bisq-network / bisq-website

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Improve and document translation workflow #305

Closed m52go closed 4 years ago

m52go commented 4 years ago

Doing new translations is unnecessarily hard for contributors and reviewers.

There are multiple steps that need to be clarified and verified:

  1. strings are continually updated in doesn't seem this process is currently automated.
  2. translators regularly update those strings (perhaps we assign a point-person for each language so someone is responsible).
  3. process for doing a new website translation is made clear (what to add, modify, etc).

We also need to determine which languages are high-priority and which aren't, along with objective criteria to make that determination.

m52go commented 4 years ago

Had a call about this today with arunasurya and FKrauss. We'll use the upcoming Russian translation of the website as a test for the current not-well-documented translation process, fill in the holes, and then make a formal addition with complete details to documentation.

m52go commented 4 years ago

Marking as dropped since translations is a very low priority right now, and no new ones will be added for the foreseeable future.

We can pick this issue back up when it becomes relevant.