bisq-network / proposals

@bisq-network improvement proposals
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Have a clearly defined process for how users with accepted DAO reimbursement requests can trade with Burning Man #366

Closed pazza83 closed 1 year ago

pazza83 commented 2 years ago

This is a Bisq Network proposal. Please familiarize yourself with the submission and review process.


About 12 months ago @refund-agent2 started to partially reimburse high volume trades.

This was done to reduce the risk of human error (eg and the potential for bugs in Bisq (such as to affect payouts.

This meant that traders in arbitration with refunds greater than 0.5 BTC needed to approach the DAO for compensation. Recent examples of users that have been accepted for reimbursement are:

User Issue BSQ payout
@wildduck379 1042 64,000
@polygonk 1044 39,331.37
@rtgeek 1041 26,238.11
@Akira45-0 908 27,426.69


Currently there is no consensus on:

Of the users above it appears that at least one, @Akira45-0, traded with burningman judging by the comment they posted.

For the other users I know I have personally supported @wildduck379 who concerned about how they would be able to realize a fair price for their BSQ in a reasonable time frame.

The issue has also lead to some perceived unclarity about how long funds in the donation address should be kept before being traded. Reference; read comments from downwards.

The issue of partial reimbursements is also not documented anywhere in the Bisq wiki AFAIK.

A lack of consensus around this issue can lead to the following problems:


I see the principle of this proposal as the trader should have the option to be reimbursed in the same amount of BTC as per their arbitration summary.

A good outcome would be:


I propose that their is a clearly defined process around reimbursement.



To Do:

Should this proposal be accepted I will do the following:


Should this proposal be accepted these are the additional expectations of the parties involved:

Expectations of trader:

Expectations of refund agent:

Expectations of burningman:


This proposal would create the following risks:


The above is my proposal created in discussion with the support team. I think it would be great to add more clarity to the process around partial reimbursements and achieve the objectives above.

w0000000t commented 2 years ago

I don't see the second risk as a proper risk, just how the market works probably... with a hint of security for the reimbursed party on the side, which is what users need to feel safer. In general I agree with this

refund-agent2 commented 2 years ago

This issues were already discussed when I began as Refund Agent. I launched two proposals: limit to 0.5BTC the reimbursements for each trade and define prices for reimbursement. They were approved without much discussion, but the conclusions weren't submitted to the Wiki. I agree with the need to clarify and point to the wiki this process.

Traders have known they have the right to sell their BSQ to burningman since I always tell them as soon as I realize the amount is big. I find one whole cycle too much for trading with burningman, next one or two Sundays should be enough for trading in order to reach a smooth process and reduce option trading risk.

I have been reporting when traders are going to need a refund, but only sometimes I have been reported back that the trades have been really performed. As after each cycle I also get a reimbursement and need to trade with burningman, I think it's ok if I'm the one linking traders and burningman for this trades; i.e. sending a message to burningman with the offers to pick after traders announce me they're willing to sell their BSQ. Currently traders were talking directly to burningman.

As I stated in #294 I don't find that promising a fixed rate is the best deal, since any other DAO participants have to deal with volatility. I think it's much better to use 30 day average at the moment of requesting the reimbursement and the 30 day average at the time of trading with burningman. Anyways, whatever it is decided, I think I should have the same deal as traders. Reimbursements are the same, the only difference is that I get a compensation and do it more often.

pazza83 commented 2 years ago

I agree with the need to clarify and point to the wiki this process.

Ok, following this proposal being resolved I will update the wiki.

I have been when traders are going to need a refund, but only sometimes

Great, I have not spotted this.

I think it's ok if I'm the one linking traders and burningman for this trades; i.e. sending a message to burningman with the offers to pick after traders announce me they're willing to sell their BSQ.


Currently traders were talking directly to burningman.

As I stated in I don't find that promising a fixed rate is the best deal, since any other DAO participants have to deal with volatility.

My sympathies in this instance are with the partially refunded traders that have been forced to become DAO participants. I agree that DAO participants should expect volatility, but when a trader has only been partially refunded I feel the principle should be they are refunded in full.

I should have the same deal as traders. Reimbursements are the same, the only difference is that I get a compensation and do it more often.

I would be in agreement that you should have the exact amount of BTC you paid out reimbursed.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

I have updated the Donation Address Owner - Bisq Wiki to reflect the agreements in this proposal.