bisq-network / roles

@bisq-network contributor roles
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Comptroller #111

Open pazza83 opened 2 years ago

pazza83 commented 2 years ago


This Comptroller role has been created following the proposal

As per the roles wiki I will outline the key aspects of the role to:

Objectives of the comptroller role

To make it easy for Bisq contributors and stakeholders to access brief monthly reports that give a snapshot as to how Bisq is performing in terms of profit / loss ie, is Bisq earning more in trade fees that it is spending (both in terms of USD and BTC).

This would have a positive impact on making it:


The following are the Comptroller duties:

To report monthly on the following:

- BSQ trade fees XXX XXX XXX
- BTC trade fees XXX XXX XXX
- Arbitration fees XXX XXX XXX
Compensation (XXX) (XXX) (XXX)
Net Profit (Loss) XXX XXX XXX

To report monthly on the what percentage of fees paid were paid in BSQ.








I will provide monthly reports underneath this role. As the reports are provided for each calendar month there may be cycles that do not have reports provided.

A annual report similar will also be provided at the start of each fiscal year to report on the previous fiscal year. I will include a summary of observations alongside the report.


None as this role is not vital to Bisq operations, nor is any special permissions required.


The following compensation will be requested for the role:

Amount Duty
$75 USD Monthly report
$150 USD Annual report


Some elements lie outside the scope of this role. Specifically auditing the financials. More more information please see comments on the original proposal:


A wiki will be created for the role in the future and linked here.

Tagging in @cbeams in case I have missed anything

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - February 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for February 2023.

February 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 6,301,263 265.2717 7,158,085
Revenue 65,383 2.75330533 74,296
- BSQ trade fees 17,166 0.72265723 19,501
- BTC trade fees 8 0.000366 10
- Burning Man revenue 47,285 1.9906121 53,715
- Arbitration fees 942 0.03967 1,070
Expenses (110,510) (4.65226907) (125,538)
- Contributor costs (36,431) (1.53367853) (41,385)
- DAO Reimbursements from new DPTs (46,508) (1.95790182) (52,832)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (27,571) (1.16068872) (31,321)
Net Profit (Loss) (45,108) (1.89896374) (51,242)

Due to the way BTC fees are paid, the percentage of fees paid in BSQ in February 2023, and the total fees paid as a percentage of revenue, are more difficult to work out. Will look for a solution to this.

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $45,108 in February 2023.

Trade volume is consistent with the previous cycle.

The main reason for the loss is that revenue generated by the burning of BSQ by the burning men was not enough to cover the refunds and reimbursements paid out by the DAO.

The new protocol means that refunds and reimbursements are now a cost to the DAO where before they were revenue neutral. This is because in the old trade protocol refunds and reimbursements were essentially for BTC sent to the donation address owned by the burning man who would use the BTC to buy BSQ. In the new protocol DAO contributors taking part in being burning men receive the BTC trade fees and BTC donation address payouts so the profit/loss will be dependent on how much BSQ is burnt by the burning men.

Might be useful for me to include the burn target and what was achieved in my reports:

Burn Target for February 2023: 162,322 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in February 2023: 53,715 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 33 %

I am assuming for the new protocol to be revenue neutral over a larger time the amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target should be close to 100% OR if it below that amount then the legacy trade fee addresses and delayed payout addresses should pick up the percentage difference.

It is still too early to draw any conclusions and I expect the next few reports to be a little volatile as an equilibrium is hopefully reached.

If anyone would like to check my working out just let me know. Always good to have more eyes checking the reports, especially with the change in protocol.

Also interested to hear any comments or suggestions with how it can be reported.

Also thinking of reporting on the amounts paid out in trade fees and delayed payouts each cycle, as although this is no longer revenue for the DAO I think it would be useful.

MwithM commented 1 year ago

Also thinking of reporting on the amounts paid out in trade fees and delayed payouts each cycle, as although this is no longer revenue for the DAO I think it would be useful.

It's revenue for burningmen, who are still a very important part of the DAO, so yes.

There will be months where BMen will lose, and that will mean that the DAO (as in BSQ burned) takes profit from it.

apemithrandir commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - February 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for February 2023. February 2023 USD BTC BSQ Volume 6,301,263 265.2717 7,158,085 Revenue 65,383 2.75330533 74,296

  • BSQ trade fees 17,166 0.72265723 19,501
  • BTC trade fees 8 0.000366 10
  • Burning Man revenue 47,285 1.9906121 53,715
  • Arbitration fees 942 0.03967 1,070 Expenses (110,510) (4.65226907) (125,538)
  • Contributor costs (36,431) (1.53367853) (41,385)
  • DAO Reimbursements from new DPTs (46,508) (1.95790182) (52,832)
  • Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (27,571) (1.16068872) (31,321) Net Profit (Loss) (45,108) (1.89896374) (51,242)

Due to the way BTC fees are paid, the percentage of fees paid in BSQ in February 2023, and the total fees paid as a percentage of revenue, are more difficult to work out. Will look for a solution to this.

