bipio-server / bipio

The API Server
Apache License 2.0
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integrate into multitenant app? #66

Open beatelite opened 8 years ago

beatelite commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have an app that needs rule-based workflows exactly like what bipip offers.

I see you use a rest api -which is great. I am trying to wrap my head around how all this could work.

Are there any tutorials or guides on integrating bipio (self hosted or bipio hosted) into a multitenant app with a custom ui via the rest api?

I looked at your guides but they were a bit more what vs how, I felt. Something like what has done would be ideal:

beatelite commented 8 years ago

for example, I noticed when I authenticate and go to /rest/channels on my hosted install, I only see 3 channels: the syndication, feed and sends email channel. Why is that? I thought I'd would see all channels from the bipio hosted install.