bisq-network / growth

Bisq exchange growth experiments
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Bisq Growth calls #289

Open solomon1923 opened 4 months ago

solomon1923 commented 4 months ago

Creating an issue to document Bisq Growth calls.

solomon1923 commented 4 months ago

Growth Call 08 Feb 2024

Attendees: @solomon1923, @jayboi23, @aodalaeon, @Chordbridge


@solomon1923 expressed desire to co-ordinate the work delivered by the growth team. Does not want to assign tasks to specific contributors, would rather match a contributor to a task that they have a strong interest in. Work format to be decentralized as possible with each contributor taking ownership of their chosen tasks / projects.

Also discussed growth to be define both by an increase in trade revenue and also number of Bisq users and development of offer books.

The costs related to a particular contribution should also be weighed up with it's potential returns. Eg no point for Bisq to spend funds translating to a rarely used language if it is not likely to return this cost with trade revenue.

Advised potential contributors to consider privacy and opsec when contributing to Bisq.

@jayboi23 is doing a happy working on developing Bisq's nostr presence. Will also consider how he would like to contribute to growing the Nigerian Bisq user base.

@aodalaeon is interested in potentially being a Podcast guest representing Bisq in both English and German on relevant Bitcoin podcasts. Also interested in adding German as a language to the Bisq wiki, and potentially creating additional documentation that would be helpful for potential or new Bisq users.

@Chordbridge also potentially interested in being a podcast guest representing Bisq, and also adding another language to Bisq. Mentioned @pazza83 might be a good contributor for Bisq reddit marketing as read their Reddit AMA.


Frist growth call was good to touch base with everyone. Growth plan will likely become clearer as time progresses.

If anyone is interested in joining the growth team please reach out to me on Matrix

solomon1923 commented 4 months ago

Growth Call 22 Feb 2024

Attendees: @solomon1923, @jayboi23, @Chordbridge


@jayboi23 interested in being a guest for podcasts based in Nigeria.

@Chordbridge also interested in being a podcast guest for related podcasts based in Israel.


Second growth call was a quick discussion about how the podcast bounty would work.

If anyone is interested in joining the growth team please reach out to me on Matrix

solomon1923 commented 4 months ago

Growth Call 29 Feb 2024

Attendees: @solomon1923, @jayboi23, @aodalaeon


Had 2 separate calls. One with @jayboi23 and one with @aodalaeon

Spoke with @jayboi23 abut defining a Nostr strategy for Bisq. He is interested in documenting the strategy for discussion on GitHub. Opened up an issue to discussed.

He is also looking into online community places for bitcoiners in Nigeria eg:

Still to be discussed in Nigerian payment methods

@aodalaeon is interested in doing a couple of German language podcasts, and potentially presenting a Bisq workshop at a bitcoin meetup. He has a couple of contacts he will reach out to.


If anyone is interested in joining the growth team please reach out to me on Matrix