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $45,108 in February 2023.

Trade volume is consistent with the previous cycle.

The main reason for the loss is that revenue generated by the burning of BSQ by the burning men was not enough to cover the refunds and reimbursements paid out by the DAO.

The new protocol means that refunds and reimbursements are now a cost to the DAO where before they were revenue neutral. This is because in the old trade protocol refunds and reimbursements were essentially for BTC sent to the donation address owned by the burning man who would use the BTC to buy BSQ. In the new protocol DAO contributors taking part in being burning men receive the BTC trade fees and BTC donation address payouts so the profit/loss will be dependent on how much BSQ is burnt by the burning men.

Might be useful for me to include the burn target and what was achieved in my reports:

Burn Target for February 2023: 162,322 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in February 2023: 53,715 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 33 %

I am assuming for the new protocol to be revenue neutral over a larger time the amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target should be close to 100% OR if it below that amount then the legacy trade fee addresses and delayed payout addresses should pick up the percentage difference.

It is still too early to draw any conclusions and I expect the next few reports to be a little volatile as an equilibrium is hopefully reached.

If anyone would like to check my working out just let me know. Always good to have more eyes checking the reports, especially with the change in protocol.

Also interested to hear any comments or suggestions with how it can be reported.

Also thinking of reporting on the amounts paid out in trade fees and delayed payouts each cycle, as although this is no longer revenue for the DAO I think it would be useful.

How much of the DPTs were relating to the previous months trading? I notice that the previous month a strong profit so over the two months it still shows a net profit.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

How much of the DPTs were relating to the previous months trading? I notice that the previous month a strong profit so over the two months it still shows a net profit.

In January all the DPTs used the old trade protocol so were revenue neutral for the DAO.

This month, February, about 50% of the DPTs used the new protocol. In March it will be closer to 100%. The DPTs from the new protocol are revenue neutral when the Burning Men burn a matching amount of BSQ. On a month to month basis there is likely to be more volatility with profit and loss. Hopefully over a longer time frame however it will equal out.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Following up with some details missing from the last two month cycles (Jan and Feb). Thanks for @jmacxx for providing the data necessary to complete this.

Jan 2023 BSQ trade fees: $16,260 BTC trade fees: $26,953 Total trade fees: $43,213

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ: 37.6% The total fees paid as a percentage of volume: 0.68% (Target 0.8%)

Feb 2023 BSQ trade fees: $17,166 BTC trade fees: $24,475 Total trade fees: $41,641

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ: 41.2% The total fees paid as a percentage of volume: 0.66 % (Target 0.8%)

The amount of people using BSQ to pay trade fees over the last two cycles has increased. The percentages ~40% are high compared to other cycles <30%.

This has resulted in a decreased the fees paid as a percentage of Bisq's volume to under the target.

Will monitor this over the coming months.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Posting for reference:

Bisq BTC address snapshots 12.03.23

Address Notes BTC balance
38bZBj5peYS3Husdz7AH3gEUiUbYRD951t Trade fees 0.01994791
34VLFgtFKAtwTdZ5rengTT2g2zC99sWQLC Donation address ‎0.30580592
1BVxNn3T12veSK6DgqwU4Hdn7QHcDDRag7 Default donation address ‎0.00778324
3EtUWqsGThPtjwUczw27YCo6EWvQdaPUyp burning2019 0
3A8Zc1XioE2HRzYfbb5P8iemCS72M6vRJV burningman2 0.00005

These addresses will receive less BTC going forward as a result of the new burningmen protocol.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - March 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for March 2023.

March 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 10,526,626 411.9688 12,705,643
Revenue 113,960 4.45996392 137,551
- BSQ trade fees 15,209 0.59521759 18,358
- BTC legacy trade fees 4 0.00015 5
- BTC legacy delayed payments 438 0.01715544 528
- Burning Man revenue 98,309 3.8474092 118,660
Expenses (97,278) (3.80706010) (117,416)
- Contributor costs (29,670) (1.16116155) (35,812)
- DAO Reimbursements (32,599) (1.27579054) (39,348)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (35009) (1.37010801) (42,256)
Net Profit (Loss) 16,682 0.65290382 20,135

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in March 2023: TBC The total fees paid as a percentage of revenue in March 2023: TBC

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $16,682 in March 2023.

