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Improve UI for Displaying Repositories #20

Open Niharika0104 opened 1 month ago

Niharika0104 commented 1 month ago


  1. Design Layout Enhancements: Redesign the layout of the repository listings to improve readability and visual hierarchy.

    • Steps to Implement:
      1. Define the overall structure and arrangement of repository cards or list items.
      2. Incorporate design elements such as spacing, typography, and color to enhance visual appeal.
    • Expected Outcome: Users should find it easier to navigate and scan through the repository listings with improved layout enhancements.
  2. Implement Responsive Design: Ensure that the repository listings adapt effectively to different screen sizes and devices.

    • Steps to Implement:
      1. Test and optimize the layout for responsiveness on various devices including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
      2. Apply CSS media queries or responsive design frameworks to adjust the layout and styling based on viewport size.
    • Expected Outcome: Repository listings should maintain usability and readability across different screen resolutions and device types.
Debasish7ripathy commented 1 month ago

i would like to contribute can i