bireme / ods3-best-practices

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Novos campos no formulário #56

Closed isabellaabe closed 2 years ago

isabellaabe commented 2 years ago

Prezado Wilson, bom dia!

Solicitamos, por gentileza, a inclusão de novos campos no formulário:

  1. Em Basic Information, e logo após “This Best Practice is related to:”, incluir a seguinte pergunta e as opções (select box):

Modality of Cooperation: North-North North-South South-South Triangular Cooperation

  1. Em Effectiveness/Efficiency/Adaptability/Replicability: 2.1. Incluir a pergunta e a caixa de texto: Please, describe the sustainability aspect of the project/initiative being described in this Best Practice.

    2.2. Incluir a palavra Sustainability na aba:
  2. Em Multimedia/Conclusão: incluir campo de inclusão de palavras-chaves. Conectar com o DeCS.

Obrigada! Isabella

wilsonmoura commented 2 years ago

@isabellaabe ajustes realizados conforme solicitado.