bird-house / pyramid-phoenix

Phoenix is a Pyramid web-application to make it easy to interact with WPS services
Apache License 2.0
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celery execute task needs to handle wps failure message #137

Open cehbrecht opened 7 years ago

cehbrecht commented 7 years ago

got a failure message from a pywps process but it is not handled:

[2017-03-16 13:43:51,668: DEBUG/Worker-4] https://localhost:8443 "POST /ows/proxy/determined_lovebird HTTP/1.1" 200 479
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,669: DEBUG/Worker-4] <ExceptionReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode" locator="NotAcceptable">
        <ExceptionText>Response is not ok: Internal Server Error</ExceptionText>
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,669: INFO/Worker-4] Execution status=Exception
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,670: INFO/Worker-4] Percent completed=0
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,670: INFO/Worker-4] Status message=None
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,670: WARNING/Worker-4] owslib.wps.WPSException : {'locator': 'NotAcceptable', 'code': 'NoApplicableCode', 'text': 'Response is not ok: Internal Server Error'}
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,670: ERROR/Worker-4] phoenix.tasks.execute.execute_process[57f343c4-d057-40c0-96f8-7b3cc3fb977b]: Failed to run Job
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/Shared/pingu/sandbox/birdhouse/pyramid-phoenix/phoenix/tasks/", line 37, in execute_process
    job['abstract'] = getattr(execution.process, "abstract")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'abstract'
[2017-03-16 13:43:51,670: INFO/Worker-4] phoenix.tasks.execute.execute_process[57f343c4-d057-40c0-96f8-7b3cc3fb977b]: 0   0%: Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'abstract'