bird-house / birdhouse-docs

Birdhouse documentation
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aggregate documentation #38

Closed nilshempelmann closed 4 years ago

nilshempelmann commented 5 years ago

Action item from VC14

huard suggested: "I think we need a plan to aggregate documentation. Like a central repo that individual projects can draw from and synchronize with. I just don’t know how to do that. The cookie-cutter is a good place to start, since every bird should replicate the doc structure"

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nilshempelmann commented 5 years ago

opened the branch doc-aggregation and started with an descriptive overview.

nilshempelmann commented 5 years ago

@huard do you have a real example to find a best practise?

huard commented 5 years ago

Not really...

nilshempelmann commented 5 years ago

Intersphinx could be a way to go. But its for python code documentation. @huard you are looking for an aggregation of rst files from differnet repositories, right? Here is an overview of the documentation organisation:

any comments?

cehbrecht commented 5 years ago

Intersphinx may help us to provide links to a common "static" documentation.

An alternative might be to use git submodules:

You have a shared git repo with common doc parts ... but you would be able to customize them locally. But maybe that is to advanced.

huard commented 5 years ago

Given that some of the documentation is autogenerated from the live package, using submodules would mean that we need to install all the different birds in the same environment. That might be difficult. I think the intersphinx solution is cleaner and your proposal to organize the docs seems logical.

nilshempelmann commented 5 years ago

another option:

.. literalinclude ::
   :language: rst

But recieved a 'not found' error for now

nilshempelmann commented 4 years ago

Here is a solution. Just for inspiration:

nilshempelmann commented 4 years ago

@huard I might need your help to aggregate documentation:

working with .. literalinclude:: is not the solution:

WARNING: Include file '/home/nils/birdhouse/birdhouse-docs/docs/source/https:/' not found or reading it failed (in branch doc-aggregation)

If I got it right, the appropriate files needs to be fetcht and compiled into the main documentation

nilshempelmann commented 4 years ago

@huard I added an docaggregation extention to fetch files from extern documentaitons into the main birdhouse documentation. (branch doc-aggregation)

still some issues with code: exception: cannot import name 'directive_dwim' from 'sphinx.util.compat' (took the code from this example )

But this could be a way to go. Your opinion?

huard commented 4 years ago

Looking into it.

huard commented 4 years ago

Pushed a change that fixes it. One issue is that links to figures are broken. Maybe change the directive name to "gitinclude" or something like that.

huard commented 4 years ago

Added a gittoctree directive and renamed your directive to gitinclude. See the docstring for examples of use.

nilshempelmann commented 4 years ago

Nice Job!! We need to add a little hint in the developer section how to aggegate external documentation and gues that's it, right?

nilshempelmann commented 4 years ago

A way to aggregate documentation has been found:

Stepp forward, be realized in: