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Mediator #83

Open ManfredKarrer opened 5 years ago

ManfredKarrer commented 5 years ago

Docs: Team: @bisq-network/mediators

Proposal for @leo816's bonded mediator role: GitHub Issue Approved DAO Proposal Transaction

Proposal for @Bisq-knight's bonded mediator role: GitHub Issue Approved DAO Proposal Transaction

Proposal for @pazza83's bonded mediator role: GitHub Issue Approved DAO Proposal Transaction

ManfredKarrer commented 5 years ago

I close it for now as it is not used atm. Can be re-opened once it becomes active.

m52go commented 5 years ago

Re-opening this issue, as it's the one we need to use, since it's in the code.

bisquser commented 4 years ago

Cycle 9: I have mediated 65 cases and I have 9 cases pending in this cycle. I will make a breakdown of the cases in the coming days.

Cycle 8: I am a mediator and have a bond of 10 000 BSQ locked up. I have so far mediated 104 cases and have 8 cases pending. The cases started October 29. I don't know how I can prove this but I will discuss with the developers if a way can be found. For now it will be necessary to trust me. If I cheat I risk that my bond being confiscated. I will publish a report in a few days with a link here including a summary of the disputes.

In 16% of the cases the transactions was not published, but this problem has essentially disappeared with version 1.2.4 In 42% of the cases the seller released the BTC without further ado, often after a late payment. In 6% of the cases the buyer did not pay and stopped responding. In 5% of the cases the seller stopped responding and did not release the BTC despite being paid. In 8% of the cases the banks caused trouble, in a few cases due to "suspicious activity". In 2% of the cases the confirmation button of the seller did not work. These cases occurred in v1.2.3

The non-responding traders will likely not sign the mediators suggestion and are thus expensive for the DAO. If (when) the volatility goes up there will be many more forward trades and non-responsive buyers. If there was a way for disputes where the seller releases the BTC to simply go away it would help the mediators. I have a feeling that the number of disputes are decreasing as the traders move to v1.2.4.

chimp1984 commented 4 years ago

I just looked up quickly the rough number of trades in that period and it was about 3000 trades. So if the other mediator has similar numbers we have about 210 disputes at 3000 trades which is 7%. This seems to be a bit above the average what I remember from the past (5%) but as we had several issues over the past weeks and as with the new trade protocol some cases are caused from usability/confusion this seems to be in the expected range. We have to work hard to bring those number down so user experience gets improved and costs for the DAO decreased.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

I have done 165 mediations so far.

this overview was made 20 days ago:

an overview would be: -failed tx (not published) 35% -seller not responding 20%(usually they eventually respond and end up releasing) -bugs (like not being able to click on payment received or stuck on the blockchain confirmation part even though the tx has confirmations) 15% -banking issues 10% -people not wanting to complete the trade for various reasons 5% -users want to get their account signed 5% -Buyer used a different bank account to make the payment 10%

*the message issues have been completely solved, I believe all my messages have gone through and haven't been aware of lost messages from other parties.

*the invalid tx not getting published problem is also much better now but its still the biggest problem.

Since I made this overview 20 days ago, invalid transactions have significantly been reduced on my end, and I would say the biggest issue is when the BTC seller can't see the confirm payment received Button.

most recent overview would be:

failed tx (not published) 5% Seller not being able to see the confirm payment button 20% banking issues 10% both parties not wanting to complete the trade for different reasons 10% Buyer used a different name from the one shown on their Bisq account. 15% seller stopped responding and didn't release the btc, almost always ended up making a later payment 40%

ifarnung commented 4 years ago

It should be clear to any observer that the BSQ price and market has been very weak this month so far. Of course it's difficult to balance the supply and demand, and only 6 months ago I could barely find any BSQ to buy for my personal trading. But issuance has soared since then relative to the amount being burned in fees at least. So it does makes sense to me to look closely at the operating costs that we are seeing in compensation requests. Maybe there are places to cut costs.

Not that I can say I understand the work required to mediate a case, except from the point of view of a customer in a mediation, but it struck me that 50 BSQ per case was quite a high rate to charge. Now we are seeing the monthly bills hitting in comp. requests and I can give some minor analysis.

Hypothetical User X (prefers to remain anonymous) made 225 trades and had 9 cases that went to mediation (or legacy arbitration), none due to negligence, though 1 or 2 to software errors the prevented the trade from completing.

A mediation rate of 4% and a cost to BISQ of 450 BSQ. Fees paid in BSQ and revenue to BISQ were 3,050,000 sats all on the maker side. So assume 3x for the taker side, 9,150,000, arriving at 12,200,000 sats total. At 8500 sats per BSQ this is 1,435 BSQ.

So in an average case, the cost of mediation alone is already a huge chunk of fee revenue. And because it's a variable cost, it will scale more or less with exchange volume growth. So I think it's quite important to carefully consider the cost of that role.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Mediations are less and less every cycle, with our feedback programers are dealing with the different bugs that are appearing. I believe our role to be critical but also fading. The end goal is to have no mediation. @ifarnung rnung I believe your analysis not to be precise to the fact that you are simply putting out a single case from a trader and using it as the norm. The vast majority of users never have any issues, and the ones that do are every month less and also helped by us the mediators through keybase, please keep in mind that this rate also considers this kind of support and is not asked for anywhere else.

chimp1984 commented 4 years ago

@ifarnung Thanks a lot for your analysis! You arre absolutely right we need to get mediation (and even more refund agent) cases down. They are a major cost factor (also with legacy arbitration). To fix open bugs, improve UX and finetune parameters like security deposit to bring that down is essential. Once bugs are fixed we should also start to extend the mediators group but onboarding mediators is still quite a bit of an effort and I think we should rather invest that effort in improvements to reduce cases before extending mediators.

To help to get there we need more detailed reports and better communication from mediators/refund agent to developers.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 11 I have mediated 313 cases since I started as a Mediator, On the previous cycle the biggest issue we faced was the bug that had to do with the seller not being able to confirm that he had received the payment, even though the buyer had clicked on "payment made" correctly. On this cycle the main concern relies on the seller not confirming the mediation ticket proposal. Knowing they will lose the deposit, they still disappear after they've received the fiat/altcoin payment from the btc buyer. This does not have an obvious solution but we are currently working on the support team to solve this as soon as possible.

an overview of the reasons why the tickets were opened in the first place would be:

-Failed tx: 20% -Seller makes a late confirmation: 20% -Seller never answers: 10% -Banking issues: 25% -User's not having the correct information or using the wrong bank account to make the payment:10% -seller not being able to confirm the payment was made: 10% -Both parties agree to cancel because a mistake was made: 5%

Notice the issue regarding the Sellers not being able to confirm still stands (although significantly reduced) but that is because there have been some cases where users that have opened the dispute had to wait 24hrs for the refresh button to appear so decided to open an early dispute and solve the problem faster. that waiting time will be cut down on future updates.

Invalid txs have been considerable this cycle although the number has not increased dramatically as you might think from comparing from last evaluations, I believe on the previous assessment I was only referring to the later part of the cycle and hence wasn't an accurate representation.

ifarnung commented 4 years ago

313 cases this cycle is a HUGE amount of cases and exactly the worry I was highlighting a few months ago about the very high costs of Mediation based on this roles compensation of 50 BSQ per case. I'm sure that you are providing excellent resolution of all these errors and failed trades, but can the DAO afford to pay 15,000+ BSQ this cycle for your support efforts? It just doesn't seem proportional at all to the amount of work done. In my country, 50 BSQ is almost a day's wage for white collar work, so we must admit this isn't a year's worth of work in one cycle... I understand that the first mediator set the bar at 50 per case, and you were just following, and I am sure some discussions have been had on how to budget this expense with the new Team Lead system. Anyway, often silence on BISQ means consent once it comes time to vote so I will voice my objection early so that at least people can think over how it should be handled going forward.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

313 cases this cycle is a HUGE amount of cases

This is a misunderstanding; 313 is the total number of cases @leo816 has mediated since he has been a mediator. From his report for cycle 11 at

I have mediated 313 finished cases so far. [...] 61 on February 22 on March so far

(@leo816, it would be better to do everything in terms of cycles, not months, but that's a nit)

50 BSQ [per case is too much ...]

Also as mentioned in @leo816's cycle report, he is requesting 4100 BSQ based on the 50 BSQ per case figure, because this was the agreed upon figure when we decided to split up his compensation request in cycle 10 over two cycles. Going forward, he will request compensation at the rate of 25 BSQ per case:

As discussed with @cbeams this is the last cycle using 50 BSQ/ case [...] From the next cycle onwards, the price used for compensation per case will be cut in half to 25 BSQ.

And actually, I want to make a correction to that understanding Leo and I established. As discussed in @ifarnung's own proposal to become a mediator at bisq-network/proposals#184, we should not be denominating the value of work performed in BSQ. It should always be denominated in USD and then converted to BSQ at the published 90-day moving average for the current cycle. So, leo, if we do that rough calculation, you've been receiving 50 BSQ / case during a period where the 90-day average has been around 0.66 USD/BSQ. That equals 33 USD per case. Adjusting this down by half 50/2 = 25 BSQ per case, we get 33 USD/2 = 12.5 USD per case. @ifarnung is requesting 1000 USD/cycle in his proposal to become a mediator, and that would be the equivalent of 80 cases, which is higher than the current average number of cases per mediator (with 2 active mediators). From a budget perspective, I am fine with the agreed-upon 12.5 USD / case, and I would also be fine with a fixed amount per month as @ifarnung is suggesting. Assuming that @ifarnung's proposal gets approved and we go with 1,000 per month there, I'd let you choose, @leo816, whether you'd like to agree to the same. There is a lot of value in having competent mediators at the ready regardless of how many cases are coming in, and I believe that paying a steady rate for that is probably a better approach than paying per-case.

In any case, these changes were made in part because of your feedback, @ifarnung, so thank you for that. Note that the other mediator, @bisquser, is revoking their key, and so there won't be any contention about the 50 BSQ / case figure there. So we're basically dealing with a fresh start now.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

I've updated the description of this issue to link to the new role documentation that @leo816 has been putting together in bisq-network/admin#26.

ifarnung commented 4 years ago

Sorry for my several misunderstandings, yes the 313 number being many months of work makes much more sense. Just to be clear, I am not asking to become a mediator, I'm far from skilled or capable from the providing that service. So once again, my thanks to @leo816 and @bisquser for the excellent and skilled work they performed in that regard. My critique was only the overall budget expenditure for a scaling and ongoing cost. Agreeing to a 50% cut in pay is certainly a show of good will, helpful participation in the austerity measures, and is very much appreciated by the community I am certain. So thanks to all for working that out. And at the lower rate per case, and with a lower estimate of cases handled per cycle, I think it does make more sense to compensate as you guys have agreed. Thanks for the update, another confidence boosting message to stakeholders. :)

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Just to be clear, I am not asking to become a mediator

Ugh, my bad. I thought that was your proposal and see now that it is @wiz's. In any case, my comments based on it still stand, but thanks for clarifying, @ifarnung.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

we get 33 USD/2 = 12.5 USD per case.

should be 16.5 no? which means that 60 cases would be around that 1000$ mark, sounds about right. I have no problem with changing to a steady rate but my question now would be, how do I value all the 149/313 mediation cases (+ all the cases in between now and the next cycle) that I haven't gotten compensation for yet? Im guessing that it would fall under the 25 BSQ/16.5 USD agreement we made. I think is best if I continue with the 16.5 USD until I catch up at least, but im open to discussion.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Hah, that was a terrible calculation on my part, thanks for catching it.

On Mar 12, 2020, at 7:12 PM, leo816 wrote:

 we get 33 USD/2 = 12.5 USD per case.

should be 16.5 no? which means that 60 cases would be around that 1000$ mark, sounds about right. I have no problem with changing to a steady rate but my question now would be, how do I value all the 149/313 mediation cases (+ all the cases in between now and the next cycle) that I haven't gotten compensation for yet? Im guessing that it would fall under the 25 BSQ/16.5 USD agreement we made. I think is best if I continue with the 16.5 USD until I catch up at least, but im open to discussion.

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bisquser commented 4 years ago

Cycle 10-11: I have mediated 206 cases and I have 12 cases pending in the two last cycles. I have now revoked my role and will be replaced by different mediators, if the DAO so choses.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 11-12: 142 cases were mediated on March, that is double the monthly average due to the fact that the other mediator stepped down mid-cycle I was left with double the cases.

-this is an overview of the monthly cases up until now:

16 cases from the old mediation. 83 cases in November 62 on December 69 on January 61 on February 142 on March 38 on April so far

On the last cycle I mentioned that the main concern relied on the seller not confirming the mediation ticket proposal, knowing (or perhaps not fully knowing in most cases) they would lose their deposit, even then, they would still disappear after they received the fiat/altcoin payment from the btc buyer. This issue is still happening on this cycle and it does not have an obvious solution but we are currently working with the entire support team to solve this as soon as possible, specially given that we faced an attack and it passed as undetected for a week as a result of it being a recurring issue within the daily mediations.

Similarly, the main problem when talking about user-experience is that the seller can even confirm the payment after 9 days and would still get his funds without any penalty. That can't be the norm for a trader who is using the app correctly and is still being penalized. There has also been an increase in cancelled trades due to banks cancelling payments, specially with belle payments, there have been a lot of issues.

The new fixed rate of 1000 USD for the mediation role is done to ensure the mediator's interests are aligned with Bisq's. Before the 11th Cycle the price used for compensation per case was cut in half to 16.5 USD . Out of the 313 cases I had closed until then, only 162 were accounted for, corresponding to 2 cycles respectively, that leaves 151 cases unaccounted for or the equivalent of 2 cycles worth of cases. In the per-case scenario, that would amount to 2491,5 USD. Even though that would be the right price agreed upon for that time period, I believe that given the recent events on Bisq, its best to account it as just two cycles with the new fixed system, so that would equate to 2000 USD. The compensation for this cycle would then would be:

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 - Mediation Report

I'm still getting my head around on what is most relevant to report here.


Notable pattern: most cases actually are a result of fat fingers. Traders delay their payments or call mediation prematurely. The same people usually end up solving their own problems. I'm gonna gather some more data on that for the next reports.

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 report

Handled 94 mediator tickets for 47 trades, only a few currently open pending nonresponsive trade partners waiting to begin arbitration

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report [WIP]


Total Cases in Cycle: 23
Still open: 4 
Closed: 19

Total amount mediated: 2.75 BTC in trade amount (excluding deposits) Avg. case size: 0.12 BTC (average affected by a couple of large cases, most cases are 0.01 BTC) Avg cost per case: 43.88 USD

Overview (facts):

Avg. Buyer account age (for fiat trades, and trades up to 0.01 BTC) (21 trades, 58% of all cases)

Buyer median age Seller median age
Cycle 12 17 38
Cycle 13 22 62
The same view for trades above 0.01 (15 trades) Buyer median age Seller median age
Cycle 12 99 402
Cycle 13 114.5 133.5


cbeams commented 4 years ago

@Bisq-knight, is the 402 value for seller median age a typo?

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

@Bisq-knight, is the 402 value for seller median age a typo?

