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Bisq exchange growth experiments
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⚡️ Bisq Market Day - March 20th 2023 #274

Open leo816 opened 1 year ago

leo816 commented 1 year ago

This is a Bisq Network proposal. Please familiarize yourself with the submission and review process.


Following the 2018's proposal to create more liquidity on bisq, perhaps it's a good time to revisit this idea and give it another push. I believe it worked quite well back then and although it didn't reach the objectives it was a great starting point.


On March 20th 2023 we will try to get as many people as possible to place offers on Bisq as a way to kick-start liquidity and also launch the newest release. Bisq 2.0.


Reach maximum number of offers published during 1 day. If we can reach 1000 offers published on one day we will see a new high in number of trades.

Please add a 👍 below if you will participate!

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Great proposal. Previous market days helped a lot. Having a certain date is a good way to focus objectives. The ask is simple: please create an offer on Bisq on March 20th 2023.

Let's try to get new markets started on that day! China, Nigeria, India, Argentina could be interesting markets.

We can reach out to local Bitcoin communities like the ones listed here: to participate!

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Less than 3 months left for Bisq Market Day!

Here's a list of tasks in search of volunteers to take them on:

Before Market Day

  1. Social media post 20, 10, 5, 1 day before (Twitter, reddit, bitcointalk, Telegram, Nostr, etc). @MwithM
  2. Community ambassador Asia - @flix1
  3. Community ambassador Africa @pazza83
  4. Community ambassador Europe @leo816
  5. Community ambassador America @MwithM
  6. Recruitment - contact Bisq users in matrix, get them to commit to posting offers on Market Day. @jmacxx
  7. Create promotional material - images, memes, etc... for social media campaigns. @w0000000t
  8. Create tutorials, wiki pages, etc to easily onboard newbies on Market Day. @flix1

On Market Day

  1. Video streaming and live trade demos, tutorials, Q&A, etc.
  2. Live tweeting and host Twitter Spaces
  3. User Support


flix1 commented 1 year ago

As well as having representatives from different local markets on the livestream, each talking about their local perspective (I'm particularly interested in having someone from Nigeria, given what's going on there with CBDC, etc.) It would also be interesting to have a number of guests from other P2P or DEX projects to compare notes, see what they do better or worse than Bisq. Since the livestream could span multiple timezones and last a few hours, there's time for a lot of guest appearances...

Guest Wishlist:

P2P exchanges

  1. Hodlhodl
  2. Paxful
  3. Localbitcoins
  4. Robosats
  5. Peach Bitcoin
  6. TBD

FOSS Projects / potential collaboration

  1. Electrum
  2. Umbrel
  3. Mempool
  4. BTCPayserver
flix1 commented 1 year ago

Speaking of local groups, BTCMap's community map is awesome!


flix1 commented 1 year ago

Some memes from @w0000000t

image image image

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

I want to boost a message on RHR for Bisq's market day. I will spend 77,777 sats so that it will be read out as a top 4 boost. I was gonna boost something like this but could use feedback: "On the 20th of March Bisq will have a market day. Show your support for the P2P exchange that cannot be shut down by creating an offer on Bisq, especially in less liquid markets. Bisq 2.0 will also be launching. Initially as a lightweight P2P message board but with more to come in the future." You can boost up to 500 characters so let me know. Also I will wait until right before the next RHR to boost so that I know with higher probability that my boost will be enough to be in the top 4. I don't need to boost now and can wait until we get closer to the day. It might also make sense for me to boost once a month out and then again the week before. The 20th is a Monday and RHR is normally Thurs/Fri so a boost which is read out the previous Thurs/Fri would definitely make the most sense.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Let me suggest changing from:

"On the 20th of March Bisq will have a market day. Show your support for the P2P exchange that cannot be shut down by creating an offer on Bisq, especially in less liquid markets. Bisq 2.0 will also be launching. Initially as a lightweight P2P message board but with more to come in the future."


"Bisq Market Day on March 20th. Show your support for the P2P exchange that cannot be shut down by creating an offer on Bisq. Kick-start new markets. Join the Bisq community on Matrix ( Try out the new Bisq 2.0."

