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@bisq-network user support issues
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Bisq Support Calls #916

Open huey735 opened 3 years ago

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Issue for summary of Bisq Support Calls

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Support call 2021-04-21


  1. Development:

    1. [SUGGESTION] Flagging users

      Give mediators option to flag users. Have field for out of the ordinary users

    2. [SUGGESTION] Store draft of messages between chat windows

  2. Support agents:

    1. Do we need more members?

      Not right now

    2. Encourage and redirect members to contribute to the Wiki.

  3. Code of conduct for mediators:

    1. Improve support and mediation

    2. Action Protocol for Mediators

  4. Standardize messages for mediators (@huey735 is working on it)

  5. Should compensation be increased with time spent on a role?

    After a certain period it may make sense add a compensation increase for consistent contributors.

    Suggestion for possible tiers:

    • intern - works one cycle as a test

    • level 1 - fixed amount of USD (200)

    • level 2 - get compensation increase after 3-6 cycles (500 USD)

    • consider more increases after

      This timeline is only a guide and more knowledgeable contributors can skip levels if the team leaders agree to it.

  6. @huey735 is to share meeting notes on a single issue on the support repository

  7. Mining Fees continues to be an issue

  8. Low liquidity the BSQ market forces contributors to hold BSQ.

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Bisq Support Call 2021-04-28






Should compensation be increased with time spent on a role?

After a certain period it may make sense add a compensation increase for consistent contributors.

Suggestion for possible tiers:

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Bisq Support Call 2021-05-05



Request Give mediators the ability to set payout amounts by percentage (respecting minimum amounts). Currently the software provides 5 options:

Suggestion put slide next to penalties options to select percentages of the trade amount and to whom it should go.



Should the DAO get part of the trader's funds in case of arbitration?

Cap max reimbursement from peers security deposit

How to improve?


How to reduce supply of BSQ How BSQ is burned

How to increase burning BSQ

More people using BSQ for trading fees

Lack of attention to financial side

Have a role for monitoring Bisq's finances. Accountant? Is trading fees enough to compensate contributors?

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Bisq Support Call 20210519



Suggestions for the release of coins by the BTC seller

After mediation is opened and a payout suggestion is made by the Mediator the Confirm Payment Received should be locked.


What about a "payment not received" button which locks the "payment received" button, to avoid accidents. Pressing "payment not received" could be reversed. Seems easy to implement.

Call it a "lock payment received" button.


Can BTC seller release btc even after trade duration is over after mediation is opened?

I think it's locked when mediation is bad for seller only.

Get answer from devs

Reafirm the need update to Tor v2

huey735 commented 3 years ago

Bisq Support Call 20210527



We considered adding more mediators. And rethink how the handling of cases is done and how we other mediators/support agents could be assigned cases in case the first mediator isn't available or loses access to the trade data.


We also touched on the need to have a better grasp of Bisq finances. Currently there is no detailed accounting taking place and it would be great if we could improve on that.

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2021-08-25


  1. Development:

    1. [SUGGESTION] Give traders the ability to make mediator proposals themselves.
  2. Support agents:

    1. Do we need more members?

      Not right now. Cases are lower or similar than last cycle

    2. Better communication and response to users through keybase and the rest of platforms

  3. for mediators:

    1. For all support calls have an update of all cases that are still open. And what bugs need to be solved.

    2. Read conza's suggestions:

  4. Recent discussions about compensation from a previous support agent.

  5. Refund Agent mentioned the double payment issue he faced this cycle.

- Topics for next call:

  1. Implementing Tether
  2. Mobile app ( can we add on to the one we currently have so that you can move from step 1 to step 2?
leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2021-09-01


  1. Development:

    1. [SUGGESTION] How can we improve the UI?

Reach out to pedro what are the current suggestions for improvement? what needs to be done for new coiners to use bisq?

