bisguzar / twitter-scraper

Scrape the Twitter Frontend API without authentication.
MIT License
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f'Oops! Either "{query}" does not exist or is private.' #172

Open sidizainul-syd opened 3 years ago

sidizainul-syd commented 3 years ago

!pip install twitter_scraper from twitter_scraper import get_tweets for tweet in get_tweets('#arsenal', pages=1): print(tweet['text'])

i ran this simple code but it returns the error "Oops! Either "%23arsenal" does not exist or is private." . it worked yesterday but today it stop working. i tried others hashtag but also return the same problem.

EssbieWGT commented 3 years ago

They seemed to have fully turned off the old "timeline" stream, which has thoroughly broken just about every twitter scraping tool I know of. The only one I know of that even partially works at the moment is here and even that only returns pretty basic info right now (tweet, username, date stamp).

sidizainul-syd commented 3 years ago

Yeahh, i try multiple twitter scrapping tools and none seems working. Hard luck

EssbieWGT commented 3 years ago

It's like they'd rather have people signing up for their "premium" APIs or something...