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Multiple user testing bugs #89

Closed pjc09h closed 1 year ago

pjc09h commented 1 year ago

Thanks wgm! Actions items based on an email conversation:

[!!] Actually, there's a better way to do this for now. The codebase references users_main 355 times in 140 files. Many of these are legacy "glitch art" queries, either massive or programmatically determined. I need to remove the auto_increment and primary key properties of and manually set it to Then the existing queries for should work long enough for them to be rewritten.

pjc09h commented 1 year ago

A good example of "user query glitch art":

    null AS ForumID,
    null AS ForumName,
    IF(s.`Page` = 'artist', a.`Name`, co.`Name`) AS Name,
    c.`ID` AS LastPost,
    c.`AddedTime` AS LastPostTime,
    c_lr.`Body` AS LastReadBody,
    c_lr.`EditedTime` AS LastReadEditedTime,
    um.`ID` AS LastReadUserID,
    um.`Username` AS LastReadUsername,
    ui.`Avatar` AS LastReadAvatar,
    c_lr.`EditedUserID` AS LastReadEditedUserID
  FROM `users_subscriptions_comments` AS s
    LEFT JOIN `users_comments_last_read` AS lr ON lr.`UserID` = {$app->user->core['id']} AND lr.`Page` = s.`Page` AND lr.`PageID` = s.`PageID`
    LEFT JOIN `artists_group` AS a ON s.`Page` = 'artist' AND a.`ArtistID` = s.`PageID`
    LEFT JOIN `collages` AS co ON s.`Page` = 'collages' AND co.`ID` = s.`PageID`
    LEFT JOIN `comments` AS c ON c.`ID` = (
          SELECT MAX(`ID`)
          FROM `comments`
          WHERE `Page` = s.`Page`
            AND `PageID` = s.`PageID`
    LEFT JOIN `comments` AS c_lr ON c_lr.`ID` = lr.`PostID`
    LEFT JOIN `users_main` AS um ON um.`ID` = c_lr.`AuthorID`
    LEFT JOIN `users_info` AS ui ON ui.`UserID` = um.`ID`
  WHERE s.`UserID` = {$app->user->core['id']} AND s.`Page` IN ('artist', 'collages', 'requests', 'torrents') AND (s.`Page` != 'collages' OR co.`Deleted` = '0')" . ($ShowUnread ? ' AND c.`ID` > IF(lr.`PostID` IS NULL, 0, lr.`PostID`)' : '') . "
  GROUP BY s.`PageID`)
  (SELECT 'forums', s.`TopicID`, lr.`PostID`, f.`ID`, f.`Name`, t.`Title`, p.`ID`, p.`AddedTime`, p_lr.`Body`, p_lr.`EditedTime`, um.`ID`, um.`Username`, ui.`Avatar`, p_lr.`EditedUserID`
  FROM `users_subscriptions` AS s
    LEFT JOIN `forums_last_read_topics` AS lr ON lr.`UserID` = {$app->user->core['id']} AND s.`TopicID` = lr.`TopicID`
    LEFT JOIN `forums_topics` AS t ON t.`ID` = s.`TopicID`
    LEFT JOIN `forums` AS f ON f.`ID` = t.`ForumID`
    LEFT JOIN `forums_posts` AS p ON p.`ID` = (
          SELECT MAX(`ID`)
          FROM `forums_posts`
          WHERE `TopicID` = s.`TopicID`
    LEFT JOIN `forums_posts` AS p_lr ON p_lr.`ID` = lr.`PostID`
    LEFT JOIN `users_main` AS um ON um.`ID` = p_lr.`AuthorID`
    LEFT JOIN `users_info` AS ui ON ui.`UserID` = um.`ID`
  WHERE s.`UserID` = {$app->user->core['id']}" .
    ($ShowUnread ? " AND p.`ID` > IF(t.`IsLocked` = '1' AND t.`IsSticky` = '0'" . ", p.`ID`, IF(lr.`PostID` IS NULL, 0, lr.`PostID`))" : '') .
    ' AND ' . Forums::user_forums_sql() . "
  GROUP BY t.`ID`)
  ORDER BY `LastPostTime` DESC
  LIMIT $Limit");
pjc09h commented 1 year ago

All that remains is to do the necessary database surgery (quicker without a migration) and do a quick end-to-end test of the features on a new account.