  1. Mobile App:

    -Devin, can we have an update on the already existing app?
    -Add buttons to go from step 1 to stage 2

  1. Add more payment methods (Paxful has +400)

  2. Add top 5 altcoins in volume (start with Tether)

  3. for mediators:

    -Have XMR users give feedback. Through Keybase and mediation dispute. -For all support calls have an update of all cases that are still open. And what bugs need to be solved. -Read conza's suggestions:

  4. Current 0.25 BTC limit for fiat trades, should we increase it?

  5. Monero traders activate the auto-confirm on their settings.

  6. Better marketing in Developing countries where CEX are banned? (Venezuela, Nigeria, China...)

  7. Bugs: Biggest drivers for people to leave bisq:

    • Locked funds (Bitcoinj problem)
    • Chat messages not going through

- Topics for next call:

  1. Monero Feedback on what can be better. (communicate the auto-confirm tool)
  2. Mediator's comment on the weekly disputes.
  3. Get back to using the standup channel on keybase
leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2021-11-17


  1. Refund Agent's dispute issue:

    • Tickets not closing
  2. Comptroller role: -( -Do we still need the comptroller role? how much of this is automated?

  1. Mediations, support cases

  2. Review of the new dispute resolution window

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2021-12-08


  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending
  2. Discussed specific user cases and how to approach them. -( -Do we still need the comptroller role? how much of this is automated?

  1. Proposal by @pazza83 to make it easier for users to share their bisq logs:

  2. Proposal to analyze the blockchain data

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2021-12-22


DAO files get corrupted chimps looked into it, currently reviewing this case

Exception error pop up. From saving the account.

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending

-Previous proposal that have been discussed:

  1. Proposal by @pazza83 to make it easier for users to share their bisq logs:

  2. Proposal to analyze the blockchain data

- Topics for next call: Apply changes to the payment method window

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-01-12


Improvement proposal of table of penalties

We should have a weekly bullet point list to go over + goals:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending

The idea for next week is for each support team member to have a task at hand that can improve the overall experience (improving table of penalties, add information to the

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-01-26


Going over the penalties table:

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending
    • Adding Matrix notifications instead of Keybase to redirect users. . . . This goal for every week:

The idea for next week is for each support team member to have a task at hand that can improve the overall experience (improving table of penalties, add information to the

- Topics for next call:

pazza83 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-02-09


General feelings were that things are going well with support. Quiet with no major issues.

Topics discussed included:

Topics for next call:

Updates on the above

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-02-16


  1. BUGS:

    1. [LOW FEES] Users that have paid low fees in some trades seem to be due to the fact that the user is running Bisq with the DAO disabled.
  1. [Mediation Cases] Going over the penalties table:
    1. "Completely different name in a buyer payment account, a case which is missing from penalties table"
      • Be able to sign a message (show the chat log to the mediator)
      • If a user does have another bank account with the same name, that should not have a penalty.
      • Transition from Keybase to matrix (now its starting to be more active).

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending
    • Adding Matrix notifications instead of Keybase to redirect users. . . . This goal for every week:

The idea for next week is for each support team member to have a task at hand that can improve the overall experience (improving table of penalties, add information to the

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-02-23


  1. [BUGS]:

    1. Glitch on the account signing, seller appeared not to be verified when he actually was.
    2. Some penalties can't be fulfilled because the deposit is set too low.
    3. low fees bug from last week, error due to user having the DAO disabled.
    4. BSQ swap offers not takeable where maker's DAO is out of sync (because of this DAO resync popup will be re-enabled) (1. explanation is that when bsq swaps were implemented there was a bug that caused bsq users have their account age signed status published, that was solved but caused this underlying out of sync issue.)
  1. [Suggestions/Observations]:

    • Clearer dispute resolution summary
    • Have a clearer guide on how to join the How to buy your first BTC on matrix
    • Be able to sign a message (show the chat log to the mediator)
    • why do you need to restart Bisq every time DAO gets out of sync, couldn't you just adjust sync "online"? need to ask chimp. w000000t will open issue
    • Seems like less mediations are related to bugs now (sometimes though users didn't see mediator's suggestion, so need to do manual payout)
    • Burningman should be more transparent issue about them holding 4 BTC from arbitration and not buying BSQ with them, only with trade fees. It would be a good idea to decide a protocol by which BM buys/burns BSQ, sort of rules for them to follow (All support team strongly agrees)
    • some users should be able to trade directly with BM depending on situation. (reimbursements)
  2. [Mediation Cases] Going over the penalties table:

    1. "Completely different name in a buyer payment account, a case which is missing from penalties table"

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • tracking of newly implemented payment methods
    • Grin payment verification pending

. . . Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-02


  1. [BUGS]:

    1. Some account age accounts are not accurate. this is not causing any issues but worth looking into. restore signing and aging status of payment methods correcting name: keep same iban and swift and restore the salt from previous account, then account will have same age (as long as client's "public key" is the same, which will be the case if it's the same Bisq instance, otherwise it's not 100% which "public key" needs to be restored) account aging acting weird when age > 1000days
    1. how to make users join getyourfirstBTC room on matrix more easily, make the room show by default on join? (MnM covered instructions for this at )

