bishan-batel / TintedBeacon

MIT License
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server side #1

Open Cyclopropinon opened 1 year ago

Cyclopropinon commented 1 year ago

hi, i wanna add this to my own server, is it possoble to make it server-side only?

bishan-batel commented 1 year ago

I don't believe so with the method that I'm currently using, as the check for the rendering the beacon beam happens entirely on the client side. There is a server side check for apply the particle effect, but there is no communication between the server & the client about whether or not to render. The only method I could think of to remedy this is the server sending the client a ghost block where the beacon is. I'll see if I could try that in an update, sorry for reading this issue so late - this is the first one I've gotten on my own repository.