As to the timing, I agree 3-4 days before market day is probably best. Sooner and people forget, later and people can't prepare in time.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Key messages:

WHY = Support Bitcoin decentralized exchange WHAT = Bisq Market Day
WHEN = 20th March
HOW = Create an offer on Bisq

I would create content in support of each of these messages. The WHAT and WHEN are simply conveyed in this image:


For the HOW we can use links to the Bisq wiki:

The WHY is the most important. There are many reasons why a DEX is important for Bitcoin and good for users... but we need to think a lot about how to transmit these reasons in a simple and powerful way.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Reasons why you should support Bitcoin decentralized exchange:

  1. PRIVACY: centralized exchanges spy on you, collect your data and then sell it or leak it. Bisq CANNOT collect your data.
  2. SECURITY: centralized exchanges can and often do lose your Bitcoin. Bisq NEVER controls your coins.
  3. FREEDOM: centralized exchanges can censor you. Bisq CANNOT censor anyone.
  4. FOSS: you don't know what centralized exchanges are doing with your Bitcoin. Bisq is open source.


flix1 commented 1 year ago

I keep thinking what is the best way to kickstart a new market. We've tried with bounties for market makers, 1st trade, etc. See for example: Claimed in 2020 by @adibas03 @Olugbo - no trades in NGN since 2021. Bounty failed Claimed in 2020 by @RadishXN - some activity in CNY in 2023 Claimed in 2019 - some activity since in JPY, thanks to @wiz Bounty failed - no activity in ARS since 2020.

Most have not resulted in sustainable or liquid markets after the bounty. We did learn a lot from the experience. At the very least we should contact all Bisq users who have claimed bounties in the past and ask them to participate in Market Day.


apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

My boost was read on the most recent RHR. It was 4th on the list for 77,777 sats. I went with @flix1's suggested wording. For the RHR just prior to Bisq's Market Day I will try to boost enough to get 1st on boostagrams either that, or if it is cheaper, pay for a $50 shoutout.

RadishXN commented 1 year ago

I will be more than glad to help to Bisq growth and it will be great if you can tell me what to do or any plan to keep some activity.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

That is excellent news @RadishXN !

I really want to activate China on Market Day March 20th. I will personally pay you to act as market maker on that day to make sure that there are some offers available in CNY/BTC.

Your job would be:

  1. Keep at least 2 BUY and 2 SELL offers online on CNY/BTC for the 24 hours of March 20th
  2. Complete any trades that happen.
  3. Communicate with other bitcoiners in China to bring them to Bisq on that day to try it.

If you accept this job I will pay:

-200 BSQ in advance -300 BSQ on completion -300 BSQ bonus is more than 3 trades happen in CNY/BTC on March 20th.

To be clear - this is not a Bisq bounty. I will be paying this personally as an experiment.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

They are great incentives!!

RadishXN commented 1 year ago

That is excellent news @RadishXN !

I really want to activate China on Market Day March 20th. I will personally pay you to act as market maker on that day to make sure that there are some offers available in CNY/BTC.

Your job would be:

  1. Keep at least 2 BUY and 2 SELL offers online on CNY/BTC for the 24 hours of March 20th
  2. Complete any trades that happen.
  3. Communicate with other bitcoiners in China to bring them to Bisq on that day to try it.

If you accept this job I will pay:

-200 BSQ in advance -300 BSQ on completion -300 BSQ bonus is more than 3 trades happen in CNY/BTC on March 20th.

To be clear - this is not a Bisq bounty. I will be paying this personally as an experiment.

I will be more than happy to appreciate your proposal. I will try my best to do it.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

I take that as a yes @RadishXN. Please post a BSQ address here and I will send you the advance payment.

RadishXN commented 1 year ago

I take that as a yes @RadishXN. Please post a BSQ address here and I will send you the advance payment.

I try to reach you on element, but I am not sure if you recieve my message, please let me know.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Advance paid.

