bisq-network / compensation

@bisq-network contributor compensation requests
20 stars 16 forks source link

For Cycle 38 #1121

Closed alvasw closed 2 years ago

alvasw commented 2 years ago


Specify the total amount of BSQ you are requesting, along with the USD total and BSQ/USD rate (don't include the brackets!):

Contributions delivered

Add contributions you have delivered and roles you have performed here as new rows in the table below. Role line-items should include an asterisk (*) in the team column.

Title Team USD Link Notes
Set Java 11 as Compilation Target dev We need to target Java 11 for Android Support.
build-logic: Set Kotlin Version Explicitly dev
build-logic: Download and Verify Electrum Binaries dev The new BisqElectrumPlugin downloads and verifies the Electrum binaries for Linux, OSX, and Windows. The PGP public keys and the fingerprints of the Electrum developers are hardcoded in the plugin. Consumers of the plugin can set the electrumVersion property to specify the version.
Bundle Electrum Binaries with Bisq dev Package the Electrum binaries after verifying the signatures and copy it to the Java resources.
Github Actions: Install Bitcoin Core on CI dev The bitcoind integration tests depend on Bitcoin Core.
Run Bitcoind Integration Tests on CI dev Check whether bitcoind is installed and run integration tests depending on its result.
ElectrumBinariesDownloader: Close all streams after download dev
Bisq-Plugin: Add gradlePluginPortal Repository dev
DaemonProcess: Log process start config dev
desktop/desktopapp: Target Java 17 dev JPackage cannot sign the DMG image on Mac because the JavaFX 11 Mac dylib libraries are not signed. It's less work to target Java 17 (and JavaFx 17) instead of adapting the build process to sign the dylib libraries before creating and signing the DMG image.
Proof of Concept: Pricenode Extraction dev PoC:
PR Review: Add new bisq-pricenode build dev
PR Review: Add re-usable Gradle task postBuild dev
Fix race condition in bitcoind unconfirmed txs dev
  • Move initialize and shutdown to BitcoindWallet
  • Bitcoind: Create custom JUnit Extension
  • Bitcoind: Use custom extension in integration tests
  • BitcoindInitialRegtestMiningTest: Wait until all blocks mined
  • BitcoindRegtestSetup: Make regtest block mining blocking
  • BitcoindSendUnconfirmedTest: Wait until tx broadcasted
Fix race condition in elementsd unconfirmed txs dev
  • ElementsdVin: Add missing peginWitnesses field
  • Elements: Make regtest block mining blocking
  • Elements: Move regtest classes to its own package
  • ElementsSendUnconfirmedTest: Wait until tx broadcasted
  • ElementsdVin: Add issuance field
CI: Install Elements Core and Run Integration Tests dev
  • Github Actions: Rename setup-bitcoin-core to install-wallets
  • Github Actions: Install Elements Core
  • Wallets: Enable Elements Integration tests (when elementsd installed)
PR Review: Add re-usable Gradle task postBuild dev Proof of Concept: Plugin -
Proof of Concept: Plugin Consumption -
PR Review: Add bisq v1 post build plugin dev pluginManagement block was missing.
Bisq 2 Web UI: Add Bisq 2 repo as a Composite Build dev
  • Make Gradle Wrapper executable
  • Update Gradle Wrapper to 7.5
  • Add Bisq 2 repo as a Composite Build
Add Bisq 2 identity module as a dependency dev JitPack was missing as a repository.
PR Review: Fix plugin management spec in settings.gradle dev
dev 6000 Total for items above.
chimp1984 commented 2 years ago


ripcurlx commented 2 years ago

As dev team lead I approve this compensation request for dev based on Please submit your compensation request to the DAO for voting and post the transaction ID here afterwards. Thanks!

alvasw commented 2 years ago


ghost commented 2 years ago

Issuance by Team:

team amount BSQ amount USD
dev 8000.00 6000.00

Total Issuance: 8000.00 BSQ (equivalent to: 6000.00 USD)

MwithM commented 2 years ago

Closed as accepted