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Fee reimbursement for trade aiwbk-7b9145a0-5518-4a0d-b27d-bbdb579d57bd-1915 #1625

Open Gomes1984 opened 1 month ago

Gomes1984 commented 1 month ago

The XXXXX part in the issue title are the first characters of the Trade ID before the "-" (dash).


The screenshot from the Bisq client must have the Trade ID, Deposit, Maker and Taker TXIDs visible. Of course some trades do not have all 3 types, that is ok. Make sure all private information is covered (like bank accounts, name, etc). Do not upload images where sensitive private data is visible!

Contract as json: { "offerPayload": { "id": "aiwbk-7b9145a0-5518-4a0d-b27d-bbdb579d57bd-1915", "date": 1717179031124, "ownerNodeAddress": { "hostName": "rf66kdvkt6ow6axhtyqlkxp27gy43jcxt72h6ygwpfjp2qylmgr6vsyd.onion", "port": 9999 }, "direction": "SELL", "price": 0, "marketPriceMargin": 0.0199, "useMarketBasedPrice": true, "amount": 2800000, "minAmount": 1400000, "baseCurrencyCode": "BTC", "counterCurrencyCode": "BRL", "arbitratorNodeAddresses": [], "mediatorNodeAddresses": [ { "hostName": "aguejpkhhl67nbtifvekfjvlcyagudi6d2apalcwxw7fl5n7qm2ll5id.onion", "port": 9999 } ], "paymentMethodId": "PIX", "makerPaymentAccountId": "b64830b0-960d-47b6-a749-e0acc1986f18", "offerFeePaymentTxId": "0545677b69c34df54600bec4f02d3e312cf022befc25563e8bc87ef18c2c837c", "versionNr": "1.9.15", "blockHeightAtOfferCreation": 845943, "txFee": 30212, "makerFee": 52, "isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc": false, "buyerSecurityDeposit": 420000, "sellerSecurityDeposit": 420000, "maxTradeLimit": 10000000, "maxTradePeriod": 86400000, "useAutoClose": false, "useReOpenAfterAutoClose": false, "lowerClosePrice": 0, "upperClosePrice": 0, "isPrivateOffer": false, "extraDataMap": { "capabilities": "0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17", "accountAgeWitnessHash": "d0f3898e2cf858c85c375458b97f78677c2219c1" }, "protocolVersion": 4 }, "tradeAmount": 1400000, "tradePrice": 3710386001, "takerFeeTxID": "22c6bb9547fe63dbc4659a0e00583950bde94a3ffd260a3856fea394a8f5382c", "buyerNodeAddress": { "hostName": "rprjn2nqrpwuzn2xtwezxwm24ktmgvmzozhoh3n4ujdepg3i3jpb6fid.onion", "port": 9999 }, "sellerNodeAddress": { "hostName": "rf66kdvkt6ow6axhtyqlkxp27gy43jcxt72h6ygwpfjp2qylmgr6vsyd.onion", "port": 9999 }, "mediatorNodeAddress": { "hostName": "aguejpkhhl67nbtifvekfjvlcyagudi6d2apalcwxw7fl5n7qm2ll5id.onion", "port": 9999 }, "isBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker": false, "makerAccountId": "599099025", "takerAccountId": "1475646425", "makerPayoutAddressString": "bc1q600f5r94mq68wucwlg2tq4m9lrfgf0qncmcws5", "takerPayoutAddressString": "bc1ql4pdwsmrcsju9atmruxztmu2ngskr9w0fmzxec", "lockTime": 849248, "refundAgentNodeAddress": { "hostName": "3z5jnirlccgxzoxc6zwkcgwj66bugvqplzf6z2iyd5oxifiaorhnanqd.onion", "port": 9999 }, "hashOfMakersPaymentAccountPayload": [ -100, 120, 89, -120, -72, 100, 80, -65, -84, -45, -58, 59, -77, -47, -48, 68, 127, 48, 103, 91 ], "hashOfTakersPaymentAccountPayload": [ -114, -102, 50, 17, 52, -69, 48, 89, 33, -51, 77, -86, 57, -15, -33, 28, 34, 69, -92, -71 ], "makerPaymentMethodId": "PIX", "takerPaymentMethodId": "PIX" }

Other detail data:

BuyerMultiSigPubKeyHex: 02cc4c7c9c235ec3243572054e9ea934f076508b28209d2699180712150aa5ee0c SellerMultiSigPubKeyHex: 0339a21b50b716b0767c12bb1df1be5d13183b3ecd0b35cc04a5393071fa4fa1be

BuyersAccountAge: Idade de conta de pagamento desconhecida. SellersAccountAge: Idade de conta de pagamento desconhecida.

A reimbursement request has to contain textual representation of Maker, Taker and Deposit TXIDs (copy them from the client to the issue). All TXIDs that are visible in the screenshot must be copied to the issue in text form! Please use exact form for Maker/Taker/Deposit - no abbreviations like M:, T: or adding extra characters like "Maker TX:", etc. Leave those fields as they are and replace the "........" with the appropreate txid

Bisq version: BTC address for reimbursement:

Provide the Bisq client version to help developers identify the causing issue.

Other notes:

Issue #197 can be used as a good example of a correct reimbursement request.