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Alguns registros bibliográficos não estão mostrando o resumo em outro idioma #273

Open renatomurasaki opened 3 years ago

renatomurasaki commented 3 years ago

Ao fazer a busca "seguridad vial" or "segurança viaria" em, percebi que alguns registros estão sendo recuperados, mesmo não encontrando as palavras encontradas no metadado, como por exemplo:

Ao verificar o XML deste registro, percebi que há outro resumo disponível, mas que não traz o idioma associado, o que leva a interface não mostrá-lo:

<arr name="ab">
<str>Objective: To determine whether Chilean elderly persons have higher rates of traffic incidents, resulting in death or injury, compared to non-older adults between 2008 and 2017. Method: The databases of the National Traffic Safety Commission of the last ten years and the data of inhabitants according to the projections made by the National Statistics Institute were used. Effect measures and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: Older adults in Chile had 0.5 times the rate of suffering a traffic accident, 0.6 times the rate of injury, and 1.3 times the rate of dying in a traffic accident when compared against non-elderly adults. Antofagasta and Arica were the regions with the lowest and highest occurrence of death for the elderly, respectively. The leading causes of traffic accidents were the imprudence of the driver and pedestrian, which presented 1.6 and 2.6 times the death rate when compared against non-elderly adults. Of the main types of traffic accidents, only when the pedestrian was hit by a vehicle, the elderly had a higher occurrence of death (rate ratio: 2.4). Conclusions: The elderly presented greater vulnerability to die in a traffic accident. Substantial differences are seen across different regions. Future research should address the characteristics of the users, the strategies that could help them to have better interaction, and promote health with a focus on road safety in the elderly.</str>
<arr name="mark_ab">
<str><h2>Objective:</h2> To determine whether Chilean <a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a> <a class="decs" id="d009272">persons</a> have higher rates of traffic incidents, resulting in <a class="decs" id="d003643">death</a> or <a class="decs" id="d014947">injury</a>, compared to non-older <a class="decs" id="d000328">adults</a> between 2008 and 2017. <h2>Method:</h2> The databases of the National Traffic <a class="decs" id="d012449">Safety</a> Commission of the last ten years and the data of inhabitants according to the projections made by the National Statistics Institute were used. Effect <a class="decs" id="d014894">measures</a> and 95% <a class="decs" id="d016001">confidence intervals</a> were calculated. <h2>Results:</h2> Older <a class="decs" id="d000328">adults</a> in <a class="decs" id="d002677">Chile</a> had 0.5 times the rate of <a class="decs" id="d013315">suffering</a> a <a class="decs" id="d000063">traffic accident</a>, 0.6 times the rate of <a class="decs" id="d014947">injury</a>, and 1.3 times the rate of dying in a <a class="decs" id="d000063">traffic accident</a> when compared against non-<a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a> <a class="decs" id="d000328">adults</a>. Antofagasta and Arica were the regions with the lowest and highest occurrence of <a class="decs" id="d003643">death</a> for the <a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a>, respectively. The leading causes of <a class="decs" id="d000063">traffic accidents</a> were the <a class="decs" id="ddcs036436">imprudence</a> of the driver and pedestrian, which presented 1.6 and 2.6 times the <a class="decs" id="d009026">death rate</a> when compared against non-<a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a> <a class="decs" id="d000328">adults</a>. Of the main types of <a class="decs" id="d000063">traffic accidents</a>, only when the pedestrian was hit by a vehicle, the <a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a> had a higher occurrence of <a class="decs" id="d003643">death</a> (rate ratio 2.4). <h2>Conclusions:</h2> The <a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a> presented greater <a class="decs" id="ddcs034666">vulnerability</a> to die in a <a class="decs" id="d000063">traffic accident</a>. Substantial differences are seen across different regions. <a class="decs" id="d005544">Future</a> <a class="decs" id="d012106">research</a> should <a class="decs" id="d019484">address</a> the characteristics of the users, the <a class="decs" id="ddcs029653">strategies</a> that could help them to have better interaction, and promote <a class="decs" id="d006262">health</a> with a focus on road <a class="decs" id="d012449">safety</a> in the <a class="decs" id="d000368">elderly</a>.</str>
<arr name="otherab">
<str>Determinar si las personas mayores tienen mayor tasa de sufrir siniestros de tránsito, de fallecer o de lesionarse en estos, en comparación con personas adultas en Chile entre los años 2008 y 2017.Se utilizaron las bases de datos de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad de Tránsito de los últimos 10 años y los datos de habitantes según las proyecciones realizadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Se calcularon las medidas de efecto e intervalos de confianza del 95%.Las personas mayores en Chile tuvieron 0,5 veces la tasa de sufrir un siniestro de tránsito; 0,6 veces la tasa de lesionar y 1,3 veces la tasa de fallecer en un siniestro de tránsito que presentan las personas adultas. Antofagasta y Arica fueron las regiones con menor y mayor ocurrencia de fallecimientos de personas mayores. Las principales causas de siniestro fueron la imprudencia del conductor y peatón, las que a su vez presentaron 1,6 y 2,6 veces la tasa de fallecimiento en personas adultas. De los principales tipos de siniestros, sólo en los atropellos las personas mayores tuvieron mayor ocurrencia de muerte (razón de tasas 2,4).Confirma la mayor vulnerabilidad a fallecer en un siniestro de tránsito de las personas mayores. Se aprecian grandes diferencias a través de las diversas regiones del país. Las futuras investigaciones deben abordar las características de los usuarios, las estrategias que podrían ayudar a estos a tener una mejor interacción y promover la salud con foco en la seguridad vial en las personas mayores.</str>

O texto do resumo <arr name="otherab"> não está sendo mostrado na interface. Como tratar esta situação?

viniciusandrade commented 3 years ago

@botturam, este elemento esta sendo criado quando não é possível determinar o idioma?

Olhando o registro no Pubmed o resumo deste registro esta disponível nos idiomas inglês e espanhol ... é possível revisar para marcar este resumo como espanhol?

botturam commented 2 years ago

@viniciusandrade Foram incluídos os outros idiomas (apenas ab_en, ab_es, ab_fr, ab_pt):

Ex 1:

Descobri também que existe um Abstract alternativo (field "ab_plain" - Plain Language Summary), colocado abaixo do Keywords e acima do Copyright:

Ex 2:

OBS: Quando o "ab" não existe e há apenas o ab_plain, este último assume o lugar do "ab".

Outra coisa: estão faltando os campos de Copyright e Declaration. O exemplo acima contempla esses 2 campos.

Colocar "Copyright" (field "copyright") e, abaixo, o conteúdo "Conflict of interest statement" (field "declaration"):

Ex copyright:

▒ 2022. The Author(s).

Ex declaration:

Declaration of interests The authors declare no competing interests.
botturam commented 2 years ago

O "ex 1" acima (id:mdl-35018688) está mostrando nos 3 idiomas (e o francês?).