bireme / proethos2

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Issue Uploading Files #606

Closed git-usma-panama closed 1 year ago

git-usma-panama commented 1 year ago

We received an issue from our users, that are starting to used Proethos.

The issue rises when they try to upload files. They receive the following error:


We thought it was write permissions, but after a lot of tests, we can state that the issue doesn't belongs to permissions and its not with all uploads. Every 10 uploads, on generates the error.

Also we have noticed in our logs this warnings when this happens: image

I thought I have a hunch on this one, because I thought on "file size restrictions", but according to our tests, files are less that 1MB and after several uploads, we received the error.

Hope you can provide me light with this issue.


wilsonmoura commented 1 year ago

@git-usma-panama follow comments about:

git-usma-panama commented 1 year ago

Understood, will check this log and post any findings here.. We will proceed with the clearance of the application cache.

git-usma-panama commented 1 year ago

Attachedk prod.log from our system.

I tried to do the sudo make update, but got this error:


Here is our log from the production system:


wilsonmoura commented 1 year ago

@git-usma-panama we analyzed the log file and found some messages stating that the uploaded file exceeded the size limit configured in PHP. So, there are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Adjust PHP settings in the php.ini file:
    memory_limit = 256M
    upload_max_filesize = 50M
    post_max_size = 50M
  2. Adjust Apache virtual host settings:
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value upload_max_filesize 50M
    php_value post_max_size 50M
git-usma-panama commented 1 year ago

Ok... I will proceed as per your recommendation, let me tune with the local Proethos2 administrator the "accepted" size of files to be uploaded.