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Bitcoin Node Maintainer #66

Open cbeams opened 6 years ago

cbeams commented 6 years ago

This @bisq-network/btcnode-maintainers role is responsible for maintaining the shared configuration for @bisq-network's federation of @bitcoin nodes, as hard-coded in

This role should maintain a shared bitcoin.conf file in this repository, and work with @bisq-network/btcnode-operators to make sure they run the same configuration there.

This role is responsible for responding in a timely fashion to GitHub issues added to this repository, questions asked in the #bisq-btcnode channel, and to ensure that monitoring notifications in #alerts get handled in a timely fashion.

Docs: none, other than the above Team: @bisq-network/btcnode-maintainers Primary owner: @sqrrm Secondary: @wiz

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Cycle 10 report

Some users are having trouble with their local nodes as they're not setting peerbloomfilters=1 and some provided nodes are getting warnings from the monitoring. We might want more provided nodes.

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Version 0.19.1 of bitcoind is now available, release notes at

It's a maintenance release and I don't see anything that would warrant an urgent upgrade from our side. I will upgrade one of my nodes and observe.

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 report

There hasn't been any particular issues or anything to report over the last cycle. This is good.

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report

Nothing to report.

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Bitcoin 0.20.0 is out. I don't see anything that warrants a rapid upgrade but I also see nothing that would prevent us from upgrading the federated nodes. I suggest we go ahead and upgrade to 0.20.0 as we feel like.

sqrrm commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14 report

As mentioned, there is a new version out.


sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 15 report

Nothing to report

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 16 report

Bitcoin core 0.20.1 has been released. Nothing in there strikes me as important for Bisq. Upgrade at whichever pace is my suggestion.


sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 17 report

Nothing worth reporting in bitcoin core land. Blockchain size increasing. Nodes running. Bitcoins moving.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 report

Looks like taproot and Schnorr sigs are coming, merged into core. Not really relevant for Bisq just yet, and perhaps never if we have to move off chain before that goes live. Nothing else to report in bitcoin land.

wiz commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 report

Bitcoin Core 0.21 will feature Tor v3 onion hostnames, but Bisq currently cannot connect to them due to lack of support in bitcoinj maintainer. The maintainer of bitcoinj has very kindly agreed to implement support for it in

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 report

I have nothing to report.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 report

There is a lot of talk about PSBT changes and associated api changes for core but I don't think there's anything in there that affects bisq.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Version 0.21.0 is out. To continue using a tor v2 address, copy onion_private_key over onion_v3_private_key.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 21 report

Take care with the new version when upgrading to 0.21.0+ to keep using the tor v2 address.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 22 report

A lot of talk about LOT true or false for taproot activation. Once there is a release out I think it would be good to have a discussion on this to see if the Bisq DAO wants to have an opinion.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 23 report

Didn't see anything notable for Bisq this month. Seems a taproot activation plan is coming together.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 24 report

Taproot signalling version is released. Doesn't affect our federated nodes but noteworthy nonetheless. Hoping for taproot activation this year and at that point it would matter.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 25 report

Looks like taproot activation will trigger this cycle, very nice.

sqrrm commented 3 years ago

Cycle 26 report

Taproot triggered, more new features suggested for bitcoin, but I don't see any urgency to upgrade Bisq nodes, best do at a leisurely pace.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 27 report

There are discussions about removing the dust limit, that would allow for more granular BSQ payments. I suspect it won't happen but something to keep an eye out for.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Bitcoin Core 22.0 released

With version 22.0 tor v2 is no longer supported. Please don't upgrade nodes until after October 15.

The versioning scheme seems to have changed from 0.xx.x to xx.x.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 28 report

New bitcoin core is out without support for tor v2, just about to merge tor v2 support into bisq so we should manage.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 29 report

Bisq is now on tor v3, I think we can discontinue the v2 addresses for the bitcoin nodes now.

Emzy commented 2 years ago

@sqrrm can you please research if it is safe to upgrade to bitcoin core v22.0.

m52go commented 2 years ago

Cycle 30 Report

My node was removed in v1.7.5. I shut it down altogether last week as enough time passed since 1.7.5 had been released.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 30 Report

@Emzy With bisq now on tor v3 we should be good to upgrade to core v22.0. As always we should take care to not upgrade all nodes at once though.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 31 Report

I have not seen any issues with v22.0.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 32 Report

Nothing really relevant for Bisq has happened, but the talk about covenants might be interesting for the future.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 33 Report

Nothing relevant to bisq on the bitcoin core front.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 34 Report

Nothing relevant to bisq to report

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 35 Report

The debate on covenants have taken an interesting turn and there is some contention. A space to watch in case bisq as a community needs to engage.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 36 Report

The covenants discussion seems to continue at a more reasonable pace and the question of soft fork activation is again active. Bitcoin core v23.0 is live since a month, upgrade at a leisurely pace.

sqrrm commented 2 years ago

Cycle 37 Report

Haven't seen anything that warrants action. I am starting to think that it might be a bad idea with covenants at all though. Perhaps something to discuss within the community.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 38 Report

Nothing to report

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 39 Report

Nothing to report

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 40 Report

Bitcoin core v24 release candidate is out, nothing in there that would affect Bisq that I can see.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 41 Report

The changes to mempool handling shouldn't affect bisq, can't see anything else that's relevant.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 42/43 report

Tor has changed the allowed encryption schemes a few versions back. This might require node operators to update their keys, and thus onion addresses, as I have experienced myself.

Emzy commented 1 year ago

Tor has changed the allowed encryption schemes a few versions back. This might require node operators to update their keys, and thus onion addresses, as I have experienced myself.

What needs to be done? Do you have a link to that change?

Emzy commented 1 year ago

Could we update to Bitcoin Core version v24.0.1?

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 44 report

Nothing from bitcoin side to report.

@Emzy I couldn't find where they obsoleted the old schemes, but they introduced new ones in

a) Better crypto (replaced SHA1/DH/RSA1024 with SHA3/ed25519/curve25519)

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

What I did was to just remove the old onion_v3_private_key and a new ED25519-V3 was created on startup. It won't be a problem unless you're using an old scheme and a newer tor version. It's never good to run an older tor version though so probably good for everyone to migrate to new encryption schemes if they're not already on it.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

I think upgrading to 24.0.1 should be fine, just as always, everyone do it at their pace so that we're not all upgrading to the newest version at the same time. I haven't seen anything that matters for bisq in any new version for a long time and also no urgent reason to upgrade.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 45 report

Nothing from bitcoin side to report.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 46 report

Nothing from bitcoin side to report. Most discussions seem to revolve around lightning.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 47 report

There were discussions about disabling a mempool feature that would make bloomfilters inoperable but it was rejected since some projects, such as Bisq, actually use bloomfilters.

Another issue was, a cpu DoS attack on core nodes running in debug mode. Best to not run nodes in debug mode.

I have also noticed a sharp decline in connected peers on my nodes, from around 600 to 140. I suspect it's due to heavier loads lately.

sqrrm commented 1 year ago

Cycle 48 report

Bitcoin Core 25 has been released. I think we can upgrade like normal.

There has been quite a bit of talk about the fees being high. A problem for Bisq, but the best we can do is probably start looking at alternative protocols.

sqrrm commented 12 months ago

Cycle 49 report

Nothing to report

sqrrm commented 10 months ago

Cycle 50 report

Nothing to report