biothings / pending.api

Set of standalone APIs built with the BioThings SDK for the Translator Project
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missing MONDO:0021145 in mondo API #128

Open newgene opened 1 year ago

newgene commented 1 year ago

Somehow this particular MONDO ID does not exists in our mondo API:

(updated to MONDO version 2023-06-01)

Check the original mondo.obo file of that version, it does contains a record of MONDO:0021145:

id: MONDO:0021145
name: obsolete disorder of genitourinary system
def: "OBSOLETE. A disease that involves the genitourinary system." [MONDO:patterns/location]
comment: Reason: out of scope - grouping term. Terms to consider: 'reproductive system disorder' (MONDO:0005039), 'urinary system disorder' (MONDO:0002118).
synonym: "disease of genitourinary system" EXACT [MONDO:patterns/location_top]
synonym: "disease or disorder of genitourinary system" EXACT []
synonym: "disorder of genitourinary system" EXACT [MONDO:patterns/location_top]
synonym: "disorder of the genitourinary system" EXACT []
synonym: "genitourinary system disease" EXACT [MONDO:patterns/location]
synonym: "genitourinary system disease or disorder" EXACT [MONDO:design_pattern, MONDO:patterns/location]
synonym: "syndrome of the genitourinary system" RELATED []
synonym: "urogenital disease" RELATED []
synonym: "urogenital disorder" RELATED []
xref: ICD10CM:N00-N99 {source="", source="MONDO:obsoleteEquivalent", source="", source=""}
xref: SCTID:42030000 {source="MONDO:obsoleteEquivalent"}
xref: UMLS:C0080276 {source="MONDO:obsoleteEquivalent"}
property_value: exactMatch
property_value: exactMatch
property_value: exactMatch
property_value: IAO:0000231 "out of scope" xsd:string {source="MONDO:excludeGroupingMorpho"}
property_value: IAO:0000233 xsd:anyURI
is_obsolete: true
consider: MONDO:0002118
consider: MONDO:0005039

Note that is_obsolete: true in this record, not sure if it's related to this issue.

colleenXu commented 5 months ago

@everaldorodrigo @newgene @andrewsu

This may be a good issue to review for addressing vs dropping

newgene commented 5 months ago

assigned to @DylanWelzel since it's related to as well.