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Batch Reimbursement #1557

Closed leo816 closed 3 months ago

leo816 commented 5 months ago

Previous Batch Reimbursement #1531

leo816 commented 5 months ago

The batch transaction with txid dfb06f87c1985b090626cd8ca255b44d53ace06fb4317cb60607896fb734c7fa

has been broadcast and should be included in blocks soon.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 10 03 42

The following process could not be carried out due to some incorrect payouts in the past. The payout was made manually by introducing each bitcoin address provided by each user and introducing the corresponding amount of fees:

The transaction was created against support-703.csv file at the root of this repo at commit b5414de. The csv file for creating electrum transaction was created with the following command:

$ gawk -F, '{ addresses[$3] += $4+$5 } END { for (address in addresses) printf "%s,%f\n", address, addresses[address]}' support-515.csv |grep -v address > reimbursement.csv

This prints out addresses to reimburse (column 3) and sums up the trading and mining fee per address (column 4 and 5). As there are payouts to the same address the script sums them up so there is only one line in the csv file, reducing the resulting transaction size and fee. The command also eliminates the header line.

The resulting csv file was fed to Electrum in the Send screen using the Tools -> Pay to many menu option.

bieber-t-beaver commented 5 months ago

Reimbursement for bc1q...c6xx is incorrect. According to the tx, it's 15560 sats. The address is associated with two trades: RYDSIXQ and rtajn. Summarizing the details, below:


@leo816 - please review, and if you agree, please revise the reimbursement.