bisq-network / bisq-website

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Create #479

Closed solomon1923 closed 6 months ago

solomon1923 commented 6 months ago

Adding a new page to the blog. Keeping it short as a test

solomon1923 commented 6 months ago

Thanks @cbeams for the feedback.

The context of the PR request is I made a post on the community forum and Stacker News to promote the bounty and wanted to try and post a blog post to also promote it.

Having not done a PR before, I was more focused on seeing if the blog could be uploaded from a PR than it's contents. I can see how this comes across as cheapening the blog. Apologies for this as it was not what I intended.

With regards to whether bounties like this a good idea or not I share your skepticism but think it is a good idea to experiment with things to see what works. The background to the creation of the bounty is that I had 3 Bisq contributors reach out to me about interested in contributing to Bisq by taking about it on Podcasts. Rather than have three separate conversations in private I thought it better to create a bounty and open it up to the three contributors that expressed an interest as-well as anyone else that might be interested.

I will close this PR and try to another PR to update the blog once Bisq v1.9.15. I think all updates should be posted to the blog. Hopefully this will be a lot less controversial and will also enable me to go though my first PR process so I increase my confidence about being able to make updates to the blog. Thank you again for the constructive feedback.

cbeams commented 6 months ago

I had 3 Bisq contributors reach out to me about interested in contributing to Bisq by taking about it on Podcasts.

Ah, that's great to hear. And all the more reason, I'd think, not to post about it on the blog, and simply to post the details and requirements of the bounty in a GH issue (as you did in bisq-network/growth#290) and then to point the interested parties to it.

In any case, sounds like a good plan to have the next post be about v1.9.15 when it's released, cheers!