti closed 2 years ago

vincerubinetti commented 3 years ago

In the web app, we have a browse page where you'll be able to search through all (public) by keyword and species. I'm using the current API endpoint to build that functionality.

We'll also have a page where the user sees their own personally created genesets. If the user has a lot of genesets, it may be good to have the same search by keyword and species functionality, rather than having a long list.

When we add user authentication, how will getting their genesets work? Will it be its own endpoint like /v1/user or will it be an extension of the existing query endpoint like /v1/query?user=198273&q=glucose.

ravila4 commented 2 years ago

User genesets can be queried by the author filter: /v1/query?q=author:198273 or /v1/query?q=author:ravila4 AND name:glucose