Nope, is actually the value that divides the larger fiat trades in the last cycle: This is the array of ages for this cohort: [18, 45, 226, 402, 527, 532, 789]

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report

Total Cases in Cycle: 48
Still open: 9
Closed: 39
  • Most cases are caused by new users (most likely buyers). If we increase efforts in education we may be able to reduce mediation requests. (see tables above)

I agree completely with this point but I believe the solution is to have a "most asked questions" bullet point list filled with the most common issues new users face and have that as a way to avoid some of the pointless mediations we are seeing.

Steve Jain suggested that I change my language to Spanish, Once I change my data directory I will also add Spanish as a language, In case I can only chose one language then might be interesting to have one of the mediators who can speak this language, giving that option to users who might find it easier to communicate in their native language.

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report


Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14 report


Total Cases in Cycle: 30
Still open: 7
Closed: 23

With that in mind here is the consolidated view on Cycle 13 and the WIP for Cycle 14:

Cycle 13 [Consolidated]
Total Cases in Cycle: 36
Amount mediated: 3.4068 BTC
Notes: what I wrote before
Cycle 14 [WIP]
Total Cases in Cycle: 30
Amount mediated: 2.7203 BTC
Notes: we had quite a few +6 cases related to Revolut. This was mainly due to Revolut updating their design and breaking the flow that bisq traders would normally do. Now the solution is very simple: ask the trader for the username and search with that, also, keep in mind that usernames ARE case sensitive
leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 38
Still open: 10
Closed: 28

Because we need to do these reports in the middle of the voting period I think it is worth to just update the reports once the next report is done.

I agree with this proposal and I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

This cycle we've had a considerable amount of issues with Revolut between @Bisq-knight and me, the problem relies on revolut not recognizing some of the phone numbers as having accounts on the platform. Usually the accounts are fairly new. The solution we've suggesting is creating a payment link/ using the username (@example) or if none of these work just making a normal transfer using the IBAN revolution provides.

Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this.

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14 report


leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 15 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 23
Still open: 6
Closed: 17

New action protocol was proposed.

I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

This cycle I've had nearly no banking issues in comparison with cycle 14. Specially with Zelle and Revolut where we've had most problems lately. I've had an issue with a user that could not click on "payment started" button. Users have seemed to have learnt to solve the Revolut issue by creating a payment link/ using the username (@example) or just making a normal transfer using the IBAN revolution provides.

A clear take away from this is that most mediation tickets arise from users being impatient, they seem unnecessary and we will keep a close look into the following cycles to see if this trend continues.

Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly, a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this. (still working on this)

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 15 Report

Total Cases (so far):
Open cases: 4 (2 from cycle 14 and 2 from cycle 15)
Closed: 20 
Amount mediated: 0.9389 BTC 

I'll write up the summary and analysis once the cycle is closed

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 15 Report


leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 16 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 29
Still open: 6
Closed: 23

I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

Users are now starting to accept giving the Revolut username when making a transfer and that is speeding up things.

There have been some discussions between mediators as to whether we should standardize certain behavior patterns from users. For example when the buyer doesn't want to continue with the trade and refuses to make the payment. We are leaving this penalty % for the mediator to estimate. In the future I would like to see and fixed rate with maybe a last verdict from the mediator, but I think having things standardized makes it easier for the most part.

Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades that end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly, a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this. (still working on this)

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 16 report


Total Cases in Cycle: 38
Still open: 10 (6 of which are unresponsive traders)
Closed: 28

I had some downtime in the last week of the cycle as I was travelling and connectivity was really bad. I informed of those outages in the #support channel.

Case-wise there were no particular patterns except a few notable things:

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 16 report

Nothing interesting to report.


Total Cases in Cycle: 44
Closed: 39
Open: 5


Dispute nr. 163
Opening date: Jul 24, 2020 1:31:05 PM
Close date: Aug 1, 2020 10:24:59 PM
Duration: 8 days, 8 hours, 53 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 164
Opening date: Jul 24, 2020 4:52:56 PM
Close date: Aug 8, 2020 12:05:54 AM
Duration: 14 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after USPS delay
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 165
Opening date: Jul 25, 2020 4:48:16 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:10:23 PM
Duration: 8 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 166
Opening date: Jul 25, 2020 7:14:24 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:10:59 PM
Duration: 8 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 167
Opening date: Jul 26, 2020 12:41:23 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 11:48:28 AM
Duration: 23 days, 23 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive, buyer provided proof of payment
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 168
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 7:56:21 PM
Close date: Aug 23, 2020 9:39:53 AM
Duration: 26 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes
Summary notes: Seller confirms payment from Buyer, but unable to use in-app button to complete trade. Mediator to perform Manual Payout using private keys provided by both parties.
Reason: BUG

Dispute nr. 169
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 8:24:41 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:17:31 PM
Duration: 6 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes
Summary notes: Buyer unresponsive, Seller can proceed to arbitration 20 days after trade began
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 170
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 9:06:14 PM
Close date: Jul 28, 2020 2:22:27 AM
Duration: 5 hours, 16 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel trade

Dispute nr. 171
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 11:56:27 PM
Close date: Aug 9, 2020 11:15:45 AM
Duration: 12 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 172
Opening date: Jul 28, 2020 3:39:55 PM
Close date: Aug 8, 2020 12:05:07 AM
Duration: 10 days, 8 hours, 25 minutes
Summary notes: Buyer did not send payment and did not respond to mediator
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 173
Opening date: Jul 28, 2020 9:22:04 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:19:05 PM
Duration: 5 days, 1 hour, 57 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 174
Opening date: Jul 29, 2020 5:06:18 PM
Close date: Jul 31, 2020 10:25:19 PM
Duration: 2 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 175
Opening date: Jul 29, 2020 10:12:07 PM
Close date: Aug 4, 2020 11:08:51 PM
Duration: 6 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 176
Opening date: Jul 30, 2020 3:48:15 AM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:36:08 PM
Duration: 3 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 177
Opening date: Jul 31, 2020 3:14:38 AM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:36:44 PM
Duration: 2 days, 20 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 178
Opening date: Jul 31, 2020 5:33:19 AM
Close date: Jul 31, 2020 10:26:08 PM
Duration: 16 hours, 52 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 179
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 4:54:01 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:59:30 PM
Duration: 5 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 180
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 12:23:37 PM
Close date: Aug 4, 2020 11:09:35 PM
Duration: 2 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 181
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 4:20:27 PM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:56:25 PM
Duration: 5 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after delay due to buyer forgot to press payment stared button
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 182
Opening date: Aug 3, 2020 5:02:05 AM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 3:11:18 AM
Duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 9 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 183
Opening date: Aug 3, 2020 10:21:37 PM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 9:40:52 PM
Duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally, but payment method name did not match

Dispute nr. 184
Opening date: Aug 4, 2020 5:58:01 AM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 3:13:06 AM
Duration: 21 hours, 15 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 185
Opening date: Aug 5, 2020 5:49:34 PM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:55:46 PM
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after mempool delay

Dispute nr. 186
Opening date: Aug 6, 2020 12:57:53 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:53:22 PM
Duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 55 minutes
Summary notes: Failed trade

Dispute nr. 187
Opening date: Aug 6, 2020 10:44:44 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:51:54 PM
Duration: 1 day, 13 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after agreeing to waive bank name mismatch violation

Dispute nr. 188
Opening date: Aug 7, 2020 7:51:04 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:58:49 PM
Duration: 16 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 189
Opening date: Aug 7, 2020 6:56:20 PM
Close date: Aug 12, 2020 1:55:52 AM
Duration: 4 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 190
Opening date: Aug 9, 2020 7:27:47 PM
Close date: Aug 12, 2020 1:55:02 AM
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 27 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 191
Opening date: Aug 10, 2020 6:38:04 AM
Close date: Aug 11, 2020 1:00:05 AM
Duration: 18 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Failed Trade
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 192
Opening date: Aug 11, 2020 10:53:34 AM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 4:46:35 AM
Duration: 2 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 193
Opening date: Aug 11, 2020 10:11:53 PM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 3:53:54 AM
Duration: 2 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 194
Opening date: Aug 12, 2020 7:24:25 AM
Close date: Aug 16, 2020 1:55:57 AM
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 195
Opening date: Aug 12, 2020 11:22:50 AM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 3:52:33 AM
Duration: 1 day, 16 hours, 29 minutes
Summary notes: Mediator confirmed payment
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 196
Opening date: Aug 15, 2020 5:04:54 AM
Close date: Aug 17, 2020 8:46:04 AM
Duration: 2 days, 3 hours, 41 minutes
Summary notes: Parties comlpeted trade normally after mempool delay
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 197
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 4:49:50 AM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:51:58 PM
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel trade
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 198
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 11:22:14 AM
Close date: Aug 17, 2020 8:44:39 AM
Duration: 21 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 199
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 3:09:40 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:51:36 PM
Duration: 3 days, 7 hours, 41 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 200
Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:23 PM

Dispute nr. 201
Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:59 PM

Dispute nr. 202
Opening date: Aug 18, 2020 10:49:24 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:49:58 PM
Duration: 1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 203
Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 2:43:40 AM

Dispute nr. 204
Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 10:08:53 AM
Close date: Aug 23, 2020 9:41:03 AM
Duration: 2 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 205
Opening date: Aug 22, 2020 2:23:40 PM

Dispute nr. 206
Opening date: Aug 23, 2020 12:31:04 PM


leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 16 report

Nothing interesting to report.


Total Cases in Cycle: 44
Closed: 39
Open: 5


Dispute nr. 163
Opening date: Jul 24, 2020 1:31:05 PM
Close date: Aug 1, 2020 10:24:59 PM
Duration: 8 days, 8 hours, 53 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 164
Opening date: Jul 24, 2020 4:52:56 PM
Close date: Aug 8, 2020 12:05:54 AM
Duration: 14 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after USPS delay
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 165
Opening date: Jul 25, 2020 4:48:16 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:10:23 PM
Duration: 8 days, 6 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 166
Opening date: Jul 25, 2020 7:14:24 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:10:59 PM
Duration: 8 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 167
Opening date: Jul 26, 2020 12:41:23 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 11:48:28 AM
Duration: 23 days, 23 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive, buyer provided proof of payment
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 168
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 7:56:21 PM
Close date: Aug 23, 2020 9:39:53 AM
Duration: 26 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes
Summary notes: Seller confirms payment from Buyer, but unable to use in-app button to complete trade. Mediator to perform Manual Payout using private keys provided by both parties.
Reason: BUG

Dispute nr. 169
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 8:24:41 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:17:31 PM
Duration: 6 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes
Summary notes: Buyer unresponsive, Seller can proceed to arbitration 20 days after trade began
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 170
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 9:06:14 PM
Close date: Jul 28, 2020 2:22:27 AM
Duration: 5 hours, 16 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel trade

Dispute nr. 171
Opening date: Jul 27, 2020 11:56:27 PM
Close date: Aug 9, 2020 11:15:45 AM
Duration: 12 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 172
Opening date: Jul 28, 2020 3:39:55 PM
Close date: Aug 8, 2020 12:05:07 AM
Duration: 10 days, 8 hours, 25 minutes
Summary notes: Buyer did not send payment and did not respond to mediator
Reason: NO_REPLY

Dispute nr. 173
Opening date: Jul 28, 2020 9:22:04 PM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:19:05 PM
Duration: 5 days, 1 hour, 57 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 174
Opening date: Jul 29, 2020 5:06:18 PM
Close date: Jul 31, 2020 10:25:19 PM
Duration: 2 days, 5 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 175
Opening date: Jul 29, 2020 10:12:07 PM
Close date: Aug 4, 2020 11:08:51 PM
Duration: 6 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 176
Opening date: Jul 30, 2020 3:48:15 AM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:36:08 PM
Duration: 3 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 177
Opening date: Jul 31, 2020 3:14:38 AM
Close date: Aug 2, 2020 11:36:44 PM
Duration: 2 days, 20 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 178
Opening date: Jul 31, 2020 5:33:19 AM
Close date: Jul 31, 2020 10:26:08 PM
Duration: 16 hours, 52 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 179
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 4:54:01 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:59:30 PM
Duration: 5 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 180
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 12:23:37 PM
Close date: Aug 4, 2020 11:09:35 PM
Duration: 2 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 181
Opening date: Aug 2, 2020 4:20:27 PM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:56:25 PM
Duration: 5 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after delay due to buyer forgot to press payment stared button
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 182
Opening date: Aug 3, 2020 5:02:05 AM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 3:11:18 AM
Duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 9 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 183
Opening date: Aug 3, 2020 10:21:37 PM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 9:40:52 PM
Duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 19 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally, but payment method name did not match

Dispute nr. 184
Opening date: Aug 4, 2020 5:58:01 AM
Close date: Aug 5, 2020 3:13:06 AM
Duration: 21 hours, 15 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 185
Opening date: Aug 5, 2020 5:49:34 PM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:55:46 PM
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 6 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after mempool delay

Dispute nr. 186
Opening date: Aug 6, 2020 12:57:53 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:53:22 PM
Duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 55 minutes
Summary notes: Failed trade

Dispute nr. 187
Opening date: Aug 6, 2020 10:44:44 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:51:54 PM
Duration: 1 day, 13 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally after agreeing to waive bank name mismatch violation

Dispute nr. 188
Opening date: Aug 7, 2020 7:51:04 AM
Close date: Aug 7, 2020 11:58:49 PM
Duration: 16 hours, 7 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 189
Opening date: Aug 7, 2020 6:56:20 PM
Close date: Aug 12, 2020 1:55:52 AM
Duration: 4 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 190
Opening date: Aug 9, 2020 7:27:47 PM
Close date: Aug 12, 2020 1:55:02 AM
Duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 27 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 191
Opening date: Aug 10, 2020 6:38:04 AM
Close date: Aug 11, 2020 1:00:05 AM
Duration: 18 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Failed Trade
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 192
Opening date: Aug 11, 2020 10:53:34 AM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 4:46:35 AM
Duration: 2 days, 17 hours, 53 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 193
Opening date: Aug 11, 2020 10:11:53 PM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 3:53:54 AM
Duration: 2 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 194
Opening date: Aug 12, 2020 7:24:25 AM
Close date: Aug 16, 2020 1:55:57 AM
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours, 31 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 195
Opening date: Aug 12, 2020 11:22:50 AM
Close date: Aug 14, 2020 3:52:33 AM
Duration: 1 day, 16 hours, 29 minutes
Summary notes: Mediator confirmed payment
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 196
Opening date: Aug 15, 2020 5:04:54 AM
Close date: Aug 17, 2020 8:46:04 AM
Duration: 2 days, 3 hours, 41 minutes
Summary notes: Parties comlpeted trade normally after mempool delay
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 197
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 4:49:50 AM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:51:58 PM
Duration: 3 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes
Summary notes: Parties agreed to cancel trade
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 198
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 11:22:14 AM
Close date: Aug 17, 2020 8:44:39 AM
Duration: 21 hours, 22 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 199
Opening date: Aug 16, 2020 3:09:40 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:51:36 PM
Duration: 3 days, 7 hours, 41 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 200
Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:23 PM

Dispute nr. 201
Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:59 PM

Dispute nr. 202
Opening date: Aug 18, 2020 10:49:24 PM
Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:49:58 PM
Duration: 1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 203
Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 2:43:40 AM

Dispute nr. 204
Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 10:08:53 AM
Close date: Aug 23, 2020 9:41:03 AM
Duration: 2 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes
Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally
Reason: OTHER

Dispute nr. 205
Opening date: Aug 22, 2020 2:23:40 PM

Dispute nr. 206
Opening date: Aug 23, 2020 12:31:04 PM

/cc bisq-network/compensation#650

@wiz For future cycle reports it is best to just keep it to an overall summary of how the cycle went so far. Otherwise it just becomes to long to analyze over time.

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 17 report

Nothing in particular to call out in this report. This cycle had slightly less trades in mediation (36, vs 52 last cycle) but the overall amount mediated was higher than last cycle (8.76 BTC vs 9.09 BTC).

Total Cases in Cycle: 36
Still open: 5 
Closed: 31
leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 17 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 40
Still open: 8
Closed: 32

I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

With the Revolut username there are now almost no cases regarding that payment method.

It is obvious that unanswered sellers are still our main cause of mediation disputes. We are currently assessing different options as to what seems to be the main driver for this. For now it looks as though some people don't mind losing their trade deposit, which seems weird considering some of these amounts are quite considerable.

*Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades that end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly, a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this.

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 17 report

Click to expand mediation report ### Dispute nr. 200 Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:23 PM Close date: Sep 9, 2020 9:52:15 AM Dispute duration: 22 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller acknowledged payment over Keybase and gave key to mediator, Mediator performed manual payout using keys from both traders ### Dispute nr. 201 Opening date: Aug 17, 2020 4:20:59 PM Close date: Sep 11, 2020 1:03:51 AM Dispute duration: 24 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller wallet got corrupted, Mediator performed manual payout using keys from both traders ### Dispute nr. 202 Opening date: Aug 18, 2020 10:49:24 PM Close date: Aug 19, 2020 10:49:58 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 203 Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 2:43:40 AM Close date: Sep 2, 2020 9:56:24 PM Dispute duration: 13 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0035 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.0125 BTC (Seller) Reason: OPTION_TRADE Summary notes: Buyer did not make payment and is not responding, closing as option trade, Seller to receive half of buyer's security deposit, Seller to proceed to Arbitration ### Dispute nr. 204 Opening date: Aug 20, 2020 10:08:53 AM Close date: Aug 23, 2020 9:41:03 AM Dispute duration: 2 days, 23 hours, 32 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 205 Opening date: Aug 22, 2020 2:23:40 PM Close date: Aug 28, 2020 10:31:23 AM Dispute duration: 5 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally despite bank IBAN not matching ### Dispute nr. 206 Opening date: Aug 23, 2020 12:31:04 PM Close date: Sep 2, 2020 11:47:58 AM Dispute duration: 9 days, 23 hours, 16 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Faircoin (FAIR) Trade amount: 0.002 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.011 BTC (Seller) Reason: OPTION_TRADE Summary notes: Buyer completely unresponsive, payment not made ### Dispute nr. 207 Opening date: Aug 25, 2020 7:00:21 PM Close date: Aug 27, 2020 9:08:15 AM Dispute duration: 1 day, 14 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 208 Opening date: Aug 25, 2020 8:44:29 PM Close date: Sep 8, 2020 1:11:28 PM Dispute duration: 13 days, 16 hours, 26 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.011 BTC (Seller) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Buyer unable to make payment due to unresponsive seller not giving Revolut username, suggest to cancel this trade ### Dispute nr. 209 Opening date: Aug 26, 2020 3:10:56 PM Close date: Aug 30, 2020 10:46:04 PM Dispute duration: 4 days, 7 hours, 35 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 210 Opening date: Aug 27, 2020 11:11:23 AM Close date: Aug 27, 2020 11:55:05 AM Dispute duration: 0 hours, 43 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Seller confirms receipt of payment from Buyer, and Buyer bank name matches payment account name, but IBAN is different currency account for CZK vs EUR ### Dispute nr. 211 Opening date: Aug 27, 2020 11:20:54 PM Close date: Aug 29, 2020 5:40:59 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 18 hours, 20 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0125 BTC/0.0125 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0625 BTC/0.0125 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 212 Opening date: Aug 28, 2020 3:10:08 AM Close date: Sep 22, 2020 7:39:09 PM Dispute duration: 25 days, 16 hours, 29 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Revolut payment, seller unresponsive, buyer provided proof of payment ### Dispute nr. 213 Opening date: Aug 28, 2020 3:15:13 AM Close date: Sep 22, 2020 3:43:24 AM Dispute duration: 25 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller did not respond after multiple requests for Revolut username, Buyer can proceed to Arbitration ### Dispute nr. 214 Opening date: Aug 28, 2020 5:11:41 AM Close date: Aug 29, 2020 5:32:38 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 12 hours, 20 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04375 BTC/0.04375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.16875 BTC/0.04375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 215 Opening date: Aug 28, 2020 5:11:44 AM Close date: Aug 29, 2020 5:32:02 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 12 hours, 20 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.021875 BTC/0.021875 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.084375 BTC/0.021875 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 216 Opening date: Aug 28, 2020 7:50:04 PM Close date: Aug 30, 2020 10:44:17 PM Dispute duration: 2 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.008 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.014 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 217 Opening date: Aug 29, 2020 12:23:32 AM Close date: Sep 2, 2020 11:48:58 AM Dispute duration: 4 days, 11 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.12 BTC/0.12 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.22 BTC/0.12 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 218 Opening date: Aug 29, 2020 7:24:04 PM Close date: Aug 30, 2020 3:28:30 PM Dispute duration: 20 hours, 4 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.011 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 219 Opening date: Aug 30, 2020 5:57:22 PM Close date: Sep 2, 2020 11:43:58 AM Dispute duration: 2 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally using Revolut username ### Dispute nr. 220 Opening date: Aug 31, 2020 4:52:04 AM Close date: Sep 2, 2020 11:43:27 AM Dispute duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Swiss Franc (CHF) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 221 Opening date: Aug 31, 2020 7:09:53 PM Close date: Sep 7, 2020 10:47:16 PM Dispute duration: 7 days, 3 hours, 37 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.028 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.037 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: XMR trade with unresponsive seller, buyer provided cryptographic proof of payment, mediator verified payment ### Dispute nr. 222 Opening date: Aug 31, 2020 7:14:54 PM Close date: Sep 1, 2020 11:42:04 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 4 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.021 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.014715 BTC/0.014715 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.035715 BTC/0.014715 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 223 Opening date: Sep 1, 2020 12:36:18 AM Close date: Sep 11, 2020 8:07:57 PM Dispute duration: 10 days, 19 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller did not provide Revolut username, so Buyer was unable to make payment. ### Dispute nr. 224 Opening date: Sep 1, 2020 8:35:37 AM Close date: Sep 3, 2020 11:35:23 AM Dispute duration: 2 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Failed trade. Please go to portfolio -> open trades -> select trade and press CTRL + Y to unlock the funds ### Dispute nr. 225 Opening date: Sep 2, 2020 5:16:36 PM Close date: Sep 5, 2020 2:59:16 PM Dispute duration: 2 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.1217 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.025815 BTC/0.025815 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.147515 BTC/0.025815 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 226 Opening date: Sep 3, 2020 2:30:01 AM Close date: Sep 3, 2020 11:34:04 AM Dispute duration: 9 hours, 4 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Trade completed normally, traders were confused about Revolut username vs phone number vs payment links ### Dispute nr. 227 Opening date: Sep 4, 2020 6:09:46 PM Close date: Sep 6, 2020 12:32:22 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 18 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0225 BTC/0.0225 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0725 BTC/0.0225 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 228 Opening date: Sep 4, 2020 9:49:58 PM Close date: Sep 8, 2020 1:09:48 PM Dispute duration: 3 days, 15 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00606 BTC/0.00606 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.01606 BTC/0.00606 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 229 Opening date: Sep 5, 2020 4:57:37 PM Close date: Sep 11, 2020 1:04:36 AM Dispute duration: 5 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.026 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 230 Opening date: Sep 6, 2020 7:52:13 PM Close date: Sep 13, 2020 7:31:19 PM Dispute duration: 6 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.039 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.048 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive. Buyer provided Monero proof of payment. Mediator verified XMR payment on Monero explorer. ### Dispute nr. 231 Opening date: Sep 6, 2020 11:46:57 PM Close date: Sep 21, 2020 8:21:36 PM Dispute duration: 14 days, 20 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.029 BTC (Seller) Reason: OPTION_TRADE Summary notes: Buyer initially reported bug in Bisq that caused trade to move to "failed trades", but Mediator suggested Buyer to make payment to Seller and use Manual Payout procedure for final trade payout. After that, buyer became unresponsive and did not make payment to seller. Now after 20 days buyer has still not responded, so Mediator suggests payout in favor of Seller. ### Dispute nr. 232 Opening date: Sep 7, 2020 10:33:01 AM Close date: Sep 13, 2020 7:29:38 PM Dispute duration: 6 days, 8 hours, 56 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT Summary notes: Buyer's payment account name does not match bank account name. Seller has requested Arbitration. ### Dispute nr. 233 Opening date: Sep 9, 2020 3:52:52 PM Close date: Sep 10, 2020 1:04:12 PM Dispute duration: 21 hours, 11 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.20 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.10 BTC/0.10 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.30 BTC/0.10 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 234 Opening date: Sep 11, 2020 12:33:28 AM Close date: Sep 11, 2020 12:20:33 PM Dispute duration: 11 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0624 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00936 BTC/0.00936 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.07176 BTC/0.00936 BTC (Buyer) Reason: USABILITY Summary notes: Traders completed normally after using "refresh trade state" button ### Dispute nr. 235 Opening date: Sep 11, 2020 7:33:41 PM Close date: Sep 11, 2020 8:16:27 PM Dispute duration: 0 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.009375 BTC/0.059375 BTC (Seller) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Due to a bug in Bisq, this trade must be cancelled. Buyer will not make the payment, and both parties will receive their security deposits back. Summary notes (different message to other trader was used): Due to a bug in Bisq, this trade must be cancelled. Buyer will not make the payment, and both parties will receive their security deposits back. Mediator did manual payout using keys from both parties. ### Dispute nr. 236 Opening date: Sep 12, 2020 6:25:44 AM Close date: Sep 21, 2020 8:24:43 PM Dispute duration: 9 days, 13 hours, 58 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive. Buyer provided proof of payment to Mediator. Mediator suggests Buyer to reject the following suggested payout and instead use "request arbitration" button to receive BTC payout from Arbitrator. ### Dispute nr. 237 Opening date: Sep 13, 2020 3:49:07 AM Close date: Sep 13, 2020 5:44:43 PM Dispute duration: 13 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.042 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.013232 BTC/0.013232 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.065464 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive, Buyer provided Monero proof of XMR payment sent, Mediator verified payment ### Dispute nr. 238 Opening date: Sep 13, 2020 7:00:17 PM Close date: Sep 14, 2020 11:48:14 AM Dispute duration: 16 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0624 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00939 BTC/0.00939 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.07818 BTC (Seller) Reason: OPTION_TRADE Summary notes: Buyer is unresponsive. Seller did not receive payment. If no response after 20 days proceed to Arbitration. ### Dispute nr. 239 Opening date: Sep 14, 2020 1:23:12 AM Close date: Sep 14, 2020 11:45:51 AM Dispute duration: 10 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.013 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.022 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller acknowledged receipt of funds in chat, but did not confirm payment using Bisq trade protocol. Buyer sent proof of payment and Mediator verified using Monero explorer. If no response after 10 days proceed to Arbitration. ### Dispute nr. 240 Opening date: Sep 17, 2020 1:17:27 AM Close date: Sep 26, 2020 12:05:15 AM Dispute duration: 8 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: USABILITY Summary notes: Seller unable to confirm payment due to Bisq disabling payment confirmation button. ### Dispute nr. 241 Opening date: Sep 19, 2020 1:52:17 AM Close date: Sep 21, 2020 8:28:18 PM Dispute duration: 2 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0117 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0207 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive. Buyer provided XMR proof of payment. Mediator verified XMR payment. Mediator suggests Buyer to reject the following suggested payout and instead use "request arbitration" button to receive BTC payout from Arbitrator. ### Dispute nr. 242 Opening date: Sep 19, 2020 8:10:58 AM Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ### Dispute nr. 243 Opening date: Sep 19, 2020 1:23:18 PM Close date: Sep 25, 2020 10:56:15 PM Dispute duration: 6 days, 9 hours, 32 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.032 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00903 BTC/0.00903 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.04706 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is unresponsive. Buyer provided XMR proof of payment. Mediator verified Buyer's payment on Monero blockchain. Buyer should REJECT this suggested payout and proceed to Arbitration after 10 days have elapsed from the start of the trade. ### Dispute nr. 244 Opening date: Sep 19, 2020 5:00:12 PM Close date: Sep 24, 2020 8:08:11 PM Dispute duration: 5 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: USABILITY Summary notes: Seller acknowledged receiving funds in chat ### Dispute nr. 245 Opening date: Sep 22, 2020 2:20:42 AM Close date: Sep 22, 2020 6:50:27 AM Dispute duration: 4 hours, 29 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Parties completed trade normally ### Dispute nr. 246 Opening date: Sep 26, 2020 2:10:47 AM Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.027 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ### Dispute nr. 247 Opening date: Sep 27, 2020 2:02:01 AM Close date: Sep 27, 2020 6:15:39 PM Dispute duration: 16 hours, 13 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.025 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0075 BTC/0.0075 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0325 BTC/0.0075 BTC (Buyer) Reason: USABILITY Summary notes: Traders agree to complete trade on their own ### Dispute nr. 248 Opening date: Sep 27, 2020 5:01:39 AM Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0538 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00807 BTC/0.00807 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ### Dispute nr. 249 Opening date: Sep 27, 2020 5:38:45 AM Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ### Dispute nr. 250 Opening date: Sep 27, 2020 9:37:47 AM Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.03125 BTC/0.03125 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ### Dispute nr. 251 Opening date: Sep 27, 2020 6:59:30 PM Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0414125 BTC/0.0414125 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller)
Bisq-knight commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18

I got an influx of cases in the past 2 days, which are still open. Nothing out of the ordinary, probably just spiked interest due to the price action of Bitcoin.

The cycle was pretty average. about 2 thirds of the value mediated was for altcoin trades (similar to previous cycles) and 1 for fiat trades (smaller trades in general).

The most common issue was simply traders going overtime but settling by themselves. Second

This cycle one of my past disputes ended in an unfuded arbitration/Reimbursement proposal (when there is no delayed payout tx, thus the trade amount does not get sent to the Bisq donation address).