This is mainly as a result of Burning Men being more active. 118,660 BSQ was burnt in March compared to 53,715 BSQ in February.

Trade volume was also up whilst contributor costs were slightly down.

Burn Target for March 2023: 167,409 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in March 2023: 118,660 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 71%

It is promising that the burn target in moving closer to 100% of the target and that the DAO can still be profitable even when the amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target is under 100%.

In this report, I have started to consider BTC sent to both the legacy trade fee address and the legacy donation address as revenue. This is balanced by considering all BSQ reimbursements as expenses. I think this is better for a few reasons:

There is one anomaly to report this month. I missed a 10,000 BSQ burn by a contributor in February. Rather than go back and correct Feb's report I included it in this report. Therefore in reality the profit this month should be 10,00 BSQ less and the loss last month should also be reduced by 10,000 BSQ.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - Fiscal Year 2022/23

Here is the report for June Fiscal Year 2022/23 (1st April 2021 - 31 March 2022)

Fiscal Year 2022/23 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 96,683,552 4005.7819 114,839,710
Revenue 828,570 34.32921776 984,166
Expenses (505,656) (20.95028173) (600,612)
Net Profit (Loss) 322,914 13.37893602 383,553

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in 2022/23 was: TBC The total fees paid as a percentage of revenue in 2022/23 was: TBC

Link to the spreadsheet


In the Fiscal Year 2022/23 the DAO made a profit of approximately $322,914.

The report calculates USD amount based on average prices of BTC and BSQ over the fiscal year. These are;

Average Price of BSQ 01.04.22 - 31.03.23: $0.8419 Average Price of BTC 01.04.22 - 31.03.23: $24,136

The bold amounts in the preceding table show the actual revenue / expenses in their native currency (USD/BTC/BSQ).

A profit of $322,914 USD is roughly equivalent to a reduction in the BSQ supply by 445,498 over this fiscal period.

This pretty much matches up to the BSQ supply chart seen below:

BSQ supply

Started the financial year with 4,229,663 BSQ and ended the financial year with 3,806,248 BSQ. Therefore a reduction in BSQ supply in 2023/23 of 423,415 BSQ. Which is close to the accounts figure of 445,498 BSQ. There would be expected to be variations due averages and delayed burning of BSQ by the burning man over the period.

There are no anomalies to report.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - April 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for April 2023.

April 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 7,960,295 269.539 9,515,054
Revenue 106,045 3.59077688 126,757
- BSQ trade fees 15,495 0.52466732 18,522
- BTC legacy trade fees 294 0.00996784 351
- BTC legacy delayed payments 473 0.0160484 565
- Burning Man revenue 89,783 3.04 107,319
Expenses (45,310) (1.53421595) (54,161)
- Contributor costs (17,585) (0.59543561) (21,020)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (27,725) (0.93878034) (33,141)
Net Profit (Loss) 60,735 2.05656093 72,596

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in April 2023: 34.18% The total fees paid as a percentage of revenue in April 2023: 0.57%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $60,735 in April 2023.

This is mainly a result of revenue staying constant, but contributor fees being less, and there being no large trades requiring a partial reimbursement from the DAO in cycle 46.

Burn Target for April 2023: 160,537 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in April 2023: 107,319 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 67%

Again it is good to see that both the DAO and burning men have been profitable for a second month on the row.

There are no anomalies to report this month.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

For those interested in finding out how much bitcoin is being distributed to the burning men easily in Bisq v.1.9,10 there is now the possibility to run an easy report from DAO > Proof of Burn > Burningmen


Just click on the report button to export to CSV.

Month BTC fees paid out to BM Delayed Payout Transactions paid out to BM Total paid to BM
Jan-23 1.3147874 1.6459071 2.9606945
Feb-23 1.02124744 2.21695962 3.23820706
Mar-23 2.19382566 3.77576352 5.96958918
Apr-23 1.19476405 0.91230382 2.10706787

FYI there is an error in the trade fee accounting that excludes fees of over 0.1 BTC. So the actual amount of bitcoin in fees received is a little bit higher than reported. Thanks to @jmacxx for finding this.

The maximum trade fee possible is currently 0.023 BTC for the taker of 2 BTC trade paying with Bitcoin.

HenrikJannsen commented 1 year ago

FYI there is an error in the trade fee accounting that excludes fees of over 0.1 BTC. So the actual amount of bitcoin in fees received is a little bit higher than reported. Thanks to @jmacxx for finding this.

The maximum trade fee possible is currently 0.023 BTC for the taker of 2 BTC trade paying with Bitcoin.

Why is that an error? A fee that high is not possible.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Higher than 0.01 is not accounted.

            firstOutput.getValue() < 1_000_000 &&
pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Why is that an error? A fee that high is not possible.

The taker fee when paid in bitcoin is 0.0115 BTC per 1 BTC. So if someone takes a 2 BTC trade the max fee is 0.023 BTC.

HenrikJannsen commented 1 year ago

The taker fee when paid in bitcoin is 0.0115 BTC per 1 BTC. So if someone takes a 2 BTC trade the max fee is 0.023 BTC.

Oh, yes then its a bug. Was probably using the maker fee as reference. Will make a PR for increasing that limit if its not causing consensus issues.

HenrikJannsen commented 1 year ago

Fixed with

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - May 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for May 2023.

May 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 7,072,639 250.8829 9,129,519
Revenue 67708 2.4017516 89,560
- BSQ trade fees 20,873 0.7404136 26,944
- BTC legacy trade fees 5 0.00016955 6
- BTC legacy delayed payments 507 0.017984463 655
- Burning Man revenue 46,323 1.64318399 61,955
Expenses (23,724) (0.84154517) (31,730)
- Contributor costs (23,724) (0.84154517) (31,730)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (0) (0) (0)
Net Profit (Loss) 43,984 1.56020643 57,830

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in May 2023: 39.23% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in May 2023: 0.75%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $43,984 in May 2023.

Refund Agent did not make their reimbursement request this month in time for the DAO cycle so the profit this month is a little higher. This will be reflected in next months reimbursement totals.

Mining fees were high this month so the volume traded was down slightly.

Burn Target for May 2023: 105,237 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in May 2023: 61,955 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 59%

Both the DAO and burning men have been profitable for a third month on the row.

There are no anomalies to report this month.

pazza83 commented 1 year ago

Profit and loss - June 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for June 2023.

June 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 7,922,977 278.8799 10,325,787
Revenue 99,281 3.49458656 129,392
- BSQ trade fees 26,343 0.92724392 34333
- BTC legacy trade fees 4 0.000125 5
- BTC legacy delayed payments 38 0.00136055 50
- Burning Man revenue 72,896 2.56585709 95004
Expenses (96,225) (3.38701160) (125,408)
- Contributor costs (36,170) (1.27314325) (47,140)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (60,055) (2.11386835) (78,268)
Net Profit (Loss) 3,056 0.10757496 3,984

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in June 2023: 40.82% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in June 2023: 0.81%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $3,056 in June 2023.

Profits are a little lower than normal as Refund Agent submitted two reimbursement requests this cycle to compensate for cycle 47 being missed.

BTC distributed in June 2023 (1.88792356): 69,902 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in June 2023: 95,004 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 136%

There are no anomalies to report this month.

Next cycle I will redo all of the 'percentage of fees paid in BSQ' and 'total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume' with the new accounting info provided in v1.9.12.

I will also review the amount burnt each cycle in BSQ versus the amount distributed in bitcoin (as BSQ).

pazza83 commented 11 months ago

Profit and loss - July 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for July 2023.

July 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 5,065,694 163.8323 6,198,842
Revenue 55,723 1.80218962 68,188
- BSQ trade fees 13,830 0.44728331 16,924
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 41 0.00134875 50
- Burning Man revenue 41,852 1.35355756 51,214
Expenses (76,783) (2.48327941) (93,960)
- Contributor costs (43,101) (1.39395213) (52,743)
- DAO Reimbursements (11,050) (0.35737386) (13,522)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (22,632) (0.73195342) (27,695)
Net Profit (Loss) (21,060) (0.68108979) (25,772)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in July 2023: 26.33% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in July 2023: 1.03%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $21,060 in July 2023.

The loss is mainly due to a drop in trading volume (278.8799 BTC in June 2023 compared to 163.8323 BTC in July 2023).

BTC distributed in July 2023 (1.83435804): 67,914 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in July 2023: 51,214 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 75%

There are no anomalies to report this month.

I will do a subsequent report redoing all of the 'percentage of fees paid in BSQ' and 'total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume' with the new accounting info provided in v1.9.12. I will also review the amount burnt each cycle in BSQ versus the amount distributed in bitcoin (as BSQ).

pazza83 commented 11 months ago

Trade Fee Report

Here is the trade fee report for the trades that have taken place on Bisq in the first 7 months of the year.

At the end of April 2023 trade fees were increased The impact can be seen in an increase in the 'total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume'. The goal is to achieve 0.8% of the trading revenue in fees. This has been achieved each month since the increase in fees.

The 'percentage of revenue from fees paid in BSQ' averages out over the 7 months to 29%. Accounting for the BSQ discount, this roughly equates to 49% trades fees on Bisq being paid with BSQ.

Month BTC Fees (USD) BSQ fees (USD) Totall fees (USD) Trade volume (USD) Percentage of revenue from fees paid in BSQ Total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume
Jan 28,696 16,260 44,956 6,345,609 36.17% 0.71%
Feb 28,066 17,166 45,232 6,301,263 37.95% 0.72%
Mar 75,627 15,209 90,836 10,526,626 16.74% 0.86%
Apr 55,637 15,495 71,132 7,960,295 21.78% 0.89%
May 51,509 20,873 72,382 7,072,639 28.84% 1.02%
Jun 48,582 26,343 74,925 7,922,977 35.16% 0.95%
Jul 38,690 13,830 52,520 5,065,694 26.33% 1.04%
pazza83 commented 10 months ago

Posting for reference:

Bisq BTC address snapshots 01.09.23

Address Notes BTC balance
38bZBj5peYS3Husdz7AH3gEUiUbYRD951t Trade fees 0.03031030
34VLFgtFKAtwTdZ5rengTT2g2zC99sWQLC Donation address ‎0.36318830
1BVxNn3T12veSK6DgqwU4Hdn7QHcDDRag7 Default donation address ‎0.01694300
3EtUWqsGThPtjwUczw27YCo6EWvQdaPUyp burning2019 0.00010000
3A8Zc1XioE2HRzYfbb5P8iemCS72M6vRJV burningman2 0.00010000

Just the occasional payment is going to the above addresses.

pazza83 commented 10 months ago

Profit and loss - August 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for August 2023.

August 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 7,564,364 263.7321 9,901,000
Revenue 85,822 2.99220334 112,333
- BSQ trade fees 22,196 0.77386514 29,053
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 138 0.0048245 180
- Burning Man revenue 63,488 2.2135137 83,100
Expenses (52,047) (1.81462241) (68,125)
- Contributor costs (29,307) (1.02179067) (38,360)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (22,740) (0.79283174) (29,765)
Net Profit (Loss) 33,775 1.17758093 44,208

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in August 2023: 30.99% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in August 2023: 0.95%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $33,775 in August 2023.

The profit is mainly due to an increase in trading volume (278.8799 BTC), an increase in BSQ burnt, and a reduction in compensation.

BTC distributed in August 2023 (3.10958895 BTC): 116,739 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in August 2023: 83,100 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 71%

There are no anomalies to report this month.

pazza83 commented 9 months ago

Profit and loss - September 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for September 2023.

September 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 6,937,671 257.4084 9,412,116
Revenue 40,842 0.74042742 55,410
- BSQ trade fees 19,956 1.51539111 27,074
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 56 0.00210825 76
- Burning Man revenue 20,830 0.77285544 28,260
Expenses (59,232) (2.19768476) (80,359)
- Contributor costs (38,593) (1.43191599) (52,358)
- DAO Reimbursements (277) (0.01027753) (376)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (20,362) (0.75549124) (27,625)
Net Profit (Loss) (18,390) (0.68229365) (24,949)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in September 2023: 28.70% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in September 2023: 1.00%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $18,390 in September 2023.

The loss is mainly due to a decrease in revenue from Burning Men and and increase in compensation paid to contributors.

BTC distributed in September 2023 (2.50716709 BTC): 91,674 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in September 2023: 28,260 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 30%

There are no anomalies to report this month.

pazza83 commented 8 months ago

Profit and loss - October 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for October 2023.

October 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 8,090,231 265.5931 9,702,843
Revenue 132,811 4.36003544 159,284
- BSQ trade fees 23,649 0.77636978 28,363
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 112 0.00367814 134
- Burning Man revenue 109,050 3.57998752 130,787
Expenses (79,950) (2.62466760) (95,888)
- Contributor costs (47,119) (1.5468632) (56,512)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (32,831) (1.0778044) (39,376)
Net Profit (Loss) 52,861 1.73536784 63,396

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in October 2023: 30.70% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in October 2023: 0.95%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $52,861 in October 2023.

The profit has increase due to more BSQ being burnt by the Burning Men.