      1. bug that makes the DAO out of sync. James will continue to look into it.
  1. [Suggestions/Observations]:
  1. [Mediation Cases]
    1. Issue with DAO not in consensus needing a restart, status is "needs to be solved, will probably be solved, for now on hold" external case where exchange locking funds allegedly "stolen", user claiming to having got them on Bisq, exchange saying it's a lie, pazza offered to help, probably user was actually malicious

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • discussion about new proposals . . . Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

100$ pay increase to support agents after 6 months (added by pazza in private support room)

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-09


  1. [BUGS]:

    1. Stuck trades need to be pushed to the donation address (arbitration). None for pazza 1 for Leo this last cycle.
    2. taker fee issue with the DAO disabled. should be solved with 1.8.4 unless users do not update.
    3. Alva looking into why some messages aren't going through so that we don't have that issue being transferred over to Bisq 2.
    4. issue still ongoing with not being able to take swap offers when maker is not in consensus
  1. [Suggestions/Observations]:

  2. [Bisq 2.0]

    • On bisq2 there are no deposits, which makes support agents/Mediators very similar. Maybe a support agent should be a bonded role? (lower bond limit required that current) they should have some skin in the game.

On bisq2: James: I wouldn't be really happy to burn that much BSQ to get a monthly subscription. Initially there is not going to be much volume, if you burn 100 BSQ then how much volume do you need to have to get that back? locking up a bond? if forces you to behave as a seller.

Bisq2 fee model: burned BSQ from sellers to be able to sell, each month, or N amount BSQ as a bond that can be unlocked in the future. No foreseeable volume in getyourfirstbtc room and so in future bisq2's version of the room; also way more risks than it makes sense.

  1. [Mediation Cases]
    1. All similar from last call: DAO disabled, messages not going through, late payment, user not answering...

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • discussion about new proposals . . . Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

  1. should bisq "hold reserves" for contributors? medium-long term plan with monthly profit?
  2. ¿Why isn't BSQ in other exchanges?



pazza83 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-16

My computer crashed last week so writing these from memory.


Topics discussed included:

Topics for next call:

Updates on the above

w0000000t commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-23

Filling in from my own notes as I noticed the notes are missing for following calls


w0000000t commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-30

See previous entry


leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-03-30


Attendants: leo, pazza, mwithm, jmacxx and w000000t

  1. [BUGS]:

    1. Stuck trades need to be pushed to the donation address (arbitration). None for pazza 1 for Leo this last cycle.
    2. lots of mediation tickets for pazza, one CBM trade where cash might be lost, + minor issues.
    3. bug where failed trades banking info is not removed after N days like with completed trades
    4. issue still ongoing with not being able to take swap offers when maker is not in consensus
    5. zelle showing problems with buyers not being able to send money, maybe related to protonmail zelle addresses
  1. [Suggestions/Observations]:
    • BSQ price keeps going down, different ideas as to why this is happening and how could this be solved. BSQ market is picking up though, maybe because of bots. A fully working API should improve this even more.
    • nothing particular last week happened, someone on TG talked about an IRC group on Bisq which is not an official venue, w000000t willtry and find outr more.
    • Twitter activity. (Miami conference with leo and m52go will give opportunities to reach out to people and increase volume on Bisq how to go about sharing twitter account with m52go)

Weekly bullet point list:

  1. Priorities/ Short term objectives
    • Mediations
    • Bugs
    • discussion about new proposals . . . Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

pazza83 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-04-13


Topics discussed included:

Topics for next call:

Updates on the above including events from the conference.

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-04-20


Attendants: leo, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx and mwithm

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-04-20


Attendants: leo, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx and mwithm

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-04-20


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx, mwithm and Refund Agent

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives


2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-06-01


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx, mwithm

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-06-09


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx, opticbit

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 2 years ago

Support call 2022-06-29


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx, mwithm

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 1 year ago

Support call 2022-07-20


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx, mwithm

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call:

leo816 commented 1 year ago

Support call 2022-07-27


Attendants: leo816, pazza, w000000t, jmacxx

Weekly bullet point list:

1. Priorities/ Short term objectives

2. Suggestions/Observations:

Future updates:

- Topics for next call: