bipropellant / bipropellant-hoverboard-firmware

OpenSource Hoverboard firmware based on Niklas Fauth's one
GNU General Public License v3.0
175 stars 74 forks source link

Control hoverboard via Arduino #77

Open stefanfobos opened 5 years ago

stefanfobos commented 5 years ago

Hi there, I was trying to control the board with 3.3 v arudino, but it didnt work at all. These are steps , that i've done:

or comment everything in the top and only leave neccesary ? P.S sorry for my eng.

typedef struct MsgToHoverboard_t{
  unsigned char SOM;  // Start of Message
  unsigned char CI;   // continuity counter
  unsigned char len;  // len is len of bytes to follow, NOT including CS
  unsigned char cmd;  // read or write
  unsigned char code; // code of value to write
  int32_t pwm1;           // absolute value ranging from -1000 to 1000 .. Duty Cycle *10 for first wheel
  int32_t pwm2;           // absolute value ranging from -1000 to 1000 .. Duty Cycle *10 for second wheel
  unsigned char CS;   // checksumm

typedef union UART_Packet_t{
  MsgToHoverboard_t msgToHover;
  byte UART_Packet[sizeof(MsgToHoverboard_t)];

char hoverboardCI = 0;  // Global variable which tracks CI

void setHoverboardPWM( int32_t pwm1, int32_t pwm2 )
  UART_Packet_t ups;

  ups.msgToHover.SOM = 4 ;    // Start of Message, 4 for No ACKs;
  ups.msgToHover.CI = ++hoverboardCI; // Message Continuity Indicator. Subsequent Messages with the same CI are discarded, need to be incremented.
  ups.msgToHover.len = 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 ; // cmd(1), code(1), pwm1(4) and pwm2(4)
  ups.msgToHover.cmd  = 'r';  // Pretend to send answer to read request. This way HB will not reply. Change to 'W' to get confirmation from board
  ups.msgToHover.code = 0x0E; // "simpler PWM"
  ups.msgToHover.pwm1 = pwm1;
  ups.msgToHover.pwm2 = pwm2;
  ups.msgToHover.CS = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < (2 + ups.msgToHover.len); i++){  // Calculate checksum. 2 more for CI and len.
    ups.msgToHover.CS -= ups.UART_Packet[i+1];


void setup()
void loop()
p-h-a-i-l commented 5 years ago

Mixing the files from the API with the normal code is not a good idea. They share some files, but might rely on different versions.

Make sure to also clone the subrepositories when you clone into the hoverboard firmware. (see README)

Setting the control Method to USART2 is correct, it should then work with the Arduino Samples.

stefanfobos commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I've cloned it ok, but got another question. How to correctly choose PPM control? can't compile it. it says #error SERIAL_USART2_IT not allowed, cable already in use. i've already commented adc control and everything that might intersect with PPM control.

p-h-a-i-l commented 5 years ago

Haven't used PPM in a along time together with this fork.

Might be neccessary to fix some things. Make sure to define a new CONTROL_TYPE or set it to 0

#define CONTROL_TYPE 0