Total Cases closed in Cycle: 21 (WIP)
Still open: 8
Total cases in cycle: 29
Click to see report! ``` Mediator report Dispute nr. 228 Opening date: Sep 30, 2020 4:47:03 PM Close date: Oct 6, 2020 2:32:20 PM Dispute duration: 5 days, 21 hours, 45 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: trade settled Dispute nr. 229 Opening date: Sep 30, 2020 6:05:24 PM Close date: Oct 4, 2020 12:00:36 PM Dispute duration: 3 days, 17 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT Summary notes: Seller agreed to conclude the trade even though the Buyer used an account different than the one in bisq Dispute nr. 230 Opening date: Oct 3, 2020 3:59:32 AM Close date: Oct 3, 2020 9:13:33 PM Dispute duration: 17 hours, 14 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.35165022 BTC/0.35165022 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.35165022 BTC/0.35165022 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: traders settled Dispute nr. 231 Opening date: Oct 4, 2020 7:52:37 AM Close date: Oct 7, 2020 10:48:35 PM Dispute duration: 3 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.016 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.036882 BTC/0.036882 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.052882 BTC/0.036882 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Slight delay by the seller in the beginning due to a slow Monero node. Later his button to confirm the trade wasn' t working. Trade went normally although we'll try to conclude it via the mediation dialogue Dispute nr. 232 Opening date: Oct 4, 2020 5:12:30 PM Close date: Oct 6, 2020 2:27:49 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 21 hours, 15 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0125 BTC/0.0125 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.075 BTC/0.0125 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Trade completed normally Dispute nr. 233 Opening date: Oct 5, 2020 10:50:02 PM Close date: Oct 7, 2020 10:44:09 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 54 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.1069 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.02479011 BTC/0.02479011 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.13169011 BTC/0.02479011 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: seller received the money from the correct account and amount, but claims he didn't add the trade id to the message. Buyer says he did. Since there is no major violation of the protocol, only a minor disagreement and both traders are responsive, I'm suggesting to conclude the trade normally Dispute nr. 234 Opening date: Oct 5, 2020 10:56:06 PM Close date: Oct 8, 2020 8:25:36 AM Dispute duration: 2 days, 9 hours, 29 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.006 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.015 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer not responding Dispute nr. 235 Opening date: Oct 6, 2020 8:55:26 AM Close date: Oct 7, 2020 10:39:32 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 13 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.2414 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.03621 BTC/0.03621 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.27761 BTC/0.03621 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders settled Dispute nr. 236 Opening date: Oct 6, 2020 4:34:59 PM Close date: Oct 18, 2020 5:38:32 PM Dispute duration: 12 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders settled by themselves after the first issuance of mediation Dispute nr. 237 Opening date: Oct 11, 2020 9:51:13 PM Close date: Oct 15, 2020 12:31:43 AM Dispute duration: 3 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01305625 BTC/0.01305625 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.07555625 BTC/0.01305625 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: USPS went overtime Dispute nr. 238 Opening date: Oct 13, 2020 12:55:52 AM Close date: Oct 15, 2020 4:56:10 PM Dispute duration: 2 days, 16 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0325 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0385 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: trade was settled already Dispute nr. 239 Opening date: Oct 15, 2020 11:05:22 AM Close date: Oct 15, 2020 4:58:28 PM Dispute duration: 5 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0375 BTC/0.0375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.2875 BTC/0.0375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller had an issue sending the confirmation. Dispute nr. 240 Opening date: Oct 15, 2020 4:10:46 PM Close date: Oct 18, 2020 5:01:41 PM Dispute duration: 3 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: seller confirmed he recieved the payment. It looks like he can' t confirm on his bisq. Attempting the mediation to close the trade Dispute nr. 241 Opening date: Oct 16, 2020 7:21:51 AM Close date: Oct 20, 2020 9:54:47 AM Dispute duration: 4 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: delay Dispute nr. 242 Opening date: Oct 16, 2020 5:23:24 PM Close date: Oct 20, 2020 10:38:30 AM Dispute duration: 3 days, 17 hours, 15 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Transferwise prevented the buyer from sending fiat tot he seller. Both agreed to cancel the trade Dispute nr. 243 Opening date: Oct 16, 2020 7:42:27 PM Close date: Oct 18, 2020 5:36:21 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 21 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.026 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Buyerś Zelle account got blocked preventing him from completing the trade. Traders agreed on a friendly cancellation Dispute nr. 244 Opening date: Oct 19, 2020 9:12:05 AM Close date: Oct 20, 2020 3:16:35 PM Dispute duration: 1 day, 6 hours, 4 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT Summary notes: Buyer used the wrong account to send the money but seller agreed to continue the trade Dispute nr. 245 Opening date: Oct 19, 2020 3:01:09 PM Close date: Oct 21, 2020 3:02:33 PM Dispute duration: 2 days, 0 hours, 1 minute Payment method: SEPA Instant Payments Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01089 BTC/0.01089 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.06089 BTC/0.01089 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer had issues with his SEPA account (which wasn't not instant by default). Traders agreed amicably to conclude the trade normally Dispute nr. 246 Opening date: Oct 19, 2020 4:48:15 PM Close date: Oct 20, 2020 3:15:21 PM Dispute duration: 22 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.059375 BTC/0.009375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay Dispute nr. 247 Opening date: Oct 20, 2020 2:24:11 AM Close date: Oct 20, 2020 10:27:03 AM Dispute duration: 8 hours, 2 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0477 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0093 BTC/0.0093 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.057 BTC/0.0093 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay Dispute nr. 248 Opening date: Oct 21, 2020 7:48:15 AM Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.788 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.14493 BTC/0.14493 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr. 249 Opening date: Oct 21, 2020 8:32:30 AM Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.045 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009 BTC/0.009 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ```
leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 37
Still open: 7
Closed: 30

I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

This cycle there have been more cases than usual where seller's have not being able to confirm the payment due to the trade being stuck in stage two. (buyer's "payment made" button did not work on these cases) this is an issue that we've had in the past and was solved for the most part but for some reason there have been more cases lately.

Unresponsive sellers are still our main cause of mediation disputes.

*Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades that end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly, a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this.

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 31
Still open: 6
Closed: 25

This is my first cycle as a Mediator so I'm still getting my bearings. But traders not caring for the trade duration seems to be a trend. We probably should be more strict if we can to avoid this behaviour.

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 Report

  Total Cases in this Cycle: 36
  Still open: 9
  Closed: 27
Bisq-knight commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 Report

This cycle has been very problematic. Most cases I got are related to the issue of traders not being able to go through the workflow by themselves.

A couple of things that I am currently investigating that might be a problem in the coming cycle:

Total Cases closed in Cycle: 75 (WIP)
Still open: 20
Total cases in cycle: 95
Click to see report! ``` Mediator report Dispute nr.: 249 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 20 01:33:54 Opening date: 2020 10 21 08:32:30 Close date: 2020 11 05 17:38:18 Dispute duration: 15 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.045 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009 BTC/0.009 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.054 BTC/0.009 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer made the payment on time and correctly (verified by mediator as well). Seller would not confirm having received it. Buyer requested 10% of the trade amount in compensation for the protocol violation Dispute nr.: 250 Trade date: 2020 10 18 18:08:07 Opening date: 2020 10 21 17:13:54 Close date: 2020 11 27 00:30:37 Dispute duration: 36 days, 8 hours, 16 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.06 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.015 BTC/0.015 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.075 BTC/0.015 BTC (Buyer) Reason: USABILITY Summary notes: Seller could not verify recieving the BSQ transaction. He was instructed on how to do so. The transaction was also verified in the block explorer and thus an amicable closure was proposed. Dispute nr.: 251 Trade date: 2020 10 17 05:03:58 Opening date: 2020 10 22 05:23:08 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:57:40 Dispute duration: 29 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.013 BTC/0.009 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: delay caused by issues with the bank and other things. traders agreed on 50% of security deposit for the delay Dispute nr.: 252 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 11:53:04 Opening date: 2020 10 22 16:33:07 Close date: 2020 10 22 22:28:32 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0624 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00936 BTC/0.00936 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.00936 BTC/0.07176 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Seller's bank froze his account, making it impossible for the buyer to send the funds Dispute nr.: 253 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 15:15:44 Opening date: 2020 10 22 16:34:48 Close date: 2020 10 24 15:59:21 Dispute duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.30 BTC/0.30 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.30 BTC/0.30 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Delay, seller confimed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 254 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 20:22:03 Opening date: 2020 10 22 21:22:58 Close date: 2020 10 24 15:59:11 Dispute duration: 1 day, 18 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0114 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0174 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Trade went into failed, but fiat payment was made. We're completing it normally via mediation Dispute nr.: 255 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 20 02:09:46 Opening date: 2020 10 22 21:42:18 Close date: 2020 10 27 20:14:09 Dispute duration: 4 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Seller received a strange warning from the bank about the payment. All was clarified and trade was proposed to conclude normally Dispute nr.: 256 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 07:49:45 Opening date: 2020 10 23 04:49:00 Close date: 2020 10 24 16:03:17 Dispute duration: 1 day, 11 hours, 14 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.026 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer requested cancellation. Seller agreed to it Dispute nr.: 257 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 11:24:46 Opening date: 2020 10 23 14:26:34 Close date: 2020 10 28 10:45:49 Dispute duration: 4 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.065 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00975 BTC/0.00975 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.07475 BTC/0.00975 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: traders lacked communication in sending the Seller's name so Faster Payments would let the transaction go through. Payment was received and both agreed to conclude normally Dispute nr.: 258 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 23 20:38:02 Opening date: 2020 10 25 18:00:25 Close date: 2020 11 02 18:11:53 Dispute duration: 8 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0084 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.0144 BTC (Seller) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders had already agreed to cancel the trade. It took a while before I could confirm with both of them whether or not the fiat was sent. Dispute nr.: 259 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 25 10:41:04 Opening date: 2020 10 25 20:50:34 Close date: 2020 10 27 20:44:02 Dispute duration: 1 day, 23 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.30 BTC/0.30 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.30 BTC/0.30 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Delay Dispute nr.: 260 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 24 09:23:49 Opening date: 2020 10 26 09:12:15 Close date: 2020 10 27 20:39:37 Dispute duration: 1 day, 11 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.008 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.014 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Seller's revolut username could not be found at first. Traders exchanged messages and found a way to conclude the payment. Trade is going to be completed normally Dispute nr.: 261 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 19 10:37:48 Opening date: 2020 10 26 11:12:43 Close date: 2020 11 07 18:37:56 Dispute duration: 12 days, 7 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0230625 BTC/0.0230625 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.14689773 BTC/0.02422727 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: 0.02306250 + 0.0011647771 = 0.0242272771 (15 EUR @ 12878 EUR/BTC, at the time of meditation by the Bisq price index). Buyer faced delays caused by his bank. Seller incurred extra fees, thus 15 EUR are deducted from the buyer to compensate the seller Dispute nr.: 262 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 26 06:24:48 Opening date: 2020 10 26 14:49:05 Close date: 2020 10 27 20:36:49 Dispute duration: 1 day, 5 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: minor delay. Traders agreed to conclude the trade normally even with the delay Dispute nr.: 263 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 04:36:22 Opening date: 2020 10 27 01:57:00 Close date: 2020 10 27 21:33:05 Dispute duration: 19 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0225 BTC/0.0225 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.1475 BTC/0.0225 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: The payment took longer than expected to arrive. Seller confirmed having received it and trade is set to conclude normally Dispute nr.: 264 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 27 06:15:07 Opening date: 2020 10 27 07:25:19 Close date: 2020 10 28 09:49:44 Dispute duration: 1 day, 2 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.023 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.008073 BTC/0.008073 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.031073 BTC/0.008073 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: XMR auto-confirm feature misconfigured. But traders settled regardless Dispute nr.: 265 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 24 20:16:32 Opening date: 2020 10 27 14:55:28 Close date: 2020 10 27 20:22:30 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: traders can't move forward in bisq even though the payment was made. We're trying to close it via mediation. Logs were requested and asked to be sent via Keybase (as they are too large to be sent over bisq). If it doesn't work, please reopen the case and we'll try a different way Dispute nr.: 266 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 23 08:09:05 Opening date: 2020 10 27 15:29:27 Close date: 2020 11 02 18:17:33 Dispute duration: 6 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: BUyer had problems with his bank. Traders agreed to cancel the trade amicably Dispute nr.: 267 Trade date: 2020 10 23 13:56:02 Opening date: 2020 10 30 11:17:21 Close date: 2020 11 20 14:17:35 Dispute duration: 21 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0434625 BTC/0.0434625 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.1684625 BTC/0.0434625 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Bank caused extra fees to incurr on Seller. Extra confusion due to traders settling 2 trades simoultaneously. Dispute nr.: 268 Trade date: 2020 10 26 05:16:18 Opening date: 2020 10 30 16:41:22 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:41:25 Dispute duration: 24 days, 5 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer was late and didn't send the payment. Dispute nr.: 269 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 22 22:42:20 Opening date: 2020 10 30 21:52:45 Close date: 2020 10 31 15:46:23 Dispute duration: 17 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0075 BTC/0.0075 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0575 BTC/0.0075 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: USPS had a delay that went overtime. Seller confirmed recieving the payment Dispute nr.: 270 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 30 16:31:10 Opening date: 2020 10 31 08:38:01 Close date: 2020 11 02 18:02:43 Dispute duration: 2 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.002 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.008 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay due to congested mempool (Trader was not available at the time the transaction confirmed to conlude the trade within the hour) Dispute nr.: 271 Trade date: 2020 10 30 17:37:07 Opening date: 2020 11 01 06:36:09 Close date: 2020 11 11 12:26:42 Dispute duration: 10 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01287 BTC/0.01287 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.03287 BTC/0.01287 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed having received the payment and described a situation similar to the known bug we're facing. Both traders were asked to submit logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 272 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 30 13:48:17 Opening date: 2020 11 01 10:58:54 Close date: 2020 11 02 17:27:43 Dispute duration: 1 day, 6 hours, 28 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer had minor problems with his Revolut app but promptly solved it. Traders agreed to continue normally Dispute nr.: 273 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 24 05:50:55 Opening date: 2020 11 01 15:31:23 Close date: 2020 11 07 18:47:58 Dispute duration: 6 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00798 BTC/0.00798 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.03296 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller unresponsive. Buyer provided evidence of having sent the funds Dispute nr.: 274 Trade date: 2020 10 30 21:49:49 Opening date: 2020 11 01 21:59:29 Close date: 2020 11 11 12:24:46 Dispute duration: 9 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.017 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01266 BTC/0.01266 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02966 BTC/0.01266 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller had a bug, where his trade did not go to mediation (while I had received it), leaving it unanswered on his side. He contacted me on Keybase, we sorted it out and got the trade to get to mediation normally. He then confirmed recieving the payment from the buyer Dispute nr.: 275 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 27 03:24:10 Opening date: 2020 11 02 07:38:54 Close date: 2020 11 02 17:24:44 Dispute duration: 9 hours, 45 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay. Seller confirmed receiving the payment Dispute nr.: 276 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 29 20:08:23 Opening date: 2020 11 03 02:21:49 Close date: 2020 11 05 18:26:42 Dispute duration: 2 days, 16 hours, 4 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.06 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.024234 BTC/0.024234 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.084234 BTC/0.024234 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed receiving the payment. The confirm payment button was not there. traders were asked to submit their logs and info via keybase Dispute nr.: 277 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 26 08:14:53 Opening date: 2020 11 03 16:42:43 Close date: 2020 11 05 07:37:52 Dispute duration: 1 day, 14 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: minor delayed caused by the long confirmation times Dispute nr.: 278 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 31 13:21:43 Opening date: 2020 11 03 16:52:16 Close date: 2020 11 05 07:36:47 Dispute duration: 1 day, 14 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009338 BTC/0.009338 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.029338 BTC/0.009338 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: traders are stuck due to the known confirmation glitch. Traders were asked to provide logs and further info for investigation via keybase Dispute nr.: 279 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 31 15:46:17 Opening date: 2020 11 03 19:56:54 Close date: 2020 11 07 18:49:07 Dispute duration: 3 days, 22 hours, 52 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders settled Dispute nr.: 280 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 11 04 03:25:21 Opening date: 2020 11 04 14:20:23 Close date: 2020 11 05 18:27:44 Dispute duration: 1 day, 4 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.025 BTC/0.025 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.15 BTC/0.025 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Confirm payment button bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 281 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 11 02 16:57:58 Opening date: 2020 11 04 18:10:26 Close date: 2020 11 05 07:26:36 Dispute duration: 13 hours, 16 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.30 BTC/0.30 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.30 BTC/0.30 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: minor delay by the seller Dispute nr.: 282 Trade date: 2020 10 29 16:02:09 Opening date: 2020 11 04 18:12:01 Close date: 2020 11 20 14:29:55 Dispute duration: 15 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.029 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer stopped responding after the first message. Seller claims paymetn was not made. Dispute nr.: 283 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 10 30 14:01:55 Opening date: 2020 11 04 20:20:59 Close date: 2020 11 05 07:24:00 Dispute duration: 11 hours, 3 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Traders can't move forward. Logs were requested to be sent via keybase and trade will try to be settled via mediation Dispute nr.: 284 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 11 04 23:20:24 Opening date: 2020 11 04 23:25:29 Close date: 2020 11 05 18:29:40 Dispute duration: 19 hours, 4 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: confirm payment bug. Seller confirmed receiving the payment Dispute nr.: 285 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 11 04 09:34:00 Opening date: 2020 11 05 13:50:44 Close date: 2020 11 05 17:35:23 Dispute duration: 3 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.085 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01275 BTC/0.01275 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.09775 BTC/0.01275 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: known bug of the trade not moving to the next stage. Seller confirmed receiving the payment Dispute nr.: 286 Trade date: 2020 10 25 16:16:27 Opening date: 2020 11 05 16:10:39 Close date: 2020 11 20 14:33:09 Dispute duration: 14 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Both traders are unresponsive. Blockchain shows they have settled Dispute nr.: 287 Trade date: 2020 10 29 15:43:11 Opening date: 2020 11 05 18:04:17 Close date: 2020 11 27 00:34:06 Dispute duration: 21 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Unresponsive buyer Dispute nr.: 288 Closed during cycle: 18 Trade date: 2020 11 01 13:19:01 Opening date: 2020 11 05 18:42:12 Close date: 2020 11 06 09:25:29 Dispute duration: 14 hours, 43 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed receiving the payment, but can't move the trade forward. Both traders were asked to send logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 289 Trade date: 2020 11 02 11:56:35 Opening date: 2020 11 06 15:54:12 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:43:29 Dispute duration: 17 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Unresponsive Buyer. Never answered any messages Dispute nr.: 290 Trade date: 2020 11 07 14:58:44 Opening date: 2020 11 07 19:20:31 Close date: 2020 11 11 12:16:23 Dispute duration: 3 days, 16 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Due to confirmation times, the trade confirmed while buyer was not available. He showed up and concluded his part Dispute nr.: 291 Trade date: 2020 11 06 01:57:39 Opening date: 2020 11 08 04:06:03 Close date: 2020 11 16 22:02:54 Dispute duration: 8 days, 17 hours, 56 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0325 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00903 BTC/0.00903 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.04756 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Trade will likely go to arbitration as the seller does not reply. Dispute nr.: 292 Trade date: 2020 11 06 22:18:55 Opening date: 2020 11 08 13:00:30 Close date: 2020 11 09 19:37:13 Dispute duration: 1 day, 6 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller received the payment. Buyer can't press " payment started". Traders were both asked to share their logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 293 Trade date: 2020 11 05 16:10:06 Opening date: 2020 11 09 09:32:16 Close date: 2020 11 09 19:36:07 Dispute duration: 10 hours, 3 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04106121 BTC/0.04106121 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.14106121 BTC/0.04106121 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller cannot release funds. Seller confirmed receiving the funds. Both traders were asked to submit their logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 294 Trade date: 2020 11 09 04:53:40 Opening date: 2020 11 09 13:25:46 Close date: 2020 11 11 12:12:42 Dispute duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 46 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0325 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.009375 BTC/0.041875 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: traders had prior trades and mutually agreed to cancel this one. Dispute nr.: 295 Trade date: 2020 11 06 04:07:28 Opening date: 2020 11 10 04:31:08 Close date: 2020 11 11 12:11:28 Dispute duration: 1 day, 7 hours, 40 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed receiving the payment and that he is facing the known bug of the button not showing. Logs were requested to be sent via keybase Dispute nr.: 296 Trade date: 2020 11 09 11:49:09 Opening date: 2020 11 10 20:49:04 Close date: 2020 11 11 15:06:17 Dispute duration: 18 hours, 17 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.1125 BTC/0.1125 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.3625 BTC/0.1125 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: known bug seems to be the cause of this delay. Seller confirmed receiving the payment. Traders were instructed to share logs via Keybase Dispute nr.: 297 Trade date: 2020 11 10 01:08:56 Opening date: 2020 11 11 06:02:18 Close date: 2020 11 16 21:54:21 Dispute duration: 5 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed recieving the money. traders were asked to share logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 298 Trade date: 2020 11 08 00:09:18 Opening date: 2020 11 12 00:26:37 Close date: 2020 11 29 23:49:09 Dispute duration: 17 days, 23 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: Cash Deposit Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.1598 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.02397 BTC/0.02397 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02397 BTC/0.18377 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: multiple issues, including bank not allowing the payment and later the buyer not responding. The seller agreed to cancel the trade amicably instead of trying to go around the constraints imposed by his bank Dispute nr.: 299 Trade date: 2020 11 06 22:35:03 Opening date: 2020 11 12 22:36:49 Close date: 2020 11 13 21:44:56 Dispute duration: 23 hours, 8 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: can' t press the button bug once more. Seller confirmed receiving the payment. Traders were asked to send logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 300 Trade date: 2020 11 12 08:57:41 Opening date: 2020 11 13 09:23:22 Close date: 2020 11 13 21:43:35 Dispute duration: 12 hours, 20 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.026 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Buyer cannot press "payment started" due to the known bug. Traders were requested their logs and seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 301 Trade date: 2020 11 12 19:24:15 Opening date: 2020 11 13 20:09:23 Close date: 2020 11 13 21:42:00 Dispute duration: 1 hour, 32 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: the known bug of button being unpressable. Traders were requested to send logs via Keybase. Seller confirmed recieving the payment Dispute nr.: 302 Trade date: 2020 11 12 20:04:45 Opening date: 2020 11 13 21:16:23 Close date: 2020 11 23 22:19:26 Dispute duration: 10 days, 1 hour, 3 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0031 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0091 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders already settled Dispute nr.: 303 Trade date: 2020 11 13 10:38:44 Opening date: 2020 11 14 12:45:56 Payment method: Revolut Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 304 Trade date: 2020 11 13 15:29:42 Opening date: 2020 11 14 15:45:50 Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.028 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0101332 BTC/0.0101332 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 305 Trade date: 2020 11 15 00:12:38 Opening date: 2020 11 15 17:24:30 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:50:19 Dispute duration: 4 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.02 BTC/0.02 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02 BTC/0.12 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: traders agreed to cancel Dispute nr.: 306 Trade date: 2020 11 15 21:49:27 Opening date: 2020 11 15 22:59:14 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:49:33 Dispute duration: 4 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.0011 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0071 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Trade settled Dispute nr.: 307 Trade date: 2020 11 10 13:47:51 Opening date: 2020 11 16 13:52:21 Close date: 2020 11 16 20:52:36 Dispute duration: 7 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: known 1.4.2 bug. Seller confirmed the payment was received. Trades were instructed to send logs via keybase Dispute nr.: 308 Trade date: 2020 11 12 00:28:59 Opening date: 2020 11 16 16:36:48 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:46:00 Dispute duration: 3 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT Summary notes: Buyer sent from an account with a different name. Traders agreed to carry on with the trade Dispute nr.: 309 Trade date: 2020 11 16 17:41:59 Opening date: 2020 11 17 09:32:57 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:44:28 Dispute duration: 3 days, 4 hours, 11 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00846 BTC/0.00846 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02846 BTC/0.00846 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Bank didn't disclose senderś name at first, so seller took a bit longer to verify the bisq account and the trade went over. Dispute nr.: 310 Trade date: 2020 11 13 13:43:47 Opening date: 2020 11 17 15:20:53 Close date: 2020 11 23 22:15:12 Dispute duration: 6 days, 6 hours, 54 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.04 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.011656 BTC/0.011656 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.051656 BTC/0.011656 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: known bug with the button to confirm trade not being activated. Seller confirmed getting the fiat Dispute nr.: 311 Trade date: 2020 11 17 03:01:36 Opening date: 2020 11 18 17:59:44 Close date: 2020 11 29 22:44:03 Dispute duration: 11 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0401 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009 BTC/0.009 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0551 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller didn't reply any messages Dispute nr.: 312 Trade date: 2020 11 17 09:39:31 Opening date: 2020 11 19 05:10:08 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 313 Trade date: 2020 11 18 05:40:30 Opening date: 2020 11 19 09:07:37 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:39:36 Dispute duration: 4 days, 12 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0194 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0254 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: problem in the seller's XMR wallet caused him to think the payment didn't happen. Once refreshed he confirmed Dispute nr.: 314 Trade date: 2020 11 17 14:10:24 Opening date: 2020 11 19 15:08:49 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:09:42 Dispute duration: 22 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04234 BTC/0.04234 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.14234 BTC/0.04234 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: The confirmation bug we've been facing. Seller confirmed receiving the payment Dispute nr.: 315 Trade date: 2020 11 19 08:01:23 Opening date: 2020 11 19 17:04:20 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:35:14 Dispute duration: 20 hours, 30 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.035 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.041 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: Banks not letting the payment go through. Traders agreed to cancel the trade Dispute nr.: 316 Trade date: 2020 11 13 16:31:37 Opening date: 2020 11 19 17:48:56 Close date: 2020 11 20 13:11:15 Dispute duration: 19 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04487 BTC/0.04487 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.14487 BTC/0.04487 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed receiving the fiat. He seems to be facing the known issue of the button not being enabled Dispute nr.: 317 Trade date: 2020 11 15 23:29:07 Opening date: 2020 11 20 00:59:31 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 318 Trade date: 2020 11 18 06:51:59 Opening date: 2020 11 20 01:44:01 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:31:48 Dispute duration: 3 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0375 BTC/0.0375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0375 BTC/0.1375 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Traders agreed to cancel the trade Dispute nr.: 319 Trade date: 2020 11 14 13:42:17 Opening date: 2020 11 20 14:00:08 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:30:31 Dispute duration: 3 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: The payment started button failing bug prevented the trade from moving forward. Seller confirmed recieving the fiat payment. Dispute nr.: 320 Trade date: 2020 11 20 18:42:29 Opening date: 2020 11 20 19:31:27 Close date: 2020 11 23 22:11:15 Dispute duration: 3 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: minor delay Dispute nr.: 321 Trade date: 2020 11 16 15:51:36 Opening date: 2020 11 20 21:54:21 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 322 Trade date: 2020 11 20 10:50:18 Opening date: 2020 11 21 23:28:59 Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009555 BTC/0.009555 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 323 Trade date: 2020 11 17 14:05:52 Opening date: 2020 11 22 02:14:20 Close date: 2020 11 26 23:28:25 Dispute duration: 4 days, 21 hours, 14 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: seller can't confirm due to the button bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 324 Trade date: 2020 11 21 22:10:58 Opening date: 2020 11 22 03:34:34 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.025 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0125 BTC/0.0125 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 325 Trade date: 2020 11 20 16:17:55 Opening date: 2020 11 22 04:41:16 Close date: 2020 11 23 21:15:06 Dispute duration: 1 day, 16 hours, 33 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Traders are facing the knonw bug of the payment started button not working. Seller confirmed receiving the payment. Dispute nr.: 326 Trade date: 2020 11 21 00:30:10 Opening date: 2020 11 22 16:27:03 Close date: 2020 11 26 23:58:06 Dispute duration: 4 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer was late and seems to have accidentally called mediation. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 327 Trade date: 2020 11 20 18:36:43 Opening date: 2020 11 22 22:24:39 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.034 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.017 BTC/0.017 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 328 Trade date: 2020 11 18 19:23:18 Opening date: 2020 11 23 05:10:35 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 329 Trade date: 2020 11 23 09:11:45 Opening date: 2020 11 23 09:33:24 Close date: 2020 11 23 22:23:19 Dispute duration: 12 hours, 49 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Problem with the delayed payout tx. traders were instructed to ask for a fee reimbursement on github and trade will be cancelled Dispute nr.: 330 Trade date: 2020 11 21 12:38:29 Opening date: 2020 11 23 17:36:41 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01996 BTC/0.01996 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 331 Trade date: 2020 11 17 19:02:32 Opening date: 2020 11 23 20:27:16 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 332 Trade date: 2020 11 18 17:26:52 Opening date: 2020 11 23 21:28:06 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0113 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 333 Trade date: 2020 11 22 05:00:57 Opening date: 2020 11 24 06:39:11 Close date: 2020 11 26 23:39:28 Dispute duration: 2 days, 17 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.025 BTC/0.025 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.075 BTC/0.025 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Button not working bug again. Seller confirmed receiving the payment Dispute nr.: 334 Trade date: 2020 11 21 17:58:23 Opening date: 2020 11 24 07:39:51 Close date: 2020 11 26 23:34:19 Dispute duration: 2 days, 15 hours, 54 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01 BTC/0.01 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.03 BTC/0.01 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button not working bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 335 Trade date: 2020 10 23 15:18:47 Opening date: 2020 11 25 02:32:48 Close date: 2020 11 26 23:33:21 Dispute duration: 1 day, 21 hours, 0 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0434625 BTC/0.0434625 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.1684625 BTC/0.0434625 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Deposit tx failed to broadcast. Traders were instructed to do SPV resync and request fee reimbursement in Github. Dispute nr.: 336 Trade date: 2020 11 21 05:35:12 Opening date: 2020 11 25 05:39:41 Close date: 2020 11 26 21:24:19 Dispute duration: 1 day, 15 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.071875 BTC/0.009375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button issue again. Seller confirmed recieving the payment Dispute nr.: 337 Trade date: 2020 11 19 12:22:12 Opening date: 2020 11 26 07:58:56 Close date: 2020 11 26 21:22:27 Dispute duration: 13 hours, 23 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0271 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0331 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: the button issue again. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 338 Trade date: 2020 11 20 14:47:26 Opening date: 2020 11 26 16:49:10 Close date: 2020 11 26 21:21:38 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 32 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.011875 BTC/0.011875 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.041875 BTC/0.011875 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button issue again. Seller confirmed he recieved the payment Dispute nr.: 339 Trade date: 2020 11 23 03:14:55 Opening date: 2020 11 27 13:44:31 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 340 Trade date: 2020 11 27 06:09:13 Opening date: 2020 11 28 06:30:56 Payment method: Interac e-Transfer Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 341 Trade date: 2020 11 25 04:41:26 Opening date: 2020 11 28 17:47:51 Close date: 2020 11 29 21:35:50 Dispute duration: 1 day, 3 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.025 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0075 BTC/0.0075 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0075 BTC/0.0325 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Tx failed to brodcast. Traders were instructed on how to verify their funds are safe in their wallets. Dispute nr.: 342 Trade date: 2020 11 27 03:16:46 Opening date: 2020 11 28 18:44:34 Close date: 2020 11 29 21:32:16 Dispute duration: 1 day, 2 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.036 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Button not appearing on buyer's end. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 343 Trade date: 2020 11 25 15:01:21 Opening date: 2020 11 29 21:43:48 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 344 Trade date: 2020 11 29 22:08:50 Opening date: 2020 11 29 22:16:36 Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.044 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0066 BTC/0.0066 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ```
leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 Report

Total Cases in this Cycle: 73
Still open: 15
Closed: 58

I will analyze the cycle up until today, will update it at the end of such cycle with the remaining information.

This cycle we've had more than double of our cycle average. It has been similar to the previous one in the sense that there have been more cases than usual where seller's have not being able to confirm the payment due to the trade being stuck in stage two. (buyer's "payment made" button did not work on these cases) this is an issue that we've had in the past and was solved for the most part but for some reason there have been more cases lately. the refresh button was taken away so that the real problem was solved.

I've been collecting bisq logs and sending them to developers to find out more about these bugs.

*Another pending issue is the problem with users who never respond and trades that end up going to arbitration which makes no sense for the other party that often has done everything correctly. Similarly, a BTC seller may release the funds after 10 days with no penalty at all, there must be some way to control this.

Bisq-knight commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 Report

We're still dealing with multiple cases caused by the bug where traders could not press the button to move to the next stage.

This cycle was roughly the same in terms of distribution of reasons as last cycle, just slightly less (showing only closed cases based on the CSV report):

Reason Cycle 19 Cycle 20
BUG 30 19
OTHER 16 13
(empty) 8
Total Result 75 64

note: the CSV report has a few empty values, I'm talking to Chimp to figure if that's a definition issue or some problem generating the report or else, thus the discrepancy between 64 and 80 closed cases in the cycle.

Total Cases closed in Cycle: 80 
Still open: 10
Total cases in cycle: 90
Click to see report! ``` Mediator report Dispute nr.: 345 Trade date: 2020 11 25 19:49:58 Opening date: 2020 11 30 01:37:28 Close date: 2020 12 10 19:47:33 Dispute duration: 10 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer tried to break the trade protocol. Also he didn't answer any of the mediatorś messages Dispute nr.: 346 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 27 18:15:27 Opening date: 2020 11 30 12:28:23 Close date: 2020 12 08 08:02:45 Dispute duration: 7 days, 19 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0875 BTC/0.0875 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.3375 BTC/0.0875 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders faced a delay at first then settled on completing the trade normally. Seller confirmed getting the fiat payment in full Dispute nr.: 347 Trade date: 2020 11 28 12:14:02 Opening date: 2020 11 30 16:25:19 Close date: 2020 12 21 11:11:33 Dispute duration: 20 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0693 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01386 BTC/0.01386 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.01386 BTC/0.08316 BTC (Seller) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: BUyer stopped responding. Seller wanted to get his BTC asap Dispute nr.: 348 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 28 15:26:31 Opening date: 2020 11 30 19:11:21 Close date: 2020 12 04 13:45:46 Dispute duration: 3 days, 18 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0306 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.0366 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx id did not broadcast. traders were instructed to spc resync after the conclusion of mediation Dispute nr.: 349 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 28 13:47:10 Opening date: 2020 11 30 21:08:39 Close date: 2020 12 01 10:46:57 Dispute duration: 13 hours, 38 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Seller mentioned having some issues. But the transaction is concluded in the blockchain. Dispute nr.: 350 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 24 17:11:53 Opening date: 2020 12 01 16:52:20 Close date: 2020 12 04 13:39:50 Dispute duration: 2 days, 20 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: seller can' t press the confirmation button. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 351 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 30 19:23:02 Opening date: 2020 12 01 19:30:06 Close date: 2020 12 07 08:07:45 Dispute duration: 5 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0231 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.0321 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer is not responding Dispute nr.: 352 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 01 18:56:10 Opening date: 2020 12 01 20:39:42 Close date: 2020 12 06 16:01:22 Dispute duration: 4 days, 19 hours, 21 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.007 BTC/0.007 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.027 BTC/0.007 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Seller said deposit tx failed, but it didn't. Buyer sent the funds. Dispute nr.: 353 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 10 01 11:31:35 Opening date: 2020 12 01 23:48:42 Close date: 2020 12 04 13:32:03 Dispute duration: 2 days, 13 hours, 43 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0434 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0217 BTC/0.0217 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0217 BTC/0.0651 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit transaction failed to broadcast. Traders were instructed on how to validate that the funds are with them. Dispute nr.: 354 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 30 21:20:30 Opening date: 2020 12 02 19:13:32 Close date: 2020 12 06 15:25:48 Dispute duration: 3 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0215 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller did not reply any messages Dispute nr.: 355 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 01 22:47:15 Opening date: 2020 12 02 20:47:39 Close date: 2020 12 03 16:53:35 Dispute duration: 20 hours, 5 minutes Payment method: TransferWise Currency: Romanian Leu (RON) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed recieving the payment. Bug with the button not showing agian Dispute nr.: 356 Trade date: 2020 12 01 19:00:44 Opening date: 2020 12 02 22:11:50 Close date: 2020 12 10 19:21:15 Dispute duration: 7 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay Dispute nr.: 357 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 03 18:13:04 Opening date: 2020 12 03 18:23:35 Close date: 2020 12 04 13:07:54 Dispute duration: 18 hours, 44 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button bug. seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 358 Trade date: 2020 12 04 18:35:20 Opening date: 2020 12 04 18:57:14 Close date: 2020 12 26 17:39:45 Dispute duration: 21 days, 22 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0082 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0172 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller never replied Dispute nr.: 359 Trade date: 2020 12 04 20:48:27 Opening date: 2020 12 04 21:00:45 Close date: 2020 12 10 19:41:47 Dispute duration: 5 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: traders had it solved already Dispute nr.: 360 Trade date: 2020 11 30 22:22:27 Opening date: 2020 12 04 23:12:03 Close date: 2020 12 10 20:25:12 Dispute duration: 5 days, 21 hours, 13 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller cannot press the button to confirm the payment arrived. Seller confirmed receiving the payment. Dispute nr.: 361 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 04 22:35:18 Opening date: 2020 12 06 08:54:17 Close date: 2020 12 06 14:27:09 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 32 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.5301 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.10602 BTC/0.10602 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.10602 BTC/0.63612 BTC (Seller) Reason: BUG Summary notes: trade cancelled. Buyer didn't send the payment as the deposit tx failed to broadcast. Traders were instructed to conclude the mediation and perform and SPV resync. if it doesn't work, please reopen the case Dispute nr.: 362 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 02 10:04:01 Opening date: 2020 12 06 12:37:58 Close date: 2020 12 06 23:29:39 Dispute duration: 10 hours, 51 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Czech Republic Koruna (CZK) Trade amount: 0.015 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.021 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button vanishing bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 363 Trade date: 2020 12 06 12:42:31 Opening date: 2020 12 06 12:43:11 Close date: 2020 12 26 17:48:52 Dispute duration: 20 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01447331 BTC/0.01447331 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.01447331 BTC/0.06447331 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx never broadcasted. traders were instructed on how to validate their balances. If further help is needed, please reach out on keybase @bisq_knight Dispute nr.: 364 Trade date: 2020 12 02 20:30:49 Opening date: 2020 12 06 22:15:01 Close date: 2020 12 26 17:51:58 Dispute duration: 19 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer never contacted seller nor made the payment. 20 days later he shows up asking to cancel. Making his peer wait will cost him his deposit Dispute nr.: 365 Trade date: 2020 12 06 15:48:01 Opening date: 2020 12 07 12:13:43 Close date: 2020 12 10 19:13:02 Dispute duration: 3 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.12 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.018 BTC/0.018 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.138 BTC/0.018 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Confirm Button not showing. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 366 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 01 18:19:11 Opening date: 2020 12 07 18:57:44 Close date: 2020 12 08 07:59:39 Dispute duration: 13 hours, 1 minute Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay by the seller Dispute nr.: 367 Trade date: 2020 12 02 14:59:15 Opening date: 2020 12 08 20:53:46 Close date: 2020 12 10 19:12:39 Dispute duration: 1 day, 22 hours, 18 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay, traders agreed to conclude Dispute nr.: 368 Trade date: 2020 12 08 08:48:02 Opening date: 2020 12 09 10:33:36 Close date: 2020 12 16 19:55:25 Dispute duration: 7 days, 9 hours, 21 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.071875 BTC/0.009375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Delay by the buyer due to a hardware failure on his side. traders agreed to conclude the trade normally Dispute nr.: 369 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 07 13:15:42 Opening date: 2020 12 09 12:51:35 Close date: 2020 12 09 17:07:16 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 15 minutes Payment method: Amazon eGift Card Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0126 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0186 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay due to amazon security checks on the buyer Dispute nr.: 370 Trade date: 2020 12 06 23:20:27 Opening date: 2020 12 10 02:28:39 Close date: 2020 12 26 17:58:13 Dispute duration: 16 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes Payment method: US Postal Money Order Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.036 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: mediation openned by mistake. Traders seem to be having issues accepting mediation. Both were instructed to contact via keybase so we can attempt a manual payout @bisq_knight Dispute nr.: 371 Trade date: 2020 12 08 06:23:25 Opening date: 2020 12 10 03:32:43 Close date: 2020 12 16 18:03:21 Dispute duration: 6 days, 14 hours, 30 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.014 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: no response but trade already settled on the blockchain Dispute nr.: 372 Trade date: 2020 12 09 02:42:34 Opening date: 2020 12 10 15:43:53 Close date: 2020 12 13 18:57:35 Dispute duration: 3 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.06 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.040698 BTC/0.040698 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.100698 BTC/0.040698 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Seller couldn' t confirm payment received. He confirmed getting the fiat. Dispute nr.: 373 Trade date: 2020 12 05 21:05:46 Opening date: 2020 12 10 20:27:40 Close date: 2020 12 11 01:16:09 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 48 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.009375 BTC/0.059375 BTC (Seller) Reason: BUG Summary notes: deposit tx did not broadcast, so the trade failed. The funds never left trader wallets. They are advised to do an SPV resync to see the balance back to normal Dispute nr.: 374 Trade date: 2020 12 05 21:48:41 Opening date: 2020 12 10 20:29:28 Close date: 2020 12 11 01:16:59 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 47 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009375 BTC/0.009375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.009375 BTC/0.059375 BTC (Seller) Reason: BUG Summary notes: deposit tx did not broadcast. Traders are advised to do an SPV resync in order to make their wallets aware that the funds are not locked Dispute nr.: 375 Trade date: 2020 12 09 11:11:44 Opening date: 2020 12 10 22:52:12 Close date: 2020 12 16 18:01:04 Dispute duration: 5 days, 19 hours, 8 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0056 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0116 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the payment. Seller was intructed to find me on keybase to help him with his other trade Dispute nr.: 376 Trade date: 2020 12 08 15:33:12 Opening date: 2020 12 11 01:08:23 Close date: 2020 12 16 17:59:11 Dispute duration: 5 days, 16 hours, 50 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.011 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Bisq's last version bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 377 Trade date: 2020 12 08 20:18:30 Opening date: 2020 12 11 14:06:09 Close date: 2020 12 13 18:48:59 Dispute duration: 2 days, 4 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0415 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.010375 BTC/0.010375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.051875 BTC/0.010375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller gets a message saying the buyer's payment was made with in incompatible version of bisq. We'll try to conclude the trade via mediation. If it doesnt work, we'll troubleshoot it over keybase Dispute nr.: 378 Trade date: 2020 12 06 22:44:45 Opening date: 2020 12 11 22:04:59 Close date: 2020 12 12 12:32:27 Dispute duration: 14 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller can't confirm payment receieved. He said he did get the payment though Dispute nr.: 379 Trade date: 2020 12 05 22:19:40 Opening date: 2020 12 12 00:12:35 Close date: 2020 12 16 17:58:34 Dispute duration: 4 days, 17 hours, 45 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0138 BTC/0.0082 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer sent the wrong amount and it will be taken from his deposit (15 EUR the difference + 20 EUR penalty for breaking the protocol ~ 0.0022 BTC) Dispute nr.: 380 Trade date: 2020 12 11 21:05:03 Opening date: 2020 12 12 00:32:35 Close date: 2020 12 13 18:40:27 Dispute duration: 1 day, 18 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Seller requested extra information from the buyer. Which caused a delay. Dispute nr.: 381 Trade date: 2020 12 11 11:34:35 Opening date: 2020 12 12 08:57:49 Close date: 2020 12 12 10:15:47 Dispute duration: 1 hour, 17 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: seller can't press the confirm payment button. He confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 382 Trade date: 2020 12 09 09:36:15 Opening date: 2020 12 12 10:32:14 Close date: 2020 12 13 10:57:15 Dispute duration: 1 day, 0 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.013 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: minor misunderstanding between traders. Buyer was notified to write the payment reference correctly next time Dispute nr.: 383 Trade date: 2020 12 10 17:51:47 Opening date: 2020 12 12 15:34:40 Close date: 2020 12 13 18:34:00 Dispute duration: 1 day, 2 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.002 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.008 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: minor delay Dispute nr.: 384 Trade date: 2020 12 12 03:53:35 Opening date: 2020 12 13 05:02:03 Close date: 2020 12 16 17:51:49 Dispute duration: 3 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes Payment method: Amazon eGift Card Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0661 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.027704 BTC/0.027704 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.093804 BTC/0.027704 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Buyer bought an EUR gift card but to an Amazon site different than the one the Seller wanted. This was reported to developers so it can be avoided in the future. Trade will be completed normally as the seller can still use the giftcard, just on a different amazon site and buyer did his part with the information available Dispute nr.: 385 Trade date: 2020 12 12 02:44:17 Opening date: 2020 12 13 11:52:23 Close date: 2020 12 13 18:26:58 Dispute duration: 6 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0139 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0199 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the fiat. Buyer canot click payment started Dispute nr.: 386 Trade date: 2020 12 08 13:42:25 Opening date: 2020 12 13 20:04:55 Close date: 2020 12 14 01:32:56 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 28 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the fiat Dispute nr.: 387 Trade date: 2020 12 14 15:14:03 Opening date: 2020 12 14 15:45:36 Close date: 2020 12 21 10:55:47 Dispute duration: 6 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0375 BTC/0.0375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0375 BTC/0.2875 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx failed to broadcast, funds never left traders' wallets Dispute nr.: 388 Trade date: 2020 12 12 16:04:21 Opening date: 2020 12 15 00:54:24 Close date: 2020 12 17 10:43:02 Dispute duration: 2 days, 9 hours, 48 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0179 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0239 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: WRONG_SENDER_ACCOUNT Summary notes: wrong account at first, seller refunded the buyer who then paid from the correct account Dispute nr.: 389 Trade date: 2020 12 14 00:37:11 Opening date: 2020 12 15 02:04:59 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:01:34 Dispute duration: 11 days, 15 hours, 56 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.0109 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0169 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the BSQ. Traders seem to be having problems accepting mediation. Seller agreed to attempt arbitration. Dispute nr.: 390 Trade date: 2020 12 09 13:16:59 Opening date: 2020 12 15 14:36:01 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:04:30 Dispute duration: 11 days, 3 hours, 28 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: Unresponsive buyer Dispute nr.: 391 Trade date: 2020 12 15 03:29:54 Opening date: 2020 12 16 04:10:22 Close date: 2020 12 21 09:03:44 Dispute duration: 5 days, 4 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.023 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.032 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: SELLER_NOT_RESPONDING Summary notes: Seller is not responding. Buyer provided proof of payment and was verified Dispute nr.: 392 Trade date: 2020 12 15 06:44:43 Opening date: 2020 12 16 09:44:23 Close date: 2020 12 21 08:56:06 Dispute duration: 4 days, 23 hours, 11 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.0027 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0082 BTC/0.0065 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer was late and seller thus wanted to cancel. Since buyer had already sent the payment he will be deducted 0.0005 BTC as penatly Dispute nr.: 393 Trade date: 2020 12 14 10:20:54 Opening date: 2020 12 16 10:19:30 Close date: 2020 12 16 17:34:46 Dispute duration: 7 hours, 15 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.034 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.04 BTC (Seller) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: buyer opened trade with the wrong account. Both traders asked to cancel the trade normally Dispute nr.: 394 Trade date: 2020 12 17 00:57:41 Opening date: 2020 12 18 00:49:54 Close date: 2020 12 27 21:43:52 Dispute duration: 9 days, 20 hours, 53 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: Buyer was late. traders agreed to carry on Dispute nr.: 395 Trade date: 2020 12 17 12:32:10 Opening date: 2020 12 18 17:03:06 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:07:18 Dispute duration: 8 days, 1 hour, 4 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0065 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.0125 BTC (Seller) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Traders agreed to cancel the trade Dispute nr.: 396 Trade date: 2020 12 17 19:42:11 Opening date: 2020 12 18 18:33:03 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:08:01 Dispute duration: 7 days, 23 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.04 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.025 BTC/0.025 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.025 BTC/0.065 BTC (Seller) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: traders agred to cancel Dispute nr.: 397 Trade date: 2020 12 17 13:57:31 Opening date: 2020 12 18 19:49:32 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:09:19 Dispute duration: 7 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006926 BTC/0.006926 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.026926 BTC/0.006926 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the payment. Buyer had the issue of not being able to press " ayment started" Dispute nr.: 398 Trade date: 2020 12 16 23:24:24 Opening date: 2020 12 18 21:47:00 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:11:39 Dispute duration: 7 days, 20 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.11 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.033 BTC/0.033 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.143 BTC/0.033 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the payment. Buyer seems to be having problems moving the trade to the next step. Dispute nr.: 399 Trade date: 2020 12 19 16:48:11 Opening date: 2020 12 19 18:10:45 Close date: 2020 12 26 18:12:23 Dispute duration: 7 days, 0 hours, 1 minute Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.0011 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.0071 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx failed to broadcast. traders were instructed on how to get te fee refund via github Dispute nr.: 400 Trade date: 2020 12 19 19:44:19 Opening date: 2020 12 19 21:01:20 Close date: 2020 12 26 19:37:37 Dispute duration: 6 days, 22 hours, 36 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.62357677 BTC/0.62357677 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.62357677 BTC/0.62357677 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: traders already settled without mediation Dispute nr.: 401 Trade date: 2020 10 01 21:35:54 Opening date: 2020 12 19 21:49:53 Close date: 2020 12 26 19:45:14 Dispute duration: 6 days, 21 hours, 55 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.04 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00903 BTC/0.00903 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.04903 BTC/0.00903 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: trade already settled. Payout confirmed on the blockchain Dispute nr.: 402 Trade date: 2020 12 16 20:20:31 Opening date: 2020 12 19 23:30:28 Close date: 2020 12 21 08:34:18 Dispute duration: 1 day, 9 hours, 3 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: buyer was delayed due to SPV file being corrupted. Worked after resyncing. Seller confirme getting the fiat Dispute nr.: 403 Trade date: 2020 12 20 12:06:58 Opening date: 2020 12 20 18:40:29 Close date: 2020 12 26 19:54:01 Dispute duration: 6 days, 1 hour, 13 minutes Payment method: TransferWise Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.17 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.086575 BTC/0.086575 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.256575 BTC/0.086575 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: button not showing bug. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 404 Trade date: 2020 12 17 12:49:40 Opening date: 2020 12 21 13:01:10 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 405 Trade date: 2020 12 17 15:19:30 Opening date: 2020 12 21 23:51:12 Payment method: Interac e-Transfer Currency: Canadian Dollar (CAD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 406 Trade date: 2020 12 18 12:44:50 Opening date: 2020 12 22 13:35:11 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.0185 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 407 Trade date: 2020 12 16 11:44:14 Opening date: 2020 12 22 13:38:51 Close date: 2020 12 26 19:58:34 Dispute duration: 4 days, 6 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.015 BTC/0.015 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.115 BTC/0.015 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller receveid the payment. Bug with the button not showing is preventing him from concluding the trade directly Dispute nr.: 408 Trade date: 2020 12 21 09:08:19 Opening date: 2020 12 22 14:25:24 Close date: 2020 12 26 22:59:22 Dispute duration: 4 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 1.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.16538746 BTC/0.16538746 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 1.16538746 BTC/0.16538746 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Trade already settled Dispute nr.: 409 Trade date: 2020 12 21 11:27:02 Opening date: 2020 12 22 14:56:57 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:02:07 Dispute duration: 4 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.011 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: TRADE_ALREADY_SETTLED Summary notes: Mediation was called by accident. the trade was already settled Dispute nr.: 410 Trade date: 2020 12 22 10:30:32 Opening date: 2020 12 23 00:38:21 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:04:22 Dispute duration: 3 days, 22 hours, 26 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.011 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller confirmed getting the payment. He can' t press the button to release the funds on his end Dispute nr.: 411 Trade date: 2020 12 21 15:32:42 Opening date: 2020 12 23 15:01:35 Close date: 2020 12 27 21:39:15 Dispute duration: 4 days, 6 hours, 37 minutes Payment method: TransferWise Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0375 BTC/0.0375 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0375 BTC/0.2875 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: BUyer having trouble with funding his TW. He was instructed to avoid using this acount and fix the TW issues. Seller agreed to a normal cancellation Dispute nr.: 412 Trade date: 2020 12 22 18:39:16 Opening date: 2020 12 24 01:17:19 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:09:01 Dispute duration: 2 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Seller can' t press " payment confirmed", Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 413 Trade date: 2020 12 20 15:21:13 Opening date: 2020 12 24 10:02:14 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:13:55 Dispute duration: 2 days, 13 hours, 11 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00774 BTC/0.00774 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.00774 BTC/0.01774 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: transaction failed to broadcast. traders were instructed to request the fee refund and how to fix the wallet balance. If furhter help is needed, please reach out on keybase @bisq_knight Dispute nr.: 414 Trade date: 2020 12 22 12:12:41 Opening date: 2020 12 24 13:47:01 Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.012 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 415 Trade date: 2020 12 16 18:05:18 Opening date: 2020 12 25 10:06:23 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0089 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.008655 BTC/0.008655 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 416 Trade date: 2020 12 19 12:16:04 Opening date: 2020 12 25 12:50:01 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 417 Trade date: 2020 12 23 05:27:19 Opening date: 2020 12 26 02:06:22 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:25:24 Dispute duration: 21 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.026 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx was not broadcast. Traders were instructed to SPV resync and to make a fee reimbursement request. If problems persist please contact via keybase @bisq_knight Dispute nr.: 418 Trade date: 2020 12 20 22:07:38 Opening date: 2020 12 26 12:07:49 Close date: 2020 12 26 22:49:29 Dispute duration: 10 hours, 41 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: deposit tx failed to broadcast. Traders were instructed on how to get a fee reimbursement and how to get their wallets back on track. If problems persist, please reach out on keybase for further help @bisq_knight Dispute nr.: 419 Trade date: 2020 12 25 13:15:34 Opening date: 2020 12 26 14:26:18 Close date: 2020 12 26 22:42:56 Dispute duration: 8 hours, 16 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.014 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00657295 BTC/0.00657295 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.02057295 BTC/0.00657295 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Buyer can' t press the payment started button. Seller confirmed getting the payment Dispute nr.: 420 Trade date: 2020 12 24 14:27:37 Opening date: 2020 12 26 16:23:04 Close date: 2020 12 26 23:26:38 Dispute duration: 7 hours, 3 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: BUG Summary notes: Buyer coulnd' t press the button " payment started" . Seller confirmed getting the fiat Dispute nr.: 421 Trade date: 2020 12 27 09:16:34 Opening date: 2020 12 27 13:01:28 Payment method: Revolut Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0551 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00975821 BTC/0.00975821 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 422 Trade date: 2020 12 27 14:24:40 Opening date: 2020 12 27 16:25:44 Close date: 2020 12 27 21:17:02 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 51 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.25 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.075 BTC/0.075 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.325 BTC/0.075 BTC (Buyer) Reason: PEER_WAS_LATE Summary notes: traders already solved the delay Dispute nr.: 423 Trade date: 2020 12 22 03:09:43 Opening date: 2020 12 27 17:44:40 Close date: 2020 12 27 21:12:54 Dispute duration: 3 hours, 28 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: BANK_PROBLEMS Summary notes: buyer had issues with Zelle. traders agreed to cancel the trade Dispute nr.: 424 Trade date: 2020 12 20 16:43:17 Opening date: 2020 12 27 21:00:50 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.002 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) ```
chimp1984 commented 3 years ago

I assume the empty ones are not closed cases... Otherwise which dispute nr. is it?

chimp1984 commented 3 years ago

@leo816 @huey735 , @wiz Could you please all include the full report the way @Bisq-knight did it in cycle 20? Thanks. Can anyone also point out which bugs are the most frequent one (after 1.5.2.)? Maybe better to start with next cycle with that, as currenly most are from old/fixed bugs i assume.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 Report

In terms of volume of work this cycle has been similar to the last one. From what I've experienced, users have been a lot more engaging on keybase where I've been answering a lot of questions daily and users who have open mediations reach out to find out how they can avoid the problems they are having in the future.

Seller's having to open a mediation because they are unable to click on the "payment received" button has been the number one issue this cycle, it seems as though with the last update we are not seeing it as much, but it's too early to tell.

A big fix from the last update (v 1.5.2) has been the locked funds issue we had been seeing for a number of cases where the resync didn't work. after the new version all users with open cases updated and now it works perfectly.

Reason Cycle 20
Total Result 63
Total Cases closed in Cycle: 63
Still open: 15
Total cases in cycle: 78
Click to see report! ``` Mediator report Dispute nr.: 840 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 25 16:23:59 Opening date: 2020 11 28 19:33:32 Close date: 2020 12 03 11:36:32 Dispute duration: 4 days, 16 hours, 2 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.10 BTC/0.10 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.10 BTC/0.225 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 842 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 10 29 09:56:03 Opening date: 2020 11 29 19:35:47 Close date: 2020 11 29 22:35:43 Dispute duration: 2 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0625 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.025575 BTC/0.025575 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.025575 BTC/0.088075 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 843 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 29 00:13:51 Opening date: 2020 11 30 01:06:58 Close date: 2020 12 02 12:06:45 Dispute duration: 2 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0038 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0098 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller released Dispute nr.: 844 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 26 05:14:05 Opening date: 2020 11 30 08:13:31 Close date: 2020 11 30 18:32:09 Dispute duration: 10 hours, 18 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.022 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0066 BTC/0.0066 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0286 BTC/0.0066 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 845 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 24 14:37:32 Opening date: 2020 11 30 09:55:32 Close date: 2020 11 30 18:31:29 Dispute duration: 8 hours, 35 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 846 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 29 15:48:53 Opening date: 2020 11 30 16:54:43 Close date: 2020 12 01 18:38:22 Dispute duration: 1 day, 1 hour, 43 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.039 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer did not make the payment Dispute nr.: 847 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 30 03:31:20 Opening date: 2020 12 01 03:39:59 Close date: 2020 12 01 18:37:06 Dispute duration: 14 hours, 57 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00978 BTC/0.00978 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.05978 BTC/0.00978 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 848 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 29 19:16:10 Opening date: 2020 12 01 08:51:53 Close date: 2020 12 01 18:37:54 Dispute duration: 9 hours, 46 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: both parties agreed to cancel Dispute nr.: 849 Trade date: 2020 12 02 08:22:03 Opening date: 2020 12 03 09:15:55 Close date: 2020 12 10 17:56:55 Dispute duration: 7 days, 8 hours, 40 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Danish Krone (DKK) Trade amount: 0.0077 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0137 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 850 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 01 10:58:53 Opening date: 2020 12 03 19:48:49 Close date: 2020 12 07 11:08:08 Dispute duration: 3 days, 15 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.026 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 851 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 01 00:51:24 Opening date: 2020 12 03 21:52:42 Close date: 2020 12 07 19:52:35 Dispute duration: 3 days, 21 hours, 59 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.014751 BTC/0.014751 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.044 BTC/0.015502 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly but didn't include the trade id Dispute nr.: 852 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 02 16:40:00 Opening date: 2020 12 04 16:34:08 Close date: 2020 12 08 00:23:19 Dispute duration: 3 days, 7 hours, 49 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.0244 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.0334 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer did not make the payment Dispute nr.: 853 Trade date: 2020 12 04 04:53:20 Opening date: 2020 12 04 19:39:53 Close date: 2020 12 16 20:14:02 Dispute duration: 12 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx is bugged Dispute nr.: 854 Trade date: 2020 12 02 01:24:08 Opening date: 2020 12 04 21:12:56 Close date: 2020 12 28 14:38:16 Dispute duration: 23 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.0238 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0298 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment Dispute nr.: 855 Trade date: 2020 12 05 05:28:21 Opening date: 2020 12 05 05:30:38 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.06 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.009 BTC/0.009 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 856 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 03 20:02:55 Opening date: 2020 12 05 08:23:50 Close date: 2020 12 05 22:30:27 Dispute duration: 14 hours, 6 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 857 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 04 09:56:26 Opening date: 2020 12 05 14:57:32 Close date: 2020 12 05 22:30:57 Dispute duration: 7 hours, 33 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.0004 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0064 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 858 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 06 16:00:34 Opening date: 2020 12 06 16:38:19 Close date: 2020 12 07 10:47:14 Dispute duration: 18 hours, 8 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: BSQ (BSQ) Trade amount: 0.002 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.008 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller released Dispute nr.: 859 Trade date: 2020 11 06 13:52:55 Opening date: 2020 12 06 19:23:32 Close date: 2020 12 11 18:05:05 Dispute duration: 4 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment. seller never responded or confirmed Dispute nr.: 860 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 07 00:15:48 Opening date: 2020 12 07 01:29:38 Close date: 2020 12 07 20:30:53 Dispute duration: 19 hours, 1 minute Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Dai Stablecoin (DAI) Trade amount: 1.50 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.225 BTC/0.225 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.225 BTC/1.725 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 861 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 11 30 13:47:40 Opening date: 2020 12 07 06:03:57 Close date: 2020 12 07 10:44:09 Dispute duration: 4 hours, 40 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04644 BTC/0.04644 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.14644 BTC/0.04644 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 862 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 06 16:19:22 Opening date: 2020 12 07 11:59:51 Close date: 2020 12 07 13:06:24 Dispute duration: 1 hour, 6 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 863 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 07 12:48:00 Opening date: 2020 12 08 17:44:31 Close date: 2020 12 08 17:52:30 Dispute duration: 0 hours, 7 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.75 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.15 BTC/0.15 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.15 BTC/0.90 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 864 Closed during cycle: 19 Trade date: 2020 12 07 17:08:40 Opening date: 2020 12 08 20:54:23 Close date: 2020 12 08 22:16:44 Dispute duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: tx bugged Dispute nr.: 865 Trade date: 2020 12 07 15:06:57 Opening date: 2020 12 08 21:24:19 Close date: 2020 12 11 17:57:25 Dispute duration: 2 days, 20 hours, 33 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.49 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0735 BTC/0.0735 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.5635 BTC/0.0735 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 866 Trade date: 2020 12 07 17:12:25 Opening date: 2020 12 09 01:37:10 Close date: 2020 12 09 21:12:53 Dispute duration: 19 hours, 35 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 1.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.15 BTC/0.15 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 1.15 BTC/0.15 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received Dispute nr.: 867 Trade date: 2020 12 08 10:19:31 Opening date: 2020 12 09 11:15:12 Close date: 2020 12 11 17:54:11 Dispute duration: 2 days, 6 hours, 38 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.015 BTC/0.015 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.114 BTC/0.016 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment. Name does not match. Dispute nr.: 868 Trade date: 2020 12 01 12:44:02 Opening date: 2020 12 10 20:52:27 Close date: 2020 12 15 08:27:25 Dispute duration: 4 days, 11 hours, 34 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.04 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.008 BTC/0.008 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.048 BTC/0.008 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 869 Trade date: 2020 12 09 13:06:48 Opening date: 2020 12 10 21:43:50 Close date: 2020 12 12 12:10:09 Dispute duration: 1 day, 14 hours, 26 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 870 Trade date: 2020 12 11 12:06:24 Opening date: 2020 12 12 08:43:10 Close date: 2020 12 13 21:38:07 Dispute duration: 1 day, 12 hours, 54 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 871 Trade date: 2020 12 12 23:52:42 Opening date: 2020 12 14 00:44:40 Close date: 2020 12 15 19:53:56 Dispute duration: 1 day, 19 hours, 9 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.003 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller never confirmed or responded Dispute nr.: 872 Trade date: 2020 12 08 09:54:02 Opening date: 2020 12 14 11:28:51 Close date: 2020 12 14 19:02:16 Dispute duration: 7 hours, 33 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 873 Trade date: 2020 12 08 04:47:39 Opening date: 2020 12 14 20:10:39 Close date: 2020 12 14 20:32:07 Dispute duration: 0 hours, 21 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 874 Trade date: 2020 12 07 22:21:12 Opening date: 2020 12 14 22:16:23 Close date: 2020 12 20 18:55:51 Dispute duration: 5 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 875 Trade date: 2020 12 14 14:51:30 Opening date: 2020 12 15 16:39:56 Close date: 2020 12 17 12:04:48 Dispute duration: 1 day, 19 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0335 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.01160105 BTC/0.01160105 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.04510105 BTC/0.01160105 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 876 Trade date: 2020 12 15 15:52:47 Opening date: 2020 12 16 17:09:25 Close date: 2020 12 16 19:30:03 Dispute duration: 2 hours, 20 minutes Payment method: Amazon eGift Card Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.015 BTC/0.015 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.065 BTC/0.015 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 877 Trade date: 2020 12 10 19:02:10 Opening date: 2020 12 16 22:18:00 Close date: 2020 12 22 21:45:09 Dispute duration: 5 days, 23 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.04 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.014 BTC/0.014 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.054 BTC/0.014 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 878 Trade date: 2020 12 16 17:49:32 Opening date: 2020 12 17 20:03:52 Close date: 2020 12 22 12:22:38 Dispute duration: 4 days, 16 hours, 18 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 879 Trade date: 2020 12 16 17:50:09 Opening date: 2020 12 17 22:23:36 Close date: 2020 12 21 00:50:49 Dispute duration: 3 days, 2 hours, 27 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.02 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006926 BTC/0.006926 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.026926 BTC/0.006926 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer sent the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 880 Trade date: 2020 12 17 00:46:53 Opening date: 2020 12 18 00:51:14 Close date: 2020 12 20 12:04:33 Dispute duration: 2 days, 11 hours, 13 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 881 Trade date: 2020 12 16 19:56:37 Opening date: 2020 12 18 19:48:23 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 882 Trade date: 2020 12 14 15:17:39 Opening date: 2020 12 19 01:22:28 Close date: 2020 12 20 18:48:40 Dispute duration: 1 day, 17 hours, 26 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 883 Trade date: 2020 12 16 16:54:44 Opening date: 2020 12 19 18:59:10 Close date: 2020 12 20 12:05:53 Dispute duration: 17 hours, 6 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.005 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.011 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller released Dispute nr.: 884 Trade date: 2020 12 18 15:42:14 Opening date: 2020 12 19 19:42:06 Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.025 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0125 BTC/0.0125 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 885 Trade date: 2020 12 19 16:22:49 Opening date: 2020 12 19 20:49:27 Close date: 2020 12 24 18:09:08 Dispute duration: 4 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer didn't comply with the terms and never answered Dispute nr.: 886 Trade date: 2020 12 19 07:47:22 Opening date: 2020 12 20 08:03:20 Close date: 2020 12 20 18:44:50 Dispute duration: 10 hours, 41 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.30 BTC/0.30 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.30 BTC/0.30 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 887 Trade date: 2020 12 19 06:35:23 Opening date: 2020 12 20 13:39:14 Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.2462 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.045 BTC/0.045 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 888 Trade date: 2020 12 19 20:26:18 Opening date: 2020 12 20 16:50:40 Close date: 2020 12 22 12:21:06 Dispute duration: 1 day, 19 hours, 30 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 889 Trade date: 2020 12 18 23:14:31 Opening date: 2020 12 20 22:06:14 Close date: 2020 12 24 00:08:17 Dispute duration: 3 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 890 Trade date: 2020 12 20 20:00:22 Opening date: 2020 12 22 11:46:01 Close date: 2020 12 24 00:07:48 Dispute duration: 1 day, 12 hours, 21 minutes Payment method: SEPA Instant Payments Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.013 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.019 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 891 Trade date: 2020 12 16 15:16:40 Opening date: 2020 12 22 13:36:20 Close date: 2020 12 22 16:57:55 Dispute duration: 3 hours, 21 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0432875 BTC/0.0432875 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.1682875 BTC/0.0432875 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment correctly Dispute nr.: 892 Trade date: 2020 12 16 15:14:56 Opening date: 2020 12 22 13:38:35 Close date: 2020 12 22 17:01:16 Dispute duration: 3 hours, 22 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.125 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0432875 BTC/0.0432875 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.1682875 BTC/0.0432875 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 893 Trade date: 2020 12 21 20:55:17 Opening date: 2020 12 22 21:11:19 Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 894 Trade date: 2020 12 16 20:08:10 Opening date: 2020 12 22 21:15:24 Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.0882 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.02613701 BTC/0.02613701 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 895 Trade date: 2020 12 22 10:27:01 Opening date: 2020 12 23 09:56:17 Close date: 2020 12 24 00:06:39 Dispute duration: 14 hours, 10 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.10 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.05 BTC/0.05 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.15 BTC/0.05 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 896 Trade date: 2020 12 16 15:36:03 Opening date: 2020 12 23 18:37:04 Close date: 2020 12 25 08:56:02 Dispute duration: 1 day, 14 hours, 18 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 897 Trade date: 2020 12 14 15:10:24 Opening date: 2020 12 24 11:26:42 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0245 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.00848435 BTC/0.00848435 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 898 Trade date: 2020 12 24 09:03:22 Opening date: 2020 12 24 11:39:22 Close date: 2020 12 25 09:03:38 Dispute duration: 21 hours, 24 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 899 Trade date: 2020 12 20 18:11:35 Opening date: 2020 12 24 11:46:31 Close date: 2020 12 24 14:32:48 Dispute duration: 2 hours, 46 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 900 Trade date: 2020 12 24 12:09:20 Opening date: 2020 12 24 14:22:59 Close date: 2020 12 25 13:15:34 Dispute duration: 22 hours, 52 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.014 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006573 BTC/0.006573 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.020573 BTC/0.006573 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly, forgot to put the trade id as concept but provided a screenshot of the payment as proof Dispute nr.: 901 Trade date: 2020 12 23 03:34:01 Opening date: 2020 12 24 17:07:59 Close date: 2020 12 25 09:04:36 Dispute duration: 15 hours, 56 minutes Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.003 BTC/0.019 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer could not make the payment Dispute nr.: 902 Trade date: 2020 12 18 23:06:18 Opening date: 2020 12 25 11:58:42 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 903 Trade date: 2020 12 19 04:40:22 Opening date: 2020 12 25 14:58:31 Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 904 Trade date: 2020 12 21 12:19:40 Opening date: 2020 12 25 20:30:36 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Australian Dollar (AUD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 905 Trade date: 2020 12 25 04:13:49 Opening date: 2020 12 26 04:43:39 Close date: 2020 12 26 10:14:10 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 30 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 906 Trade date: 2020 12 25 17:37:43 Opening date: 2020 12 26 12:27:53 Close date: 2020 12 26 12:31:31 Dispute duration: 0 hours, 3 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.0036 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0096 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 907 Trade date: 2020 12 24 06:42:40 Opening date: 2020 12 26 13:01:48 Close date: 2020 12 26 13:44:31 Dispute duration: 0 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.007 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.013 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc buyer made the payment correctly, provided proof Dispute nr.: 908 Trade date: 2020 12 25 15:04:47 Opening date: 2020 12 26 22:35:33 Close date: 2020 12 28 14:26:18 Dispute duration: 1 day, 15 hours, 50 minutes Payment method: Faster Payments Currency: British Pound (GBP) Trade amount: 0.20 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0375 BTC/0.0375 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.2375 BTC/0.0375 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 909 Trade date: 2020 12 22 21:05:07 Opening date: 2020 12 27 00:20:06 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 910 Trade date: 2020 12 22 03:14:31 Opening date: 2020 12 27 00:26:41 Close date: 2020 12 27 20:32:39 Dispute duration: 20 hours, 5 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.006 BTC/0.016 BTC (Seller) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: both parties agreed to cancel Dispute nr.: 911 Trade date: 2020 12 26 11:08:38 Opening date: 2020 12 27 12:15:04 Close date: 2020 12 27 19:00:51 Dispute duration: 6 hours, 45 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.076 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.04 BTC/0.04 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.116 BTC/0.04 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 912 Trade date: 2020 12 20 13:08:32 Opening date: 2020 12 27 20:52:12 Close date: 2020 12 28 20:23:21 Dispute duration: 23 hours, 31 minutes Payment method: SEPA Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.03 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.036 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 913 Trade date: 2020 12 26 17:46:58 Opening date: 2020 12 28 01:39:26 Close date: 2020 12 28 11:28:27 Dispute duration: 9 hours, 49 minutes Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0075 BTC/0.0075 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.0575 BTC/0.0075 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 914 Trade date: 2020 12 27 01:46:17 Opening date: 2020 12 28 02:35:34 Payment method: Altcoins Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 915 Trade date: 2020 12 27 10:36:16 Opening date: 2020 12 28 10:59:54 Close date: 2020 12 28 14:25:37 Dispute duration: 3 hours, 25 minutes Payment method: Revolut Currency: Euro (EUR) Trade amount: 0.01 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.006 BTC/0.006 BTC Dispute opened by: Buyer as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 0.016 BTC/0.006 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 916 Trade date: 2020 12 28 13:08:13 Opening date: 2020 12 28 14:39:34 Close date: 2020 12 28 20:22:28 Dispute duration: 5 hours, 42 minutes Payment method: Altcoins Instant Currency: Monero (XMR) Trade amount: 2.00 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.30 BTC/0.30 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): 2.30 BTC/0.30 BTC (Buyer) Reason: OTHER Summary notes: btc seller received the payment Dispute nr.: 917 Trade date: 2020 12 24 14:26:27 Opening date: 2020 12 28 14:45:09 Payment method: National bank transfer Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL) Trade amount: 0.019 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0095 BTC/0.0095 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as taker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller) Dispute nr.: 918 Trade date: 2020 12 23 04:13:39 Opening date: 2020 12 28 18:58:11 Payment method: Zelle (ClearXchange) Currency: US Dollar (USD) Trade amount: 0.05 BTC Buyer/seller security deposit: 0.0075 BTC/0.0075 BTC Dispute opened by: Seller as maker Payout to buyer/seller (winner): / (Seller)
wiz commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18, 19, 20 report

Due to other stuff going on, I was unavailable to mediate Bisq trades for the past few months, and during this time my mediator key was not registered, so I only got a handful of cases re-opened. However, starting from cycle 21, I will re-register and resume duties as an active mediator.

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 Report

Reason Cycle 20
BUG 38

Sorry for being late on this report. The above are for tickets opened since my last report -November 19th - till the end of the Cycle 19's end of deadline for compensation requests - December 27th.

@chimp1984 I'll break down the distribution of the 38 bugs in Cycle 19 bellow, but from my experience in these last weeks ( with the new releases) is that the main bugs are:

Here's the breakdown for tickets opened between Nov 19th and Dec 27th that were assigned the BUG label: 11 - Trader's Bisq client showed the Deposit tx as unconfirmed despite the opposite being true. 10 - BTC Seller wasn't able to confirm the receipt of funds despite the BTC buyer having clicked "Payment Started". 4 - Trader's Bisq client showed the Deposit tx as unconfirmed despite the opposite being true. 3 - The Deposit and Payout transactions weren't properly constructed. 3 - The Taker fee and Deposit transactions weren't properly broadcast. 3 - Trader's Bisq client showed the trade as failed despite the opposite being true. 1 - Needed to update Bisq in order to finish the trade. Not necessarily a bug.