BTC distributed in October 2023 (2.705596 BTC): 98,852 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in October 2023: 130,787 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 132%

There are no anomalies to report this month.

pazza83 commented 7 months ago

Posting for reference:

Bisq BTC address snapshots 01.12.23

Address Notes BTC balance
38bZBj5peYS3Husdz7AH3gEUiUbYRD951t Trade fees 0.03041030
34VLFgtFKAtwTdZ5rengTT2g2zC99sWQLC Donation address ‎0.37397139
1BVxNn3T12veSK6DgqwU4Hdn7QHcDDRag7 Default donation address ‎0.03405295
3EtUWqsGThPtjwUczw27YCo6EWvQdaPUyp burning2019 0.00010000
3A8Zc1XioE2HRzYfbb5P8iemCS72M6vRJV burningman2 0.00010000

Still just the occasional payment is going to the above addresses.

pazza83 commented 7 months ago

Profit and loss - November 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for November 2023.

November 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 14,578,164 390.7936 13,632,096
Revenue 94,571 2.53514709 88,435
- BSQ trade fees 47,879 1.28348166 44,772
- BTC legacy trade fees 4 0.0001 4
- BTC legacy delayed payments 186 0.0049967 174
- Burning Man revenue 46,502 1.24656873 43,485
Expenses (100,991) (2.70724318) (94,438)
- Contributor costs (89,448) (2.39781256) (83,644)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (11,543) (0.30943062) (10,794)
Net Profit (Loss) (6,420) (0.17209609) (6,003)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in November 2023: 29.04% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in November 2023: 1.13%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $6,420 in November 2023.

Despite an increase in trade volume, the revenue from burning men burning BSQ was down and contributor compensation increased. This resulted in a small loss for the DAO.

BTC distributed in November 2023 (3.95958182 BTC): 138,133 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in November 2023: 43,485 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 31%

The only anomaly to report this month is that Refund Agent Reimbursements were low this month as miner fees spiked causing many delayed payout transactions to be unconfirmed. Therefore, it is expected for Refund Agent reimbursements to be significantly higher next cycle.

pazza83 commented 6 months ago

Profit and loss - December 2023

Here is the profit and loss report for December 2023.

December 2023 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 28,466,290 656.1472 21,308,698
Revenue 304,074 7.00890993 227,618
- BSQ trade fees 78,568 1.81099022 58,813
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 171 0.0039542 128
- Burning Man revenue 225,335 5.19396551 168,677
Expenses (112,647) (2.59651022) (94,438)
- Contributor costs (56,246) (1.29646874) (42,104)
- DAO Reimbursements (684) (0.01576618) (512)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (55,717) (1.2842753) (41,708)
Net Profit (Loss) 191,427 4.41239971 143,294

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in December 2023: 25.33% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in December 2023: 1.09%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $191,427 in December 2023.

This was due to the increase in trade volume (largest volume in a cycle in USD terms).

BTC distributed in December 2023 (6.21370917 BTC): 201,793 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in December 2023: 168,677 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 84%

pazza83 commented 6 months ago

Note for reference:

Number of trades on Bisq per year

2016 2,024 2017 4,410 2018 14,350 2019 26,683 2020 37,954 2021 43,579 2022 59,084 2023 61,067

pazza83 commented 5 months ago

Profit and loss - January 2024

Here is the profit and loss report for January 2024.

January 2024 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 14,957,531 337.3372 9,035,599
Revenue 272,833 6.15321113 164,814
- BSQ trade fees 63,946 1.44217411 38,629
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 98 0.0022188 59
- Burning Man revenue 208,789 4.70881822 126,126
Expenses (186,733) (4.21138924) (112,803)
- Contributor costs (53,639) (1.209720342) (32,403)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (133,094) (3.0016689) (80,400)
Net Profit (Loss) 86,100 1.94182189 52,011

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in January 2024: 38.37% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in January 2024: 1.11%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $86,100 in January 2024.

BTC distributed in January 2024 (5.41483321 BTC): 145,036 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in January 2024: 126,126 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 87%

pazza83 commented 4 months ago

Profit and loss - February 2024

Here is the profit and loss report for February 2024.

