biovault / ImaCytE

ImaCytE is an interactive tool for data-driven exploration of Imaging Mass Cytometry data as presented in the paper "ImaCytE: Visual Exploration of Cellular Micro-environments for Imaging Mass Cytometry Data".
Apache License 2.0
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Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn. #3

Open emmanuelaaaaa opened 4 years ago

emmanuelaaaaa commented 4 years ago


Thank you for putting this together, it looks like a great way to explore Hyperion data. However, I don't seem to be able to run this from source (on a OS 10.13.6, matlab version R2019a). I keep getting this error:

Error using matlab.hg.internal.openfigLegacy (line 117)
Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.

Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release. For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web
> In IMACytE>IMACytE_OutputFcn (line 101)
  In gui_mainfcn (line 264)
  In IMACytE (line 45) 
Undefined function handle.

Error while evaluating Figure SizeChangedFcn.

Do you have any advice on how to resolve this error/issues?

I don't usually work with matlab so any help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks, Emma

asom commented 3 years ago

Hi Emma,

I have tested it with Matlab 2018b on Windows 10. Have you tried also the .exe file? Does that work?

arcolombo commented 3 years ago

im' having the same issue where is the .exe file? using Matlab 2020b

thoellt commented 3 years ago

You can find it in the releases section of the repository. I.e., the latest release:

a-rayford commented 1 year ago

Hi, a little late to the party here, but I managed to run from source code (IMACytE.m) on MacOS 11.7.1 with Matlab 2020b, with the following two changes:

1.) The issue described here results from not adding the subfolders ("fcs2image_scripts" and "3rd party") within the IMACytE source code folder to your path. (They are not automatically added to your path when you run IMACytE.m and add the containing folder to your path... they will still be greyed out.) Select the two folders, right-click and select "Add to Path > Selected folders and subfolders".

2.) The file paths in MacOS use a forward slash "/" instead of a backslash "\". Therefore, you need to go through all of the .m files (including the main IMACytE.m) and change all "\" to "/" (excluding cases of "\n", which doesn't have to do with filepaths). Only after you do this will you be able to import image data* on MacOS.

*If you want to try loading the exemplar data, I found that you need to delete "_1" from the mask image names. (e.g. "[filename]__mask_1.tiff" >> "[filename]__mask.tiff")

[note: I have seen some posts saying that for Windows it actually doesn't matter if you use forward- or backslash for filepaths when coding in Matlab (cannot confirm myself), so perhaps in future releases the backslash compatibility issue could be fixed.]

Hopefully this helps someone avoid a few hours of head-scratching. I have only tested the basic functionality (clustering, viewing clusters on images) with this workaround but so far the app is working great!

Cheers, Austin