birdup000 / ADHD-TaskManagementPanel

A panel to help with focusing :D
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Add subtasks for tasks #13

Closed birdup000 closed 2 months ago

birdup000 commented 2 months ago

Feature Request: Subtasks Implementation for Task Planning in GitHub

Overview: Within project management, tasks often entail various sub-components that need to be completed sequentially or in parallel to achieve the overall objective. To address this necessity and enhance the task planning experience within ADHD panel, I propose the integration of a subtasks feature. This feature will allow users to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks, facilitating a structured approach to project management.

Feature Description:

  1. Subtask Creation: Users should be able to create subtasks within parent tasks. Each subtask can possess its own title, description, and assignable elements.

  2. Hierarchy Visualization: Subtasks should be visually represented under their respective parent tasks within the task planning interface. This visual hierarchy aids in understanding task relationships and dependencies.

  3. Assignment and Progress Tracking: Enable the assignment of subtasks to team members, allowing for clear ownership and accountability. Implement progress tracking features for subtasks, including status updates and completion indicators.

  4. Dependency Management: Provide functionality to establish dependencies between subtasks and parent tasks. Users should be able to specify dependencies to ensure tasks are completed in the correct order.

  5. Notifications: Implement notifications for relevant subtask updates, such as new assignments, status changes, or deadline modifications. Timely notifications keep team members informed and facilitate seamless collaboration.

  6. Integration: Ensure seamless integration of the subtasks feature with existing GitHub functionalities, including issue tracking, project boards, and pull requests. Consistency across workflows maximizes the utility and adoption of the feature.


birdup000 commented 2 months ago

To modernize the concept of a branching pathway task management system for business use, we can incorporate gamification elements without the full-fledged game interface. Here's how it could look:

  1. Visual Task Board: Instead of a game map, create a visual task board similar to Trello or Kanban boards. Each column represents a stage in the workflow, and each task card represents a task or subtask.

  2. Branching Subtasks: Within each task card, allow users to create branching subtasks or checklist items. These subtasks represent different approaches or steps to complete the main task.

  3. Outcome Visualization: Provide visual indicators or progress bars to show the completion status of each subtask. As users complete subtasks, the progress bars fill up, giving them a sense of accomplishment.

  4. Feedback and Rewards: Offer feedback to users when they complete subtasks or reach milestones. This could be in the form of notifications, badges, or congratulatory messages.

  5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Allow users to adapt their workflow by rearranging tasks and subtasks as needed. They can drag and drop tasks between columns or reorder subtasks within a task card.

  6. Collaboration and Communication: Enable collaboration by allowing team members to comment on tasks, mention others, and attach relevant documents or links. This fosters communication and ensures everyone is on the same page.

  7. Analytics and Insights: Provide analytics and insights into task completion rates, average time spent on tasks, and bottlenecks in the workflow. This helps teams identify areas for improvement and optimize their processes.

By modernizing the concept of branching pathways and incorporating gamification elements into a visual task management system, businesses can create a more engaging and productive environment for their teams to manage tasks and projects effectively.

birdup000 commented 2 months ago

This is an interesting idea to visualize the task management and subtask relationships in a more abstract and interconnected way, similar to visualizations used for network topologies or knowledge graphs. Here are some thoughts on how this could be approached:

  1. Node Representation: The nodes could represent individual tasks or subtasks, with different colors or shapes to denote their status, priority, or other attributes. For example:

    • Gray nodes: Discarded or inactive tasks
    • Orange nodes: Tasks that are active and being worked on
    • Green nodes: Completed tasks
    • Different shapes could represent task types (e.g., main tasks vs. subtasks)
  2. Edge Representation: The connections between the nodes could represent the relationships between tasks and subtasks. The edges could have different styles or weights to indicate the nature of the relationship, such as:

    • Solid lines: Direct parent-child relationships between tasks and subtasks
    • Dashed lines: Related tasks that are not directly hierarchical
    • Thicker lines: Higher-priority or more critical relationships
  3. Layout and Interaction: The layout of the nodes and edges could be force-directed or organized based on task relationships, allowing the user to explore the interconnected nature of the tasks. Interactions could include:

    • Zooming and panning to navigate the visualization
    • Filtering or highlighting nodes based on attributes (e.g., due date, priority, status)
    • Expanding or collapsing subtask hierarchies
    • Displaying task details on hover or click
  4. Contextual Information: In addition to the visual representation, you could include textual or numeric information about each task, such as:

    • Task name
    • Due date
    • Priority
    • Progress or status
    • Assigned team members

This type of visualization could provide a more holistic and interconnected view of the task management system, allowing users to better understand the relationships between tasks and make more informed decisions about task prioritization and workflow. It would require some custom development to integrate with the existing task management functionality, but the benefits of a more visually engaging and intuitive interface could be significant.

birdup000 commented 2 months ago added