birkir / gatsby-source-prismic-graphql

Gatsby source plugin for Prismic GraphQL
MIT License
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Pagination broken - prismic.load throws error #216

Open dturkington49 opened 4 years ago

dturkington49 commented 4 years ago


I would like to display 100+ instances of published content from Prismic on a single page. The GraphQL client only allows 20 results per query. In order to get more results I need to paginate the them. I would like to render more pages of results automatically as the user scrolls.


I working off this example: It's pretty similar to what I want. Everything works as expected until we hit prismic.load. It is throwing the error in the console:

Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 11 53 04 AM Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 11 53 25 AM

I can tell the paginated query is returning a 200 from the network tab. This error appears to be thrown after the query but before load() returns. All in all, this is a pretty simple function but I may be missing something.

Example code

export const query = graphql'
  query Contents($first: Int = 3, $last: Int, $after: String, $before: String) {
    prismic {
      aliasName: allContent_types(
        sortBy: name_ASC,
        first: $first, last: $last, after: $after, before: $before
      ) {
        edges {
          node {
        pageInfo {

const Content = (props) => {

  const [data, setData] = React.useState(;
  const [page, setPage] = React.useState(-1);

  var contentByCategory = {
    CategoryName: {
      ref: useRef(null),

  const loadMoreContent = () => {
      variables: { after: getCursorFromDocumentIndex(page) },
      fragments: [fragment]
    }).then((res : any) => {console.log(res); setData(;});

  Object.entries(contentByCategory).map(([category, object]) => {
      ({ prevPos, currPos }) => {
        const padding = 200;
        const bottomEdge =
          object.ref.current?.clientHeight -
          document.documentElement.clientHeight -
        if (prevPos.y + bottomEdge > 0 && currPos.y + bottomEdge < 0) {

  return ( 

Content.fragments = [fragment];
export default Content;
DanielJohnsson87 commented 4 years ago

@dturkington49 Not sure if this is related, but I've seen a similar error when previewing pages that contain imageSharp queries. In this issue #139 a fix is referenced. It changes the fetchPolicy to no-cache and that seems to solve the imageSharp issue. When I manually changed that line in my local node_modules it fixed the issue for me. Could be worth testing to see if they're related.