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Reduce or eliminate arbitration cases #39

Open ripcurlx opened 3 years ago

ripcurlx commented 3 years ago

_This is a Bisq Network project. Please familiarize yourself with the project management process._


Reduce or in best case eliminate arbitrator cases (refund agent cases).


The v2 of the Bisq trade protocol was designed to handle a handful of arbitrator cases each month. Right now it is more like 1+ cases per day which is not sustainable and creates an unnecessary load on arbitrators.

This resulted in multiple proposals:


It is required that we solve this problem one way or the other to reduce total trade time in case of arbitration and not to loose the arbitrator before an acceptable alternative is available.

Criteria for delivery / Measures of success




This project has no estimates as it is more an epic story~searchTerm~'~sort~false~sortDirection~'asc~page~1)). The tasks or proposals that we agree on working will have estimates instead.

ripcurlx commented 3 years ago

We shipped a deposit percentage suggestion based on volatility in v1.3.7. It seems to be helping, but it didn't reduce the refund agent cases to an acceptable level. So we need to continue with the improvements mentioned above and to find out the root cause of unresponsive sellers in the Monero market.