$ docker ps --format 'table {{ .Names }}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}
kafka Up 45 minutes 8082/tcp,>9092/tcp, :::9092->9092/tcp
schema-registry Up 45 minutes (healthy) 8081/tcp,>8082/tcp, :::8082->8082/tcp
Publish schemas that have schema references to the schema registry
emit an avro-encoded message to the topic
The encoded message was produced from code that used codegen with schema references
kaf consume --verbose -f my.topic to read it
Expected result: kaf decodes the message the way it does when there are no schema references.
Actual result: kaf can't decode the message and shows it in encoded avro.
Key: type Value: MySuperType
Partition: 0
Offset: 3
Timestamp: 2024-02-28 13:15:26.982 +0000 GMT
[ avro encoded data here ]
Adding--verbose you can see kaf complain it doesn't understand the reference type:
could not decode Avro data: Record "MySuperType" field 2 ought to be valid Avro named type:
Union item 2 ought to be valid Avro type: unknown type name:
Confluent Schema Registry ships with an exe kafka-avro-console-consumer that can be used to tail Kafka topics with "live" message decoding of messages that contain schema references. If you're using docker, this gets close to kaf consume layout with decoding:
Kaf config (~/.kaf/config)
Steps to Reproduce
kaf consume --verbose -f my.topic
to read itExpected result: kaf decodes the message the way it does when there are no schema references. Actual result: kaf can't decode the message and shows it in encoded avro.
you can see kaf complain it doesn't understand the reference type:Workaround
Confluent Schema Registry ships with an exe kafka-avro-console-consumer that can be used to tail Kafka topics with "live" message decoding of messages that contain schema references. If you're using docker, this gets close to
kaf consume
layout with decoding:Note the
port comes from the KAFKA_LISTENERS config in docker-compose.yaml, for example: