biovault / ImaCytE

ImaCytE is an interactive tool for data-driven exploration of Imaging Mass Cytometry data as presented in the paper "ImaCytE: Visual Exploration of Cellular Micro-environments for Imaging Mass Cytometry Data".
Apache License 2.0
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Cohort comparison does not work #11

Open adoppeldy opened 2 years ago

adoppeldy commented 2 years ago


I am currently exploring Imacyte and its functions, because it looks like a very promissing program, for my IMC dataset. I am however experiencing some issues. One being, that I am not able to start the cohort comparison. After I click on "cohort comparison", I am asked to name the first cohort, then select the samples of the first cohort. Same with the second cohort. But after I have defined everything, juts a windows error sound occurs & nothing happens. (Windows 10 & Matlab 2021b)

The second issue I am having, is that Imacyte does not work on my macbook pro with an m1 chip. I was wondering if you are aware of that or maybe already have a workaround.

Kind regards, Adrian