Please write about anything that needs to be fixed in the next release for CNY/BTC. Translation, payment methods, etc... Anything that is blocking people in China from using Bisq... so we can ask the Bisq devs to fix it before Market Day.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

We should definitely take advantage of this by contacting LBC traders and explaining that Bisq CANNOT discontinue its service because it is not a company but a DEX.


stopfeds commented 1 year ago

@MwithM Do you already have some tweet ideas? Just retweeted the first post.

Would be great if you can share them with me so I can translate or adapt them for BisqDe. Or let's chat about it on Matrix.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Social media countdown

  1. Twitter ✔️

  2. Nostr

  3. Reddit ✔️

  4. Telegram ✔️

  5. Whatsapp

  6. Instagram

  7. Youtube

  8. Facebook

  9. Discord

To make coordination of social media efforts simpler, we can use this shared spreadsheet:

flix1 commented 1 year ago

It looks like we might have somebody interested in helping from Nigeria! So i'm going to offer the same incentives as for China.

I will pay you to act as market maker on that day to make sure that there are some offers available in NGN/BTC.

Your job would be:

  1. Keep at least 2 BUY and 2 SELL offers online on NGN/BTC for the 24 hours of March 20th
  2. Complete any trades that happen.
  3. Communicate with other bitcoiners in Nigeria to bring them to Bisq on that day to try it.

If you accept this job I will pay:

-200 BSQ in advance -300 BSQ on completion -300 BSQ bonus is more than 3 trades happen in NGN/BTC on March 20th.

To be clear - this is not a Bisq bounty. I will be paying this personally as an experiment.

Jayboi23 commented 1 year ago

Hello sir, I’m interested

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Welcome @Jayboi23 I'm really looking forward to seeing Nigeria active on Bisq. The job is yours. Message me on Matrix with a BSQ address for the advance payment.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

OK, so we managed to do a Bisq test trade for HKD with a guy from the Hong Kong Bitcoin association. Several of its members are looking to participate in market day. In summary: it did NOT go easy. UX is not a Bisq strong point. I'm going to list all the issues we ran into here for future reference.

We started at 11:00 CET (19:00 HK) and finished at 19:30 CET (2.30 HK) so it required a lot of patience.

-First issue was initial Bisq sync time after install. It took hours. No idea why. -Then there was blocked shutdown - after waiting a while he had to forcibly shut down Bisq. -Then it had to sync the DAO again - about 15 minutes -He did not know how to set up a payment account, was afraid to put real data in it. I had to explain all the Bisq privacy features, that data is stored locally in his computer and only shared with trade peer, why he needs a real payment account if he wants to sell bitcoin, etc. -I sent him some BSQ, fee must have been low because it took hours to confirm. -He was confused by security deposits. I had to explain this feature. -Could not create offer, button was greyed out. Fixed after restart. -Confusion over offers in HKD for CN and for HK - different payment methods in same market. -Sync stuck. Restart again. -Finally tries to take offer - stuck at "checking if offer is still available" probably connectivity issues. Another restart. -10 minute wait to sync DAO again. -"Peer has not responded" this time I restarted (had no incoming connections).

Finally he managed to take my offer. It's a fake/test trade anyway because I won't require payment from him, so it should be fast to complete.

...but you can see all the things that need fixing, improving, simplifying. Any other guy would have given up after the first hour.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Its due to Tor connectivity & throughput. Looks like CN / HK have worse issues than most.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Advance payment to @Jayboi23 made. Confirmed as market maker for the 20th.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

We now have a live real offer in HKD


We have a maker! Now we just need a taker.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Buy and sell offers up un NGN! Thanks to @Jayboi23


He has also suggested that we should add some of the instant payment methods used in Nigeria:

Kuda, PalmPay, OPay

For reference an example of a recently added payment method:

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Argentina is now activated! ARS/BTC has live buy and sell offers.


All it took was a tweet!

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Interesting conversation on twitter with some argentinians on the reasons that they don't use Bisq:

  1. Payment methods... they say that nobody in Argentina uses bank payments, they prefer instant payment systems.


  1. Fixed ARS price. There's no price feed. Given high Argentinian Peso inflation (>100%) fixed pricing is almost useless.


