bisq-network / growth

Bisq exchange growth experiments
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1-2 minute video snippets #248

Open tank-erosion opened 2 years ago

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

Learning Goal/Objective

To leverage brief, but dense/impactful on demand snippets aimed at twitter to expose people to Bisq UX prior to downloading


Countless people tell me "I've been meaning to sit down and check out bisq" because they hear about it but don't know what it looks like. Quick shots on social media can trigger FOMO, expose people to the UI, generate buzz, and guide them toward longer videos and demos. This can lead to more Bisq usage.

Experiment Design

Recording the Bisq experience, remove filler, add brief commentary and overlays. Get people talking about Bisq on twitter more, specifically the UX ("wow I didn't realize the security deposit was non-custodial," "the mediation and arbitration process is well thought out" etc). Social media engagement will be a measure of reach.

Resource Estimation and Probability

Low dev effort. I can do it with screen capture and basic video editing. There are plenty of influencers that would happily retweet. If successful, we can also crosspost on other social media.


- What happened? - Did we succeed or fail? - What data did we collect? - Anything unexpected? - How close have we been to our prediction? - Why did we see the result that we did?



-What did we learn by running this experiment?


Action Items

- Another experiment for this goal? - How do we progress from here on?


m52go commented 2 years ago

Thanks for proposing this @tank-erosion -- I like this idea. Small short videos seem like a great way to close the UX gap. My feeling after talking to many users and prospective users is that the general awareness of Bisq is pretty good, but complexity keeps many from actually using it. I don't think making 1-2 minute clips will be easy, because many aspects of Bisq are actually rather convoluted, but I think it's well worth a try.

To that end, I'd also like to add another desired outcome: for users and prospective users to think "wow i didn't realize it was that easy to ___ with bisq".

Do you have any ideas for topics you'd like to cover first?

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

I like your idea for a desired outcome. Some potential topics:

m52go commented 2 years ago

Very interesting stuff. The "DCA sans KYC" perspective is one I haven't heard before. Mobile notifications are a thing, but yeah they only work with Play services or iOS.

Would you like to pick a topic to start?

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

I'd lean toward "zero to hero." People really need to see the process and it'd be an interesting challenge to shorten and simplify.

m52go commented 2 years ago

Cool, let's do it. Let me know if/how I can help and keep us posted!

Not sure if you saw it, but this recent video on downloading and verifying Samourai may offer some tips on cramming as much as possible in a short time-span.

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I just need to find some linux based editing software (already using OBS for screen capture). I used to do all my editing in Windows. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

m52go commented 2 years ago

I've found Kdenlive to work fairly well.

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'm hoping to get started this weekend.

tank-erosion commented 2 years ago

Update, this weekend was a bust. Will try again for next weekend.