bisq-network / admin

@bisq-network admin team task tracking
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2020-04-09 @team-leads call #72

Closed cbeams closed 4 years ago

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Previous call with an agenda was #58. We started doing these calls bi-weekly recently. We skipped one call, and did another one informally without an agenda.


Next steps with response to Apr 7th incident

Do 1:1s with individual victims

Discuss chimp's repayment proposal at

Establish new security practices

Formalize security process
Commission security review

Issue follow-up communications

Unfail trades PR

~Refund Agent~ Arbitration role hand-off and documentation

Hand off support lead role

Simplifying compensation requests starting in Cycle 13



cbeams availability / priorities

cbeams commented 4 years ago

@bisq-network/team-leads, please do your best to review the agenda above and familiarize yourself with the linked issues before the call. Please add any agenda items here as comments.

m52go commented 4 years ago

Issue follow-up communications

I forgot to mention this on the call, but I think it's important that we publish a thorough and thoughtful post-mortem when it's possible to do so.

If desired, I can open an issue with pre-requisites for this post (i.e., what needs to be decided/finished before writing it) along with points we want to hit.