  1. KYC - they don't care so much about it. It's not as strict in Argentina.
flix1 commented 1 year ago

Venezuela is live!


flix1 commented 1 year ago

In the past few days we've had trades in HKD, ARS, CLP, MXN, PLN.


It's not a lot, but it shows what is possible.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Proposal for User defined Payment Method on Bisq

This should help solve some of the problems pointed out by @RadishXN @Jayboi23 and others.

Let's hope we can try it out on Market Day!

flix1 commented 1 year ago

We have a Nigerian Naira trade!


flix1 commented 1 year ago

As a test it looks like we are going to be experimenting with the payment method workaround (F2F) until Market Day:


Olugbo commented 1 year ago

More Nigerian Naira trades :)

On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 07:34, Félix @.***> wrote:

We have a Nigerian Naira trade!

[image: image]

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Jayboi23 commented 1 year ago

We have a Nigerian Naira trade!


Now 2 trades

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

I will do either a $50 shout-out or a large enough boost to ensure 1st place boost on RHR this week. Let know what wording people want on the Market Day message.

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Feedback from Japan


apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

I will do either a $50 shout-out or a large enough boost to ensure 1st place boost on RHR this week. Let know what wording people want on the Market Day message.

I will be making it a shout-out since my Lightning wallet doesn't have enough funds in it for a 1st place RHR boost.

"Bisq Market Day is on next Monday the 20th of March. Show your support for the KYC-FREE P2P Exchange, that cannot be shut down, by creating an offer on Bisq. Kick-start new markets! Join the Bisq Community on Matrix ( Become a part of the Bitcoin on ramps as they should be, PEER TO PEER!"

Let me know if anyone has any edits to suggest o.w. I will be paying the shout-out in the next day or so.

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

I will do either a $50 shout-out or a large enough boost to ensure 1st place boost on RHR this week. Let know what wording people want on the Market Day message.

I will be making it a shout-out since my Lightning wallet doesn't have enough funds in it for a 1st place RHR boost.

"Bisq Market Day is on next Monday the 20th of March. Show your support for the KYC-FREE P2P Exchange, that cannot be shut down, by creating an offer on Bisq. Kick-start new markets! Join the Bisq Community on Matrix ( Become a part of the Bitcoin on ramps as they should be, PEER TO PEER!"

Let me know if anyone has any edits to suggest o.w. I will be paying the shout-out in the next day or so.

This has been done now

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

I will do either a $50 shout-out or a large enough boost to ensure 1st place boost on RHR this week. Let know what wording people want on the Market Day message.

I will be making it a shout-out since my Lightning wallet doesn't have enough funds in it for a 1st place RHR boost. "Bisq Market Day is on next Monday the 20th of March. Show your support for the KYC-FREE P2P Exchange, that cannot be shut down, by creating an offer on Bisq. Kick-start new markets! Join the Bisq Community on Matrix ( Become a part of the Bitcoin on ramps as they should be, PEER TO PEER!" Let me know if anyone has any edits to suggest o.w. I will be paying the shout-out in the next day or so.

This has been done now

They didn't read the shoutout. I will try to get Matt or Marty to Tweet it instead.

ripcurlx commented 1 year ago

This will be the YouTube livestream link:

We'll use Jitsi for the Video Call and stream directly to YouTube from there.

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

In advance of Market Day I have put together this guide:

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Today is the day!

flix1 commented 1 year ago

Look at Hong Kong taking off!


flix1 commented 1 year ago

5 live offers in Nigeria!


leo816 commented 1 year ago

This is the livestream link: see you in 2 hours

flix1 commented 1 year ago

350 trades in total on market day. Not bad!


Including trades in: EUR, USD, GBP, BRL, CAD, AUD, CZK, DKK, NZD, NOK, HKD, CHF, JPY, MXN, CNY, NGN!

Every continent represented. Bisq, like Bitcoin, is global... or at least has the potential to be used by anyone, anywhere.