{"error":{"type":"Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException","message":"Can't use method return value in write context","file":"\/home\/simpxyz\/vendor\/bishopb\/laravel-forums\/src\/models\/AuditingObserver.php","line":65}}
So either correct the following function in AuditingObserver.php or mark the package as PHP 5.5.
protected function needs(\Eloquent $model, $attribute)
$attr = $model->getAttribute($attribute);
return (
in_array($attribute, $model->getAuditors()) && // audit column in model &
empty($attr) // column not already set
) ?
true :
I ran into this while running forum:connect:
So either correct the following function in AuditingObserver.php or mark the package as PHP 5.5.
I could do a PR if you'd like.