February 2024 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 24,825,121 487.5893 12,859,425
Revenue 197,934 3.8876323 102,531
- BSQ trade fees 66,231 1.30084063 34,308
- BTC legacy trade fees 2,498 0.04907725 1,294
- BTC legacy delayed payments 202 0.00397125 105
- Burning Man revenue 129,003 2.53374317 66,824
Expenses (235,790) (4.63114269) (122140)
- Contributor costs (68,011) (1.33580154) (35,230)
- DAO Reimbursements (507) (0.00995796) (263)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (167,272) (3.28538319) (86,647)
Net Profit (Loss) (37,856) (0.74351039) (19,609)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in February 2024: 22.50% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in February 2024: 1.19%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $37,856 in February 2024. The main reason for this was that the amount of BSQ burned by burning man reduced by about 60,000 BSQ.

BTC distributed in February 2024 (8.00884733 BTC): 211,221 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in February 2024: 66,824 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 32%

pazza83 commented 3 months ago

Profit and loss - March 2024

Here is the profit and loss report for March 2024.

March 2024 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 20,119,585 294.06 7,783,205
Revenue 241,548 3.53037264 94,054
- BSQ trade fees 45,147 0.65985092 17,465
- BTC legacy trade fees 3 0.00005 9
- BTC legacy delayed payments 275 0.00401455 710
- Burning Man revenue 188,521 2.53374317 72,929
- Bisq Easy revenue 7,602 0.11110786 2,941
Expenses (306,650) (4.48187663) (118,627)
- Contributor costs (129,643) (1.89481145) (50,152)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (177,007) (2.58706518) (68,475)
Net Profit (Loss) (65,102) (0.95150399) (24573)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in March 2024: 19.58% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in March 2024: 1.15%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $65,102 in March 2024. The main reason for this was an increase in contributor compensation and a reduction in trade volume.

BTC distributed in March 2024 (6.05805403 BTC): 160,345 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in March 2024: 72,929 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 45%

pazza83 commented 3 months ago

Bisq Easy Report - April 2024

I will include a brief report each cycle for some of the obtainable statistics from Bisq Easy. I will publish this at the same time as the profit and loss report. Therefore, it will provide a snapshot to the progress being made with Bisq Easy.

Bisq Easy April May June
Published user profiles 2,109 - -
Offers online 115 - -
- No of sellers with reputation >0 126 - -
- No of user above 10,000 Reputation 36 - -
- No of user above 30,000 Reputation 13 - -
- BSQ Burnt TBC - -
- BSQ Bonded TBC - -
Problem users
- No of banned buyers TBC - -
- No of banned sellers TBC - -
- No of bonds confiscated TBC - -
- No of confirmed scams (buyer sent payment no BTC received) TBC - -

I will edit the 'TBC' stats at the start of the new month.

If anyone has any ideas on what else they would like to see included please let me know.

pazza83 commented 2 months ago

Profit and loss - Fiscal Year 2023/24

Here is the report for June Fiscal Year 2023/24 (1st April 2022 - 31 March 2023)

Fiscal Year 2023/24 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 153,560,562 4117.6779 130,625,916
Revenue $1,699,192 45.5633 1,445,413
Expenses (1,376,082 ) (36.8992 ) (1,170,560)
Average Price of BSQ 1.175575 0.00003152 984,166
Average Price of BTC 37,293 1 31,723
Net Profit (Loss) 323,110 8.6641 274,852

Here are the results for the last 2 fiscal years in USD:

Fiscal Year 2022/3 2023/4
Volume 96,683,552 153,560,562
Revenue 828,570 1,699,192
Expenses (505,656) (1,376,082)
Average Price of BSQ 0.8419 1.175575
Average Price of BTC 24,136 37,293
Net Profit (Loss) 322,914 323,110

Link to the spreadsheet


In the Fiscal Year 2023/24 the DAO made a profit of approximately $323,110.

The bold amounts in the preceding table show the actual revenue / expenses in their native currency (USD/BTC/BSQ).

A profit of $322,914 USD is roughly equivalent to a reduction in the BSQ supply by 274,852 over this fiscal period.

There are no anomalies to report.

pazza83 commented 2 months ago

DAO Profit and loss since introduction of new trade protocol in Jan 2023

Here is the report for the burning men activity between 1st Jan 2023 - 31st March 2024.

Burning Men Protocol USD BTC BSQ
BTC Distributed to Burning Men 2,349,166 64.3398213 2,123,725
BSQ Burnt by Burning Men 1,425,632 41.34183969 1,305,900
Net Profit (Loss) (923,534) (22.99798161) (817,825)

Since the introduction of the new burning men protocol in Jan 2023 the burning men have made a profit of $923,534 (about 23 BTC) from their burning activity. This represents a cost to the DAO of about $923,534 (this is about 817,825 BSQ). This represents the cost of decentralizing the BTC trade fee and delayed payout addresses.

