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Dos cambios de texto #78

Closed AugustoBaron closed 1 year ago

AugustoBaron commented 1 year ago

Estimado @wilsonmoura ,

Hemos identificado la necesidad de hacer solo dos leves cambios de texto que hemos omitido previamente.

  1. En el Submission Form, en la siguiente pregunta: image cambiar el texto de *In your opinion, the resources assigned to the accomplishment of this Good Practice (financial, technological and/or manpower) were implement in an efficient way?


*In your opinion, the resources assigned to the accomplishment of this Good Practice (financial, technological and/or manpower) were implemented in an efficient way?

  1. En el Reviewer's Evaluation, en este help icon: image

Cambiar el texto

Information on the presence of a financial management structure. Information on a budgetary strategy. Evidence regarding budget ability to reach objectives.


Information regarding resource adjustments. Information that shows that any surplus of resources was a result of strategic decisions to increase efficiency and not mismanagement. Information regarding strategies to augment/ensure efficiency.

Agradecemos sinceramente vuestro tan recio apoyo en las últimas semanas, ya con la plataforma finalmente lista para su pronto debut.

Atentamente, Augusto B.

wilsonmoura commented 1 year ago

@AugustoBaron hicimos los ajustes requeridos.