The means for every $1 a burning men receives they are burning $0.60.

Or to put it another way for every $1 in BSQ burnt the burning men receive $1.66 back in BTC.

This is a return of approximately 66%.

This amount would likely be reduced by a change to the protocol to allow the non-absent Trade Peer to Claim Funds Before Arbitration. This will likely be introduced when the existing trade protocol moves over to Bisq 2.

Here is a link to the spreadsheet used.

pazza83 commented 1 month ago

Profit and loss - April 2024

Here is the profit and loss report for April 2024.

April 2024 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 10,917,716 162.7518 4,804,909
Revenue 96,451 1.43782104 42,448
- BSQ trade fees 22,742 0.33901791 10,009
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 329 0.00491805 144
- Burning Man revenue 67,695 1.00913806 29,793
- Bisq Easy revenue 5,685 0.08474702 2,502
Expenses (143,543) (2.13981395) (63,174)
- Contributor costs (49,958) (0.74473033) (21,987)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (93,585) (1.39508362) (41,187)
Net Profit (Loss) (47,092) (0.70199291) (20,726)

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in April 2024: 19.64% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in April 2024: 1.06%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a loss of approximately $47,092 in April 2024. The main reason for this was a reduction in trade volume.

BTC distributed in April 2024 (2.55416991 BTC): 75,406 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in April 2024: 29,793 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 40%

pazza83 commented 1 month ago

Bisq Easy Report - May 2024

Bisq Easy April May June
Published user profiles 2,109 4,046 -
Offers online 115 89 -
- No of sellers with reputation >0 126 192 -
- No of user above 10,000 Reputation 36 51 -
- No of user above 30,000 Reputation 13 15 -
- BSQ Burnt 2,941 2,813 -
- BSQ Burnt (cumulative) 2,941 5,754 -
- BSQ Bonded (cumulative) 0 14,457 -
Problem users
- No of banned buyers 0 0 -
- No of banned sellers 0 0 -
- No of bonds confiscated 0 0 -
- No of successful scams 0 0 -
- No of attempted scams 0 1 -

Changing these reports to the end of the month to make it easier to be able to access all the data needed. Will provide the

cbeams commented 1 month ago

Really appreciate these reports, @pazza83. Thanks!

pazza83 commented 3 weeks ago

Profit and loss - May 2024

Here is the profit and loss report for May 2024.

May 2024 USD BTC BSQ
Volume 8,595,282 132.4552 3,891,028
Revenue 171,222 2.63857630 77,512
- BSQ trade fees 24,844 0.3828515 11,247
- BTC legacy trade fees 0 0 0
- BTC legacy delayed payments 99 0.00153323 45
- Burning Man revenue 140,823 2.17011341 63,750
- Bisq Easy revenue 5,456 0.08407816 2,470
Expenses (112,186) (1.72881093) (50,786)
- Contributor costs (47,659) (0.73443567) (21,575)
- DAO Reimbursements (0) (0) (0)
- Refunds paid out from new DPTs by Refund Agent (64,527) (0.99437526) (29,211)
Net Profit (Loss) 59,036 0.90976537 26,726

The percentage of fees paid in BSQ in May 2024: 24.09% The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in May 2024: 1.20%

Link to the spreadsheet I used with comments on the individual line items.


The DAO made a profit of approximately $59,036 in May 2024. The main reason for this was an increase in BSQ burnt by burning men.

BTC distributed in May 2024 (2.58299674 BTC): 75,878 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt in May 2024: 63,750 BSQ Amount of BSQ burnt as a percentage of the burn target: 84%

cbeams commented 3 weeks ago

The total fees paid as a percentage of trading volume in April 2024: 1.20%

This looks like a typo above; should be May instead.

pazza83 commented 5 days ago

Thanks, I have edited the above.

pazza83 commented 5 days ago

Bisq Easy Report - June 2024

Bisq Easy April May June
Published user profiles 2,109 4,046 5,427
Offers online 115 89 87
- No of sellers with reputation >0 126 192 215
- No of user above 10,000 Reputation 36 51 68
- No of user above 30,000 Reputation 13 15 21
- BSQ Burnt 2,941 2,813 2,470
- BSQ Burnt (cumulative) 2,941 5,754 8,224
- BSQ Bonded (cumulative) 0 14,457 16,612
Problem users
- No of banned buyers 0 0 0
- No of banned sellers 0 0 0
- No of bonds confiscated 0 0 0
- No of successful scams 0 0 0
- No of attempted scams 0 1 0